My heart and sincerest condolences go out to his soul and his family. I wish for his family he could have been with them on Christmas, but I am sure in his spirit, he always will be there. Patricia Sanderlin, colleague
Although I didn't know Jeff personally, all it takes is a glance into his eyes to see the happiness he must have brought to his family, and to all who knew him. As a fellow employee and as a father, I'd like to reach out to him and those close to him to say that his memory will live forever within me. Dan Raihill, colleague
America is so sorry for the loss your family has been faced with. Your hometown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is here for your family and is grieving along with them. You will surely be missed and thought about often. America will never forget and we have become more united than ever. Your memory along with the other victoms will live in our hearts forever. God bless your wife and two daughters. God bless our world and God bless America.
Scott Coleman was my classmate at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. We graduated together in 1989 and lived together in the Dawes House our senior year. Scott was an accomplished scholar-athlete in the most competitive environment. He was handsome and incredibly popular. The loss of Scott as well as his brother Keith, also a Lawrentian, is devastating to our community. My deepest sympathy goes out to their family. They have suffered an unfathomable loss.
All my love and prayers, my friend. Please know that your death has brought your friends together for a purpose. You will never be forgotten. May you fly on angels' wings. Desiree Massaro, friend
We knew her as Cindy. Or Shorty to many of her friends at Rosemount High School in Montreal, Canada. We are deeply saddened to hear this kind of news. If ever there was a person who did not deserve to be taken like this, Cindy (was that person)! She was a sweet and loving person with her whole life ahead of her. She was only 40 years old. For whatever the reason, God gives and God takes away. I can only say there is an angel in heaven and you are now in God's care. May you be in eternal peace, Cindy, and know that your friends are thinking of you. We know that you will be present at the reunion on May 18, 2002 at RHS in Montreal, Quebec. Your spirit will be there among us. I want to express my deepest condolences to your family. I can't imagine the hurt they must feel to have lost such a wonderful lady. My prayers are with them for we hurt for them too. God Bless.
Dear Cindy, I was a classmate of yours in Montreal at Rosemount High. Although I didn't know you very well, I wish I did. I do, however, remember your constant smile and energy. They belied your stature in height, but not your stature in character. This was your amazing quality. I know you are in heaven and you are probably organizing all the socials. One day we will all be reunited in the even bigger high school reunion, but for now, those of us who are left behind to, mourn your sudden passing, which was like a flame of light from a candle blown out we will never forget you and your spirit and qualities and we know that heaven has a new angel named Cindy among the stars that shine above.
A day doesn't go by when you are not thought about. We were not as close as I would have like to have been with you, but through you and your spirit, the family you left behind is now growing closer. And because of this, we all now know the true meaning of family values, closeness and forgiveness. You are a hero, not only in my heart, but (for) the entire Coladonato family. It is through your spirit that we all became united once again. May you rest in peace and we all know you are looking down at us with true love and guidance. You are in our hearts and minds forever. Love, Marianne, Joe, Lauren and Alison Minuto, cousins
Margaret: Your smile always greeted me in the morning. Your uplifting voice carried me through the day. You never chased me away as I sang Christian gospel to you. May you rest with the Lord. God bless.
As a Marine (retired) of 20 years, I have seen and felt grief for fallen comrades. I now experience that same grief compounded tremendously for another fallen comrade. Sgt John A. Lopez, colleague
I think about Kirsten every day. I remember how she used to give me such great career advice. She was a very competent professional, but she also had a really goofy side. When she would get into one of her silly moods, there was no way you could avoid getting drawn into the silliness. She really loved my parents, and they were so proud of her -- personally and professionally. Kirsten and her husband were very close. You could really see how much they loved each other. And she was a devoted mother. Kirsten, we love you and we'll never stop missing you. Kaia, sister
He was a proud electrician for IBEW Local 3, who worked at the WTC, as assigned. His signature was the broad smile he wore. His sense of humor appealed to everyone. Rob looked at life to be cherished and enjoyed. The most amusing quality he possessed was his attention to doing everything in an orderly fashion and planning his "fun" days carefully, to ensure everyone would remember all the laughs shared. He performed at work with meticulous concern for each job being done "perfectly." Rob always offered his electrical skill to his friends when they needed a repair or advice. He loved his work. Rob's friends are numerous and miss him terribly. A scholarship fund has been started at the Central High School, Valley Stream, New York, to award students studying electricity, plumbing or construction. He was proud of Valley Stream families, as he knew most of them. It's been said, "you'd think he was the mayor, the way he stops to talk to everyone." Always with a smile and a kind word and anecdote to cheer their day. Your life was your thank-you gift to God. Patricia H. Fennelly, sister
I met Sol in 1984 when I was an emloyee of Alexander and Alexander. She was a kind person with a big heart who always went out of her way to help others. May she rest in peace. My deepest sympathy to her husband Benny and two daughters. Gladys Fonseca-Matos, co-worker
I got to know Soledi while working together in New York. She was a special person with a smile for everyone and a spunky attitude. She will be missed. Condolences to her family. Tim Sweeney, friend and co-worker
I interviewed with Linda for a job working just her a week before the tradegy. But even though I met her just once, I saw she was a wonderful person, someone I wanted to work with. Her star will shine forever in my heart. Catherine Tompos
She was such a nice person. I worked with her on a couple of projects, primarily by telephone, and she always had a "smile" in her voice. Nina Richman-Loo, fellow Pentagon employee
I said a prayer for you today and prayed that God will hear. I felt the answer in my heart although he spoke no word. I didn't ask for wealth or fame, i asked for treasures of a far more lasting kind - i asked for peace for Jackie and protection always for Christopher. I asked for him to hold them both in his hands. I asked for blessings for both in all things great and small, but it was his loving care for them I prayed for most of all.
Dear Lisa, I first heard of your husband's "disappearance" on the day of the attacks, and I have been thinking of you and your children and what your family must be going through ever since. Having two small children myself, my heart goes out to you and your little ones. All my sympathy. Lisa Lurkis, friend of a friend
Jack and Swede played lacrosse in high school. Both were tall, good-looking, ambitious youths. Jack was killed by a drunk driver on February 7, 1992, and Swede came to the funeral. How sad to have to continue your lacrosse game in heaven. You both would have made a difference in this world! Jack Misdom's Mom, old friend
You will never be forgotten, Sarah. You touched more than just the people you knew personally. I did not know you personally, but I will never forget you and all that you did for your students and those whose lives you touched. Your memory will forever live on.
May God bless you. You will always be remembered. I have never forgotten what a true friend you have always been. You are a true hero. Jose A. Cotty, friend
Jeannie, It's been many years since I have seen you, but you have been in my thoughts and prayers since September 11. I will always remember your smiling face and great sense of humor. God Bless Jeannie, rest in peace.
We met only a few times through our business dealings. I even had the opportunity to play golf with Jean. Although I did not know her well, I would like to offer my condolences and prayers to her family.
Dear Steve, tonight was the WSTA party, how I looked for you in the smoking room, to the right by the piano. As I walked to the Pierre Hotel, I choked back tears thinking of past parties. Who was going to remind me where my coat check ticket was? Who was going to take the train home with me? I ran into Steve W. and thanked him for talking to you when the plane hit. He, at least, got to talk to you. I am sorry that I did not call you Monday, September 10 to wish you a belated happy birthday, (and to say) that we missed lunch one too many times and "let's get together." I think of you every day. How I looked all night for you tonight, one last hug, one last kiss good night. Save a spot for me in heaven (please put in a good word for me). We have plenty to talk about when I get there. Everybody missed you tonight. You will not be forgotten! One good thing is, you did not have to put up with the Z-100 Jingle Ball crowd on the train. Love you always my friend.
I am an old friend of Cathy's, from elementary through high school. She lived next door and her parents ran the Maplewood School where my mother worked. We all grew up together and I still have some notes that a few of us passed to each other in junior high school, sharing all those crazy emotions you have as an adolescent. I always looked forward to hearing from Cathy every five years when we held our Wantagh High School Class of 1971 reunion as we did this past summer. Since Cathy had moved, we were unable to contact her but we all spoke of her then and at a mini-reunion at the end of August in Denver. I was so touched by The New York Times article on Cathy's memorial service. I will miss her enthusiastic voice -- so very full of life.
Scott Coleman was my classmate at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. We graduated together in 1989 and lived together in the Dawes House our senior year. Scott was an accomplished scholar-athlete in the most competitive environment. He was handsome and incredibly popular. The loss of Scott as well as his brother Keith, also a Lawrentian, is devastating to our community. My deepest sympathy goes out to their family. They have suffered an unfathomable loss.
All my love and prayers, my friend. Please know that your death has brought your friends together for a purpose. You will never be forgotten. May you fly on angels' wings. Desiree Massaro, friend
Tony, you were one great guy and we loved you. We know that your smile must be lighting up the heavens. We do think and talk about you a lot and you will never be forgotten.
May he rest in God's hands. He was loved by many. The best smile I ever seen. May his family not feel pain anymore and just love for their lost family member.
A day doesn't go by when you are not thought about. We were not as close as I would have like to have been with you, but through you and your spirit, the family you left behind is now growing closer. And because of this, we all now know the true meaning of family values, closeness and forgiveness. You are a hero, not only in my heart, but (for) the entire Coladonato family. It is through your spirit that we all became united once again. May you rest in peace and we all know you are looking down at us with true love and guidance. You are in our hearts and minds forever. Love, Marianne, Joe, Lauren and Alison Minuto, cousins
Kevin and I attended West Virginia University together. He was one of the most vibrant people I have ever met. We used to "make the rounds" together and visit with all of our neighbors in Sunny Side. Kevin, I will miss you. I pray for you and your family. I am very thankful that we had the chance to know you and that part of you is now part of me. Peace, brother. Steve Totaro, friend
I attended West Virginia University with Kevin back in 1991 to 1992. I hadn't spoken to him in the years to follow. However, I never forgot all the good times we all had, all the laughs that we shared. When I saw his picture on after the attacks my heart sank. If you were friends with Kevin you were friends for life. Even though we didn't speak after I left WVU, I knew he would always be a friend. Kevin, you will never be forgotten. After the tears came the smiles as I reflected on the times you made me laugh until I was sick! Forever in my heart Tiffany O'Donnell, friend
I only knew this gentleman from riding on MetroNorth train everyday to Manhattan. I never knew his name until I saw his face on the front page of the local paper. He would say hello every time I saw him. We would have a pleasant conversation about his sons and his job. One of his sons also passed in the September tragedy. For such a pleasant man to die in such a horrific manner is unimaginable. God bless him and Family.
May God bless you and your family. I also work in a private club and was horrified at the thought of what you must have gone through. I pray for your family, you and your co-workers. May the Lord keep you safe in his arms. Brad Elmore
Geoff was one of the funniest, most witty people I ever met in my life. He had a great personality and was just a wonderful guy. I will never forget him. Elizabeth McCormack, friend
Seany, thinkin about you every day. Remember the days at Long Wongs, listening to the Gin Blossoms, whatever happened to '25 Women ago'? Man we had fun. We lived life to the fullest, wish we could of had more time. Seany, you never had a bad word to say, always a smile and always an optimist. We will never forget you.
I did not know Nicholas well but my grandmother had fond memories and spoke of him and his family often. I hope his family has a safe and Happy Holiday season. Patti Baroni, family
You were a great person! You were the very first person I met at my first job on Wall Street at Wertheim Schroder 13 years ago. You and MaryEllen have been an inspiration to many. As you have departed from us, she has been an inspiration to the world. We all miss you very dearly. As the events on the eleventh of September unfolded, you were the first person that came to my mind. I'm so sorry you were a victim of such a heinous crime on our country. You'll always be a hero to all who have known you. Thank you for all your music -- it will stay with me forever! Rhonda, dear friend
Dear Lisa, I first heard of your husband's "disappearance" on the day of the attacks, and I have been thinking of you and your children and what your family must be going through ever since. Having two small children myself, my heart goes out to you and your little ones. All my sympathy. Lisa Lurkis, friend of a friend
You will never be forgotten, Sarah. You touched more than just the people you knew personally. I did not know you personally, but I will never forget you and all that you did for your students and those whose lives you touched. Your memory will forever live on.
I worked with Greg from 1994 to 1996. Along with being a great technician, I found him to be a great teacher. He explained concepts exeptionally, and his knack for telling a story was amazing. Greg always connected with people. I will always remember him. Paul Olivier, friend
Only a true caring individual like yourself would do the things you did in helping rescue all the people from the WTC. My you rest in peace wherever you may be. Your sons and daughter will be well cared for by their mothers and stepfathers while you rest. Ken Schiele, son's stepfather
May God bless you. You will always be remembered. I have never forgotten what a true friend you have always been. You are a true hero. Jose A. Cotty, friend
Missing you and thinking of you always. You are a reminder of what is precious! We will keep Caroline safe, and we will help her with her pain. Marco Torres, friend
I think about Kirsten every day. I remember how she used to give me such great career advice. She was a very competent professional, but she also had a really goofy side. When she would get into one of her silly moods, there was no way you could avoid getting drawn into the silliness. She really loved my parents, and they were so proud of her -- personally and professionally. Kirsten and her husband were very close. You could really see how much they loved each other. And she was a devoted mother. Kirsten, we love you and we'll never stop missing you. Kaia, sister
As a club employee of The University Club of Washington D.C., I was horrified to see this terrible act. May God have many blessings bestowed on your family and you. May you be safe in his arms and his comfort extend to your family and friends. Brad Elmore
I heard of his death from his nephew Pinku and felt so deeply shocked. I also heard that his wife was expecting when he died. We felt sorry that he could not see his child. May Allah bless him. Naeemul Rahman, fellow Bangladeshi
Kind sir, for all those months we flew together, for all the times you calmed us with your gentle voice, for the time we didn't have to say thank you - please accept our prayerful thanks now. Rest peacefully. Fly free with sweet angels. You are remembered always. Lynne Johnston, American flight 77 passenger for 5 months, including 9/10/01
I would like to say thank you to Sharon's family for their loved one's sacrifice for her country and fellow Americans. When I arrived home from Crystal City on September 11, one of the first people I saw on TV was Sharon's sister, pleading tearfully for her recovery. I prayed silently for her and hoped she'd be found safely. My condolences to Sharon's family, and may God make each day without your loved one easier and easier. Be assured Sharon is in a better place and is looking down at you from the heavens.
May God bless John's Family. May He guide them and give them comfort in their time of loss. May God help them financially and spiritually. I bought a mercy band with John's name on it, and I pray for him every day. T. Maine
I knew Jason as an elementary schoolmate of my son, Stephen, and as the older brother of Darren, my son Greg's friend. Jason was a warm and bubbly young man with a winning smile and exuberance in everything he did. Sincere condolences go to his parents, his sister and brother from my entire family. He will not be forgotten. Nancy Jack, old friend
I am an old friend of Cathy's, from elementary through high school. She lived next door and her parents ran the Maplewood School where my mother worked. We all grew up together and I still have some notes that a few of us passed to each other in junior high school, sharing all those crazy emotions you have as an adolescent. I always looked forward to hearing from Cathy every five years when we held our Wantagh High School Class of 1971 reunion as we did this past summer. Since Cathy had moved, we were unable to contact her but we all spoke of her then and at a mini-reunion at the end of August in Denver. I was so touched by The New York Times article on Cathy's memorial service. I will miss her enthusiastic voice -- so very full of life.
I worked with Bill at Johnson and Higgins. One of my first "real" jobs out of college. He was my mentor, teacher, friend. I learned more from him than any book ever taught me. Ever since I left J and H I told myself to call Bill, see how he is doing but something always came up. There was always tomorrow. I miss Bill. He was a warm, caring person.
I did not know Nicholas well but my grandmother had fond memories and spoke of him and his family often. I hope his family has a safe and Happy Holiday season. Patti Baroni, family
Robert, all of your fellow owners in the former "Bottom of the Fourth" fantasy baseball league will miss you. We renamed the league in your honor. God bless. Ed Reaven, friend
Suk Tan, I have known Robert Chin since 5th grade. We always had a great friendship. I will miss him very much. He always made me laugh and I always made him laugh. I will always remember Rob with a big smile on his face. He didn't need much in life to be happy. All he needed in life was good family, good friends, and a good time. He had all of these things.
May God bless you and your family. I also work in a private club and was horrified at the thought of what you must have gone through. I pray for your family, you and your co-workers. May the Lord keep you safe in his arms. Brad Elmore
We will miss your smiling face and your "Edith Bunker" voice wherever we go. The trip to the Poconos this January will be missing the best friend. We also miss call me "Harve." We love you very much. Rest in peace. Harvey and Sheryl Watkins, friends
We love you. We miss you. Hope you are at peace, in a better place. The memories will always live within us! Jennifer Markewich-Jones, girlfriend's sister
I did not know Swede, but I learned of this tragedy and his death by way of his sister-in-law in Las Vegas, Nevada. I feel fortunate that this is as close as I came to a personal loss from the September 11 disaster. However, I have also felt the loss through this small connection for all victims and their families. My condolences to Swede's family and to all those that knew him. Bob Lau, friend of a friend
Jack and Swede played lacrosse in high school. Both were tall, good-looking, ambitious youths. Jack was killed by a drunk driver on February 7, 1992, and Swede came to the funeral. How sad to have to continue your lacrosse game in heaven. You both would have made a difference in this world! Jack Misdom's Mom, old friend
I started in the brokerage industry in 1994 and met a fellow named Nestor. Nestor, at first glance was a pretty boy, a sharp dresser and always cordial. We worked together for four years before I left the firm. During those four years we partied hard, kicked the breeze and went to Christmas parties together. We've kept in touch since but just not as much. I knew his fiancee' and brother. Last year Nestor got me an interview with his boss at Cantor Fitzgerald, and said it was "in the bag." I didn't get the job and was just a little bit disappointed with Nestor. If I had gotten the job, I wouldn't be here today. My life has forever changed. Nestor, I love you man, and we all will miss you. Sean Johnson, friend
My dear brother, I miss you so much. September 11 is the worst day of my life. I lost my brother and my best friend. I love you. I will never forget you. Mauricio Chevalier, brother
I knew him for a few years. No matter the odds, he was always a good human being with a good heart. His half-sister Edwina misses him so. I have managed to get for Edwina videotapes of a program that both Jeremy and Patti, his wife, assisted in. It was called "Manhattan on the Beach." This should never have happened, and Patti is in all our thoughts.
You were a great person! You were the very first person I met at my first job on Wall Street at Wertheim Schroder 13 years ago. You and MaryEllen have been an inspiration to many. As you have departed from us, she has been an inspiration to the world. We all miss you very dearly. As the events on the eleventh of September unfolded, you were the first person that came to my mind. I'm so sorry you were a victim of such a heinous crime on our country. You'll always be a hero to all who have known you. Thank you for all your music -- it will stay with me forever! Rhonda, dear friend
To a friend who never knew he was one, to a soul whose passing will be missed. With fond memories of growing up in a small village where everyone knows who you are -- you will be missed. Have a good journey, my friend.
I went to Mariemont High School with Doug. Even though he was older and traveled in different circles, I liked him. We both grew up in a "Mayberryesque" town called Terrace Park. When I think back on Doug Cherry, I recall his pleasant demeanor and humor. God bless the Cherry families. Dan Reynolds, neighbor
I wish you could have known James. My brother James was one of the most amazing person you would every want to meet. He took care of his parents and loved his family and friends with all his heart. All that he gave to each of us came from his heart. At James' memorial, over 1,000 people filled the church that not everyone could find a place to sit, some had to stand outside the church. It is only a reflection of what James gave to the people around him. I believe that God gave James such a wonderful life because he knew that James' time here on earth would be short. James will never die, because we each carry a part of him to make sure that his name and legacy lives. Just as the love will never end, neither will our pain and sadness that James is no longer here. He has been called home to God. We, his family who remain here now wait to go home to him. We know that James will be the face that we see when the doors of heaven have opened for us. Then and only then will the Cartier Family will be whole again.
Kind sir, for all those months we flew together, for all the times you calmed us with your gentle voice, for the time we didn't have to say thank you - please accept our prayerful thanks now. Rest peacefully. Fly free with sweet angels. You are remembered always. Lynne Johnston, American flight 77 passenger for 5 months, including 9/10/01
Mark was the "best of class"; he achieved the distinction of being the best in his field -- no one in the insurance industry knew more about construction risk and OCIP programs than Mark. I am glad that I got to know him as a client. I hope his family finds peace and solace during this holiday season.
She was such a nice person. I worked with her on a couple of projects, primarily by telephone, and she always had a "smile" in her voice. Nina Richman-Loo, fellow Pentagon employee
He's the same age as I am, and I couldn't imagine being that brave. I'm not an American, but I've lived here for a while. In many ways it's like home. I'll never forget how I felt that day. The kid's a hero. Andy
Birthday Wishes to Swarna. Swarna Chalasani, MBA, CFA worked as a vice president in investment research at Fiduciary Trust. She is being lovingly remembered on her birthday, December 30, by her family, friends and relatives. In spite of the usual limitations she encountered like every immigrant, Swarna remained steadfast to her goals. Her aspiration to reach for higher things, her desire to be happy in all circumstances, her earnest efforts in reaching out to people, and, above all, her spirit of adventure made her life meaningful. True to her nature, Swarna always provided a nurturing and stimulating atmosphere, wherever she was. Spirit, being immortal, Swarna must be currently smiling, praying, helping, counseling, giving, sharing and trying to let us know that there is no such thing as "death," but only a change to a higher plane if we aspire for it. Happy Birthday to you, dear Swarna! God bless Swarna and all the victims of the World Trade Center. Rao Chalasani, brother
May God bless John's Family. May He guide them and give them comfort in their time of loss. May God help them financially and spiritually. I bought a mercy band with John's name on it, and I pray for him every day. T. Maine
I was watching CNN this afternoon when they mentioned the memorial. I began to scroll and read names and look at the faces. It is unimaginable the sorrow these families are feeling. I chose Jason's picture to click on because he was one of many my age. I just wanted to express my symapthy to his family and friends. I can't say that I know how you feel because I don't. I can only say that his picture caught my attention and that even though he is gone now, he is still being noticed and thought of. God bless Jason and those who love him. Blair Ramsey
I knew Jason as an elementary schoolmate of my son, Stephen, and as the older brother of Darren, my son Greg's friend. Jason was a warm and bubbly young man with a winning smile and exuberance in everything he did. Sincere condolences go to his parents, his sister and brother from my entire family. He will not be forgotten. Nancy Jack, old friend
We started out in this business at the same time and we shared a lot of laughs and a lot of beers. As our careers grew, we spoke less often but when we did speak it was always a warm and enjoyable conversation.
One of the best decisions of my life was to pledge Sigma Beta fraternity. Judd was skiing in Colorado when I pledged the house. I could feel he was deeply admired, and that his return was highly anticipated. When I met him, I could understand why. He was one of the most original, laid-back, personable people I have met. Simply a great guy! Over the years his stories and his words of inspiration played a huge role in my life. I never got to thank Judd. Thank you for shaping my life in such an enormous way. Jamie Giunta, fraternity brother
Bob, we will always miss your smile and your zest for life. You brought joy to all who had the good fortune of knowing you. Debby and Bill Ross, friends
He was a proud electrician for IBEW Local 3, who worked at the WTC, as assigned. His signature was the broad smile he wore. His sense of humor appealed to everyone. Rob looked at life to be cherished and enjoyed. The most amusing quality he possessed was his attention to doing everything in an orderly fashion and planning his "fun" days carefully, to ensure everyone would remember all the laughs shared. He performed at work with meticulous concern for each job being done "perfectly." Rob always offered his electrical skill to his friends when they needed a repair or advice. He loved his work. Rob's friends are numerous and miss him terribly. A scholarship fund has been started at the Central High School, Valley Stream, New York, to award students studying electricity, plumbing or construction. He was proud of Valley Stream families, as he knew most of them. It's been said, "you'd think he was the mayor, the way he stops to talk to everyone." Always with a smile and a kind word and anecdote to cheer their day. Your life was your thank-you gift to God. Patricia H. Fennelly, sister
Seany, thinkin about you every day. Remember the days at Long Wongs, listening to the Gin Blossoms, whatever happened to '25 Women ago'? Man we had fun. We lived life to the fullest, wish we could of had more time. Seany, you never had a bad word to say, always a smile and always an optimist. We will never forget you.