Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Linda M. George

Although I did not know Linda closely, whenever I did see her she radiated happiness and compassion.

Jennifer Gunderman-King, fellow college alumna

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Martin Giovinazzo

God bless you, Martin.

Jean Taylor, friend

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Martin Giovinazzo

May your Angel wings fly high and know how much you touched all the lives around you especially with your kindness. You are thought of and I know are missed deeply. May God Bless your family and children who you now live in. May you rest in peace knowing you are a hero and will never be forgotten.

Michele DiPreta, friend

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Ronald Gilligan

I worked with Ron many years ago. He was a great person, an extremely hard worker and especially proud of his family.
Ed Peterson, friend

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Laura A. Giglio

From the Stevensons of Freeport, New York,

We will miss you.

We remember you when you were growing up.

You were a very joyous person

and especially at Cassandra's wedding you were the life of the party.

Lylia Sean, Kevin ,Frank and Christopher Stevenson, friends

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Craig Neil Gibson

Rest in peace Craigy. Sorry we lost touch over the past few years. Our cricket days with the Clovelly team remain dear to all the players from the mid-90's. You were a talented and competitive sportsman and I enjoyed your company. Thank you for the memories.

Paul Sunshine, former teammate

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Craig Neil Gibson

This was a guy you would have on your team whatever the challenge was. I only knew him for a short time but he was always a pleasure to have a chat with. He was a keen soccer player and he never shirked responsibility. HE always had a point of view and will be sorely missed by people who knew him.

Gordon McGinn, friend

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Brenda C. Gibson

I don't know you. I see your face and I do. You remind me of my mother. A warm kind and caring individual. May God take you to his abode and ease the pain and suffering you and your families have felt. I hope that the sacrifice you have made may make this world in some way a better place.

Dennis B. Murrain

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Susan M. Getzendanner

Rest in peace, God Bless

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Julie M. Geis

Julie was a very valuable member of the community. She was an avid Nebraska Cornhusker fan and an outstanding softball player for Nebraska.

Kirk Stanford

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Marina R. Gertsberg

Marina was a kind, genuine person who stood by her friends. Not a day goes by when I am free of the tragedy or do not think of the sorrow her family must bear. Marina, thank you for being part of my life.

Joel Stein, high school boyfriend

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Marina R. Gertsberg

Marina was a smart and beautiful young woman, inside and out. She had her whole life ahead of her and many more amazing things to offer the world. Marina was a dear and cherished part of the lives of her friends and family. She was the only child of parents who adore her, and she was a friend who could fill a very dark day with warmth, support and laughter. Marina's eyes were unbelievably striking in their purity, honesty and wealth of emotion -- the windows to her soul. Her eyes, her smile, her whole being, lit up any room she entered. We will carry her memory with us everyday.

Julie Kogan, friend

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Marina R. Gertsberg

She was a leader. A true friend, girlfriend and daughter. Everyone loved her who knew her. Everyone aknowledged her who didn't know her. You couldn't miss those baby blue eyes. They lit up the room every time she was in it. At 25 and full of life, she had a smile that made your heart glow. She was a unique individual who lived life as if it was her last and loved life to its fullest. She was brilliant, confident, catty and in-your-face. She was a maid of honor at my wedding on September 8th, three days before her tragic death. It was like her own wedding, although she never lived to see that day. She will be missed immensely, she will be loved, and she will always remain in the hearts of people she left behind.

Clara Mazepa, friend

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Marina R. Gertsberg

This is to you, Marina, for teaching me to make every moment matter and not allowing time to lapse or having unfinished business linger. I love you as a dear friend and a sister. All that you have shared with me will live in my heart as you will, forever.

Regina, friend

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Suzanne Geraty

I will always remember your smile. You lit up a room with your bubbly personality and calm friendly nature. Those who knew you were truly blessed. Peace, love and prayers to you.

Ilena Fitzpatrick, former teacher

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Linda M. George

Although I did not know Linda closely, whenever I did see her she radiated happiness and compassion.

Jennifer Gunderman-King, fellow college alumna

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James M. Gartenberg

Some of my most vivid and wonderful memories of my childhood include time spent with Jimmy, whether at each other's houses, in the neighborhood or at school ... Rest in peace, Jimmy. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to my life.

Allison Horn, childhood friend

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Julie M. Geis

I wanted to say that I am very sorry for all you had to endure. All of Lee's Summit is praying for you and your family.

Christy Carty, neighbor

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Julie M. Geis

Julie was a very valuable member of the community. She was an avid Nebraska Cornhusker fan and an outstanding softball player for Nebraska.

Kirk Stanford

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Godwin Forde

Elaine, Godwin's sister, goes to the same church as me. I did not know Godwin, but I've seen Elaine's courage in facing this horrible event. Clearly ,the whole family must be people of character and are handling the unthinkable with great dignity. May he rest in peace.

Mark Templer, friend of sister

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William Arthur Gardner

Billy, even though we have not seen each other for over 10 years, you leaving us has made a great impact on my life. I will always remember the laughter and fun we had.

Al Sanchez, friend

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Bradley James Fetchet

Brad was a great person to know. He had it all -- smart, good-looking and a great personality. He will be greatly missed by all of us who crossed his path over the years.

Todd Smith, fellow high school student

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Robert J. Foti

Bob was a hero long before September 11. About four years ago when I was picking up my daughter from the Epiphany School on East 22nd Street, I saw a truck that was on fire, rolling down Second Avenue. It was veering toward 22nd Street. Bob was at the school picking up his kids. He saw the truck; he ran to it, opened the door, looking for the driver, who had gotten out of the truck blocks away, when it first caught on fire. He turned the ignition off,the truck stopped and a tragedy was averted. There were many kids due to come out of school at that time. The truck could have crashed into parked cars on the block. He ran into that truck that was on fire and smoking profusely. He did not give a thought to his own safety. I was in awe of his response. I called his house that night to thank him for being a hero. I am so glad that I thanked him for that day. Thank you, Bob, for all the days that you did your job heroically. Rest in peace.

Maryellen Teaman, friend

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Keith G. Fairben

Thank you Keith for everything you have done. You expressed your true self by your actions and especially through helping people. I am grateful to have known you.

Matthew Downs, friend

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Brigette Ann Esposito

I never met Bridgette, but she has been on my mind ever since I saw her father on CNN talking about her several days after the attack. He really touched my heart as he talked about her. She helped so many people and seemed to really care. I heard her father speak of how she often went to nursing homes to visit the elderly. I have prayed very much for her. God came down to Earth that day and took with him many angels, and Bridgette was one of them.

Kathy Bonds

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Andre G. Fletcher

We never met, but we share a name. Maybe in the distant past we shared an ancestor. My thought and prayers are with you.

Marilee Fletcher

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Donald Richard Gavagan Jr.

I will always remember Donald as he was when we were growing up. A funny, bright, carefree spirit who loved life. May God bless his family with the strength to carry on.

Michelle Turchio (Lamanno), childhood friend

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1st Lt. (Ret.) Richard P. Gabriel Sr.

Our most sincere condolences go out to the Gabriel family and all those who knew

and loved Richard.

Sean and Leslie Brew, cousins

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Thomas Foley

A person more full of love and life you will never meet. For those of you who did not know Tommy (which there aren't many of you!), it is truly a shame you were not as blessed as we were to have him in your lives. For those of us who knew and loved him, we are grateful for the many wonderful memories he left us with. What a true gift he was. I can still see his dancing Irish eyes and hear his warm, contagious laughter. That is how I best remember him. He was a giver, never a taker. One of his favorite things to do often was to sit up on top of a mountain near his home, at night when all were asleep. He would "watch over everyone" and pray that we, his friends and family, were all okay. That was his main concern - everyone else.

He loved to be "one with nature" and had a real sense of the outdoors. He just LOVED nature. We would sit and talk about it up there at that mountain of his. I learned a great deal from Tom Foley over the past 11 years. I certainly could never write even half of our great times, but he knows what he has done for me to make me a better person... and I love him and will never forget him for it. I miss you, Tommy. I am so proud of you. You will be in my heart until we dance again.

"I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss The Dance..."

Marianne, ex-girlfriend and friend

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Thomas Gardner

My heart and prayers go out to Your Family. I recently purchased a Mercy Band with your name on it and I will wear it in your honor and in remembrance of you and all of the brave firefighters and police officers and citizens that gave their lives trying to rescue the victims of 9/11/01.

Judy Tullis

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Deanna L. Galante

I would like to send a tribute to a special young lady that will be missed dearly and we will always keep her and the many others in our hearts and in our prayers forever.

Jacobi Young, friend

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Terence D. Gazzani

Our thoughts and prayers will be with Terry and with his wonderful parents for the rest of our lives. Their example, their love and gratefulness during this tragic time, have truly humbled all all of us beyond description. May God be most generous to them from this day to the end of eternity, and may they one day be united with their son in heaven.

Santagata family, friends of Terry and his parents

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Peter Alan Gay

A great man and a great friend of my father. Will be missed greatly.

John T. Farrell, family friend

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Bruce Gary

Dear Bruce, you will always be in our hearts. You truly are a great man and a hero. We miss you, and you will never be forgotten.

Samantha and Joel Bloom, friends

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Boyd A. Gatton

Know that I think of you everyday. You will always be in my heart.

Monique, friend

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Thomas Edward Galvin

Through my Lutheran Church, I was given Mr. Galvin's name and I will be praying for him and his family for many years to come. He is now a permanent part of my prayer circle. I hope his family can feel the warmth and strength of God through my prayers.

Katharine Weber

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Marlyn C. Garcia

I was in New York once and met Miss Marlyn. She is a beautiful person and it is a very sad loss. May God bless her soul!

Theresa Bates, associate

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Peter J. Ganci Jr.

I am truly sorry for your loss, and we all know he and every other man that went in there are above. I knew Mr. Ganci from Little League baseball. ... I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss, and hopefully we will end this war soon.

Spc. Jason C. Marshall, friend

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Daniel James Gallagher

I first met Reds in April 1996 when I and some friends had tickets to a Dave Matthews concert in Virginia. He was a friend of a friend and a huge Dave fan. Reds went to the concert with us, and we had the best time ever. He and I automatically became friends. After the concert, I ran into him many times at different parties. He was always so happy to see me and I him. I remember running into him about five or six months ago in Allentown at Crocodile Rock's. I introduced him to my fiance'. He said how happy he was for me and told my fiance' that he was very lucky. Reds was an incredible guy. One that I will never forget and will miss very much.

Erin P. McCormick, friend

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Andrew Fredericks

I was very saddened to hear about Andrew's death. His bravery on September 11 should be an example for all to follow. He risked his life for others. A task so great that not everyone would be able to do. He will be greatly missed.

Jason Discini, former neighbor

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Terence D. Gazzani

Unfortunately, I didn't know you, but I know your friend Mike who loves and misses you.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Mandy, friend of a friend

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Terence D. Gazzani

Our thoughts and prayers will be with Terry and with his wonderful parents for the rest of our lives. Their example, their love and gratefulness during this tragic time, have truly humbled all all of us beyond description. May God be most generous to them from this day to the end of eternity, and may they one day be united with their son in heaven.

Santagata family, friends of Terry and his parents

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Peter Alan Gay

A great man and a great friend of my father. Will be missed greatly.

John T. Farrell, family friend

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Donald Richard Gavagan Jr.

I will always remember Donald as he was when we were growing up. A funny, bright, carefree spirit who loved life. May God bless his family with the strength to carry on.

Michelle Turchio (Lamanno), childhood friend

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Boyd A. Gatton

Know that I think of you everyday. You will always be in my heart.

Monique, friend

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Bruce Gary

Dear Bruce, you will always be in our hearts. You truly are a great man and a hero. We miss you, and you will never be forgotten.

Samantha and Joel Bloom, friends

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Jeffrey L. Fox

I met Jeff in July, 1998, when I joined the First Union brokerage team in Richmond, Virginia. Although we did not interact on a daily basis, he made my experience at First Union a positive one. Anyone who ever had the pleasure of working/interacting with Jeff agrees. My heart goes out to all his family and friends. He is, and will always be, missed terribly.

Beth A. Stens

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Matthew David Garvey

I wanted to let the families and friends of Matthew Garvey know that I have a MERCY band, engraved with his name on it. I wear this band daily to remind me of the sacrifice that such a brave man made for people he probably never met. May God bless Mr. Garvey and those who will never forget him.
Bob Budlong

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Matthew David Garvey

I Knew Mattew Garvey as a Marine with the 6th Communication Battalion, Alpha company. He was not only a great Fire Fighter but an Outstanding Marine. My thoughts go out to those that ever met Mattew Garvey it is a Great loss to all.
Richard Finch, former Marine

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James Andrew Gadiel

To my friend James: I can't remember the exact moment we met, but I do remember all of the fun we had: Christmas Weekend freshman year, Lip Sync (remember that skirt?), hanging around the SNu house, introducing you to my "little sister," and spending hours in the C-School. You were always the life of the party and always a good friend. I already miss you -- your smile, your laugh -- and I can't wait until we meet again. Until then, I'll keep you in my heart and I thank you for all of the memories.

Erika Cassutti, college friend

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James M. Gartenberg

Some of my most vivid and wonderful memories of my childhood include time spent with Jimmy, whether at each other's houses, in the neighborhood or at school ... Rest in peace, Jimmy. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to my life.

Allison Horn, childhood friend

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Francesco Garfi

I knew Franky and the Garfi family since I was five. Like his father and brother, Franky always had a tremendous sense of humor, and was a pleasure to be around. His senseless death in the prime of his life has left a scar on me and is something that I will carry for the rest of my life. My condolences to the Garfi family and may God bless you all.

Erik Tomasi, friend

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Alan Wayne Friedlander

Dear Dad: We all Love You and miss you so terribly much! Roger told us your heroic story, and I want you to know you are the biggest hero in my life. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it. We can't wait to see you in heaven again. God bless you.

Steven Alan Friedlander, son

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William Arthur Gardner

Billy, even though we have not seen each other for over 10 years, you leaving us has made a great impact on my life. I will always remember the laughter and fun we had.

Al Sanchez, friend

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Thomas Gardner

My heart and prayers go out to Your Family. I recently purchased a Mercy Band with your name on it and I will wear it in your honor and in remembrance of you and all of the brave firefighters and police officers and citizens that gave their lives trying to rescue the victims of 9/11/01.

Judy Tullis

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Jeffrey B. Gardner

A man, a true gentleman, with unlimited potential and a generous, loving heart that so many can never achieve. He, from age 6, is and always will be my friend. We miss him ... very much.
Anthony C. Nittolo, friend

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Jeffrey B. Gardner

I knew Jeff as a little boy and always remember him having a twinkle in his eye. My mom would tell me what adventure Jeff was involved in now and I was so proud to hear what a fine young man Jeff had grown into. I am so sorry that I didn't have an opportunity to know him as an adult. I know Jeff touched many lives through his words and deeds and will be remembered fondly.
Pam Giordano, family friend

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Jeffrey B. Gardner

No words can describe Jeff. His life was filled to the brim with helping people to be the best they can be. His spirit was rich, his emotions honest, his actions sincere. We laughed often. He cared deeply for my family and friends. We shared 20 years of our lives together. Many adventures were had. Forever he will be with me and my family on our adventures forward.
Owen Burns, friend

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Jeffrey B. Gardner

You were an angel on earth. It's good to know you'll now be watching us from above.
Linda (Nudelman) Donahue, friend

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Morton Frank

I had the best time growing up with you. You gave me chicken pox. Although we had not seen each other for years, I am heartbroken. I will miss you. The Needleman's will always remember you playing with Buttons and her licking your face.

Heidi Needleman, friend and neighbor

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Clyde Frazier Jr.

Thank you for being my best friend for 25 years. Until we meet again for more laughs and good times.

Allen, friend

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Marlyn C. Garcia

I was in New York once and met Miss Marlyn. She is a beautiful person and it is a very sad loss. May God bless her soul!

Theresa Bates, associate

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Andrew Garcia

To a hero in the finest words a United [Airlines] employee can express: The family here at the flight center is deeply saddened by your loss. May the good Lord bless you and your family and protect you in times of emotional need.

Bobby Davis, UAL employee

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Claude Michael Gann

He was the coolest worship leader in our church and in the whole wide world. He was an inspiration and paragon of true Christianity. He was one of the nicest and most generous people I have ever met.

Tina & Matt, friends

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Claude Michael Gann

Although I did not know Mike, I knew his sister from high school. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family for this tragic lost. May God bless you all.

Becky (Bush) Chase

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Claude Michael Gann

I didn't know Mike that well, but we both shared a love for our kids, which we discussed several times. We both had suffered being separated from our kids through divorce and I was impressed with his devotion to them.

Rich Millett, former co-worker

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Claude Michael Gann

Mike, none of us have forgotten you. I promise to do my part as a friend to make sure this doesn't happen again.

John, high school classmate

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Peter J. Ganci Jr.

I didn't know you, but I am praying for you and your family. Words cannot really express how grateful I am for your courage and love for other people.

Nancy Ann Gilgeours

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Peter J. Ganci Jr.

I am truly sorry for your loss, and we all know he and every other man that went in there are above. I knew Mr. Ganci from Little League baseball. ... I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss, and hopefully we will end this war soon.

Spc. Jason C. Marshall, friend

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Ronald Gamboa

The picture of this father and his son breaks my heart. There is no doubt in my mind that during the last frightful moments of his life, this little boy's parents covered and comforted him with love. I extend my very deepest sympathy to the survivors of this young family.

Mike Burke

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Giovanna (Genni) Gambale

We are all better people for having known Gennie! There are not many people who can say they knew a true angel - Gennie's friends can! We miss you Gennie...

Katy O'Reilly, friend

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Giovanna (Genni) Gambale

I last saw a few years ago Gennie at a reunion for a special high school program we were in. Although we had lost touch, I really never expected that to be the last time I would see her. I am deeply saddened by this and all the losses. God bless Gennie and all the other victims of 9/11.

Hal A. Koplin, friend

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Giovanna (Genni) Gambale

I knew Genni in Junior High and High School in Brooklyn, NY. I only recently found out about her death from a mutual friend of ours who I had lost touch with. I remember Gennie as being a caring, compassionate young woman who always looked out for her friends. We often shared conversations about the New York Mets.

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Thomas Edward Galvin

Through my Lutheran Church, I was given Mr. Galvin's name and I will be praying for him and his family for many years to come. He is now a permanent part of my prayer circle. I hope his family can feel the warmth and strength of God through my prayers.

Katharine Weber

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Noel J. Foster

Noel, you are always a brother. Whenever you did a favor for me, I would say, "I owe you one." You would say, "Just do the same for somebody else someday." Goodbye, Noel J.

John Franey, friend

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Cono E. Gallo

As someone who has lost a sibling, I know your sister and family misses you very much! I hope you have joined your loved ones in Heaven and all your suffering has been left behind.

Diane Alfieri, family friend

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Cono E. Gallo

Although I didn't know you personally, I have known your family for years. I am a lifelong resident of Greenpoint, and have eaten in the family's restaraunt on many occasions. My family and I keep you and your family in our prayers. May God hold you in the palm of His hand, and guide the Gallo family through these dark times. May God bless you all.

John Luckey, friend

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Christopher Hugh Forsythe

Dear Chris, Having spent a few years working and living together in Madrid, I will never forget the times we had together. You are always on our minds. Miss you and love you forever, Ben, Leah y Los Ninos.

Alberto Bensusan, friend

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Daniel James Gallagher

"Reds" to all of his friends. "Dan" to his family. He was a truly special friend. It is an absolute tragedy to lose someone with such generosity and love for others. You will truly be missed. I will see you when I get there. "A friend is always good to have. So glad our paths crossed this time today. Celebrate we will, for life is short but sweet for certain"

Tom Sudders, friend

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Daniel James Gallagher

I first met Reds in April 1996 when I and some friends had tickets to a Dave Matthews concert in Virginia. He was a friend of a friend and a huge Dave fan. Reds went to the concert with us, and we had the best time ever. He and I automatically became friends. After the concert, I ran into him many times at different parties. He was always so happy to see me and I him. I remember running into him about five or six months ago in Allentown at Crocodile Rock's. I introduced him to my fiance'. He said how happy he was for me and told my fiance' that he was very lucky. Reds was an incredible guy. One that I will never forget and will miss very much.

Erin P. McCormick, friend

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Ryan D. Fitzgerald

I went to high school with Ryan at Holy Cross in Flushing, New York. I remember the first day I met him in freshman year like it was yesterday. I lost touch with him after graduating high school but always considered him a friend. I found out a month ago, in November, that Ryan was lost in this unspeakable horror. My sympathy goes to his family.

Sean Greeley, high school classmate

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Deanna L. Galante

I would like to send a tribute to a special young lady that will be missed dearly and we will always keep her and the many others in our hearts and in our prayers forever.

Jacobi Young, friend

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James Andrew Gadiel

The well-loved son of a fine father and stepmother.

John Donovan, parents' friend

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James Andrew Gadiel

To my friend James: I can't remember the exact moment we met, but I do remember all of the fun we had: Christmas Weekend freshman year, Lip Sync (remember that skirt?), hanging around the SNu house, introducing you to my "little sister," and spending hours in the C-School. You were always the life of the party and always a good friend. I already miss you -- your smile, your laugh -- and I can't wait until we meet again. Until then, I'll keep you in my heart and I thank you for all of the memories.

Erika Cassutti, college friend

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1st Lt. (Ret.) Richard P. Gabriel Sr.

I had the pleasure of working with Rich at General Foods. When I heard that he was

killed, I was saddened by his loss. Rich was bright, energetic and always fun

to be with. I will miss him.

Lowell Robinson, colleague

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1st Lt. (Ret.) Richard P. Gabriel Sr.

Our most sincere condolences go out to the Gabriel family and all those who knew

and loved Richard.

Sean and Leslie Brew, cousins

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Fredric Gabler

Bugger -- we miss you every day. Rest in peace, brother.

Erik Greenberger, friend

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Fredric Gabler

Our sons were fraternity brothers at Cornell. As a parent of a son the same age as your Fredric, I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your loss and grief. I just wanted to let you know I think of you often and wish you peace.

Elizabeth Stokes, mother of a fraternity brother

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Stephen J. Fiorelli

I will always remember Stephen from my youth and when I worked at the World Trade Center. He was always kind and thoughtful. He was like my "big" friend who protected me when we were in grade school in St. Ann's. Later on in life, I would meet him on the ferryboat from Staten Island to the city and we would talk and update each other on how our lives were going. I pray for him and his family and I know that he is now in heaven. Peace to you, Stephen.

Terence O'Donnell, friend

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Karleton D.B. Fyfe

I met Karleton while I was an intern at Fidelity Investments back in 1992. After my assignment, I was moved to a different area and hardly saw any of the people that I had worked with during my intership. It had been a few years since I thought about my intership days. When I first saw Karleton's name in the newspaper it brought back images of a person who made our days at Fidelity a little brighter. Karleton's fun-loving personality and love of life were infectious. I'm still contagious ... thanks Karleton.

Tina Petruzziello, co-worker

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Gregg J. Froehner

We moved from Chester to Phoenix. Our hearts were broken by the tragedies of 9/11. Our love and support to all the victims families and friends, especially our previous neighbors.
Dan Scott, neighbor

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Andrew K. Friedman

Dad, I really love you. I will never forget you. You will be in my heart forever.

Daniel Friedman, son

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Alan Wayne Friedlander

Dear Dad: We all Love You and miss you so terribly much! Roger told us your heroic story, and I want you to know you are the biggest hero in my life. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it. We can't wait to see you in heaven again. God bless you.

Steven Alan Friedlander, son

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Arlene E. Fried

It was always such a joy to work with you, Arlene! Your smile that always greeted me as I peeked into your office was refreshing. I was always bringing a really difficult problem to you. That smile made things much easier for me. I miss you and am so sad that you are no longer with us.

Charles K. Gonzales, co-worker

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Andrew Fredericks

I first met Andy when I joined the Monsey, New York, Fire Department. He was an instructor at the RCFTC (Rockland County Fire Training Center). I thought that it was strange when he told us that we were all "brothers" now. I did not know these people -- most were complete strangers to me. That was the first of many lessons I learned in "Essentials" and future classes I was to take with him. Andy was a man who taught but wanted to know of any new information about firefighting. This world should only be lucky enough to have people like Andy. In my opinion, Andrew Fredricks was not just a husband, father, firefighter, instructor, lecturer or an author. He Is an American hero.

Brian P. McGarry, volunteer firefighter

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Andrew Fredericks

I was very saddened to hear about Andrew's death. His bravery on September 11 should be an example for all to follow. He risked his life for others. A task so great that not everyone would be able to do. He will be greatly missed.

Jason Discini, former neighbor

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Clyde Frazier Jr.

Thank you for being my best friend for 25 years. Until we meet again for more laughs and good times.

Allen, friend

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Richard K. Fraser

Rich, you were a great friend, father and husband. You are greatly missed and will never be forgotten.

John Baxter, close friend

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Morton Frank

I had the best time growing up with you. You gave me chicken pox. Although we had not seen each other for years, I am heartbroken. I will miss you. The Needleman's will always remember you playing with Buttons and her licking your face.

Heidi Needleman, friend and neighbor

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Pauline Francis

Mama "P." Yep, that is what I called her for the 10 years I worked at Cantor. She was always looking out for us. When we had free food, she wanted "her" boys to eat. Mama P, you will be missed. I will always remember you in your long blue velvet dress at my first Cantor Christmas party. I will always remember your wonderful personality, your smile and your grace. Mama, rest with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Love, DOC.

David Bellows, co-worker, friend

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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