My family will be praying for your family this time around the holidays and always. I didn't know Jacquelyn, but no doubt she shared a lot of love with her family, friends, and coworkers. Remember that God had her here for a purpose and he saw fit for her work to be done on this earth. I know that she will be missed. Oreatha Johnson
I just wish to express to Jacquelyn's family my deepest and sincere sorrow for the loss of this individual. I am overwhelmed with sorrow as I viewed this person. I just want her family to know that people in America do care and are lost for adequate words in expressing our sadness.
Dear Jackie, It is with so much sadness that I read and write this memorial. When I think of you I think of your bright smile, and of how you always asked about my family. You have a warm heart and I'll never forget you. As the rest of our friends lost at WTC, I'll carry you in my heart always.To Lafayette and Jackie's sisters, my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless Jackie and all of you. Love and Peace, Nancy Gonzalez, Friend and co-worker
I am a Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteer. I went to New York to help with the feeding being done by the Salvation Army. While there I took a picture of Andy's picture on one of the memorials. I have been using his picture to represent all the victims in presentations I have been doing about the disaster. His picture just caught my attention. I am asking people to pray for his family and all the other families that will be celebrating a difficult Christmas. May God bless his family during this time.
Peter was attending a conference at Windows on the World on Sept. 11. He was 25 and worked for Bloomberg L.P. He lived in New York City. Elizabeth Alderman, Mother
The thing that I remember and cherish most about Trudi is her sense of humor. When I think of her and the time that we spent together, I'd say that at least 90 percent of it was spent laughing. I am thankful for the memeories and pictures that I have. I miss her very much. Robyn V. Wilson, friend
Like the rest of us, Gary was just an overgrown kid, reluctant to say goodbye to a game he loved. Thinking back, it must have been funny to the casual observer to see the twelve members of "The Gunners" storm into our favorite post-game watering hole, uniforms caked with mud, to relive the glory of the past few hours. In our own inconsequential way, we were a force--a group of friends that, in the company of each other, felt acutely alive. That's how I'll remember Gary. As a tough, yet lighthearted part of a very special band of brothers.God Bless You, Gary.
I didn't know Gary all that well, but what I did know, I liked a helluva lot. We played together on a touch football team for five years in the Yorkville Sports Association League. Trivial as that may sound, I often recall those Sunday afternoons on the fields of Grand Street or Central Park as some of the happiest times I've spent in New York.
How beautiful heaven must be to invite a wonderful soul to its pure richness. The moment in life where all seems to have been lost engraves itself in our thoughts forever. Royan Strachan
I am a Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteer. I went to New York to help with the feeding being done by the Salvation Army. While there I took a picture of Andy's picture on one of the memorials. I have been using his picture to represent all the victims in presentations I have been doing about the disaster. His picture just caught my attention. I am asking people to pray for his family and all the other families that will be celebrating a difficult Christmas. May God bless his family during this time.
Bless his soul. He worked so hard to make a better life for himself and his family only to have the dream destroyed by hatred. I hope he is at peace now and that his family can find peace and happiness in his memory. Alissian
The thing that I remember and cherish most about Trudi is her sense of humor. When I think of her and the time that we spent together, I'd say that at least 90 percent of it was spent laughing. I am thankful for the memeories and pictures that I have. I miss her very much. Robyn V. Wilson, friend
Bless his soul. He worked so hard to make a better life for himself and his family only to have the dream destroyed by hatred. I hope he is at peace now and that his family can find peace and happiness in his memory. Alissian
Terrance , We will miss your smile, your kind heart, your energy that pulsed like the tightest Def Jam beats, and of course that sweet jumper! Big Up and see you in another place, in another time! My prayers go out to you and your family. Dave Shumate, former co-worker
Terrance , We will miss your smile, your kind heart, your energy that pulsed like the tightest Def Jam beats, and of course that sweet jumper! Big Up and see you in another place, in another time! My prayers go out to you and your family. Dave Shumate, former co-worker
I didn't know him. but as I'm going through the names and reading the tributes, I didn't see anything about you that anyone had written and I'm here shaking like a leaf. God bless your soul and rest in peace, you will not be forgotten.
David was a man who was devoted to his daughter Adrienne, his mother Carmen and father Frank, his sister Leslie. He was also devoted to and loved by his friends and by his fiance, Felice Chaifetz. He was a man who touched everyone with his laughter, wit, charm and his smile could light up a room. His compassion for the less fortunate inspired him to ride the 120-mile bike rides to raise money for charities including MS and cancer research. His daughter was his focus as he watched her play soccer from elementary school through the college level at Holy Cross. He was an adventurer who loved life and an avid sports enthusiast. He will be remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing him, and loving him. His memory will live in our hearts forever. Ciao, te amo
May Allah protect and guide Shabbir's family. The cowards that did this are a disgrace to humanity. I pray for your soul. Aamir Nooruddin, lost brother
Joanne was an acquaintance back in the early 1990s at Stony Brook University. She was friendly and smart, and I'm sorry not to have heard better news. David Solis, acquaintance
I feel compelled to express how sorry I am about Joanne. I didn't know her personally but she is the cousin of a friend here in Toronto. I can only imagine the pain of her family and the families of all the other victims. I can offer you no comfort, just my humble prayers. Kelly McMartin, family friend
A symbol of Greek presence in America, an ambassador of the best of Greek virtues in the United States. In your footsteps others shall follow as you have not gone in vain.
The light that shined in those beautiful eyes, was extinguished here but for a time. When on Heaven Seas we first arrive, we again see that light within those eyes.
Although I never knew you and never will your picture has touched me deeply. In your eyes the pain of 9-11 comes to me as a haunting dream. The youth and beauty that was taken from the world by your light being extinguished has made all of mankind the worse. I know your family must be devastated, for I know one such as you surely was loved greatly. In another life you now reside for ever away from the evil of this world. Rest with ever lasting peace.
Joanne, You don't know me but as a fellow Greek, I feel I lost someone very close to me. It is just a tragedy what happened to you and the rest of the victims of the 9/11 tragedy. Your smile in your picture will always remain forever in my mind, and I hope your smile ensures the terrorist behind this that they have NOT (succeeded) in breaking the spirit of the American people. May your memory be eternal and may your family find the peace one day very soon in dealing with your tragic lost. Na se echi kala o Theoulis. With much love,
Dear Joanne, I know you are in Heaven right now, and I'm so sorry your life had to end this way. I myself am a survivor of those attacks. Everytime I see your picture I feel this connection even though we've never met. May God bless your soul always and please pray for us, as we will for you. I will see you one day at the gates of heaven.
God bless him for his valor, his selflessness, his dedication. He is a better person than most of us. We owe him undying gratitude for his sacrifice. May he rest in peace. Lisa Ivers
I wish to extend my heartfelt sympathy to the family of Lt. Ahearn and his fellow firefighters. My husband served on our Fire Dept. for 25 years, retiring as a captain, so I know the great sacrifice these guys make. They are dedicated, as was shown by the ultimate sacrifice they made on September 11. You are in my daily prayers. God bless you all. Teresa Greer, firefighter's wife
To the family of Lt. Aheam, may you know that your son, husband, brother , father died with honor and lived with honor. He now sings with the angels. May God keep you and yours, always comforted! Ann-Marie Mansour
I would just like to tell you how horribly sorry I am for the terrible events that have taken away from your lives. Although I am from Canada, and not directly touched by the events, I do feel deep remorse for all involved. I read the profile on Joao and wanted to send my condolences to all involved. May God bless you all in this terrible time. Paul
I didn't know him. but as I'm going through the names and reading the tributes, I didn't see anything about you that anyone had written and I'm here shaking like a leaf. God bless your soul and rest in peace, you will not be forgotten.
Your death was rumored to us and it is true after all. The vacuum that you have left will take years to fill. We still love you even though you are gone. If there is indeed life after death, then we shall one day meet again. Yaw Amofah, very good friend
My thoughts and prayers go out to Dave and his family. I had the pleasure of working with him and calling him as friend while he was at AIG. I actually saw him on the train several days before the incident. He always had a smile and could make a person laugh. I will carry his memory deep in my heart. Erik Martinez, friend
David was a man who was devoted to his daughter Adrienne, his mother Carmen and father Frank, his sister Leslie. He was also devoted to and loved by his friends and by his fiance, Felice Chaifetz. He was a man who touched everyone with his laughter, wit, charm and his smile could light up a room. His compassion for the less fortunate inspired him to ride the 120-mile bike rides to raise money for charities including MS and cancer research. His daughter was his focus as he watched her play soccer from elementary school through the college level at Holy Cross. He was an adventurer who loved life and an avid sports enthusiast. He will be remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing him, and loving him. His memory will live in our hearts forever. Ciao, te amo
To the wife of Daniel Afflitto -- After reading the memorial to your husband, I was saddened that he didn't get a chance to realize that he was going to be a father again , but then, realize, YES, he does know and is looking down on you. Mara
My heart goes out to you, hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in His holy presence. Archer Johnson
Your sacrifice will be remembered. Due to your sacrifice you have saved one more life that may have been lost. I am deeply grateful. We never know when we will be called to perform the ultimate sacrifice. Unfortunately, it was your time, but I am thankful for your sacrifice to our nation. Your blood will be avenged on the terrorists. May God have mercy on your family.
I worked with Lee when we were both at Computer Associates. He had a great sense of humor. I enjoyed working with him. My condolences to his family. Bob Pett, friend
May God rest your soul in peace and give your near and dear ones to cope with this irreperable loss. May justice never be as blind as it was on September 11. Jai Bhrama
I see your face on the memorial, and what a bright star you have been. Never seen, never met you, but for some immense reason, your eyes penetrate me. May your family and friends see peace in our tribulation. May God bless your family. Teresa Culver
Your death was rumored to us and it is true after all. The vacuum that you have left will take years to fill. We still love you even though you are gone. If there is indeed life after death, then we shall one day meet again. Yaw Amofah, very good friend
Dearest Stacey, may you know that your sorrow is felt by unknown friends everywhere who look upon Daniel's picture and wonder why he had to be taken from you so mercilessly. Like the harmony of concentric ripples from a terrible splash over the surface of the American Spirit, the entire lake of America has felt your pain. Tedd Powell
I can't and never will imagine what you and your family must be feeling. I think, now I know that God will watch over you. I never will forget that terrible day. It never will leave my heart, the pain and the emptiness, that is in yours. I know none of the people that died but yet I do. Do you understand what I am saying? Please go on being strong. You will all be together again. I hope that what I am trying to say is coming out the right way. I am doing this just to say that I am so so sorry. May God keep you safe and warm. Brian
Please accept my condolences at the loss of Daniel. I pray to God to give your family immense courage to lead a happy and healthy life, and be assured that Daniel's and so many other people's lives were not lost in vain. Please know your family will be in my thoughts everyday. My best wishes. Best wishes.Namrata Vittalrao
My sincerest condolences to the family. The picture of Daniel with the baby ripped my heart out, and I have tears in my eyes. I have a 13-month-old. God they are so precious. I am so sorry for what unexpected tragedy struck his family. The healing process will not be a short one. But as you stated, God gives and God takes, and he will provide for your children. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! God bless, Karmin Lavoie
As an equity trader and father, I am passing on my condolences to your family. My heart goes out to you and I hope that your pain may disappear, but that your loving memories stay forever Tom Ritten
Our hearts go out to the Afflito family. We did not know your loved one personally, but our New Jersey family did. May you find comfort in your memories of Daniel and know that there are others out here who share in your loss. Patrick & Stacey Riordan
To the wife of Daniel Afflitto -- After reading the memorial to your husband, I was saddened that he didn't get a chance to realize that he was going to be a father again , but then, realize, YES, he does know and is looking down on you. Mara
My son and I live in Oregon. We feel like we are a world away from the East Coast and so helpless to do anything for all of you. We do want you to know that we pray for you and yours and the horrible loss that you have suffered. As hard as I may try, I can't even come close to feeling the hole that now resides in your heart where Lee Adler once filled. They say time heals all wounds, so I pray for Godspeed. Cami Smith
I had the privilege of working with Lee in 1999. He was a brilliant man with a keen sense of humor. I am grateful to him for helping me with my programming classes. He understood computers and software immediately. Ö Lee appreciated honesty, and had little time for those who were not honest. I respected Lee, enjoyed his company, and felt proud that he considered me a friend. I will miss him, and pray his family will be held in the palm of God's hands and somehow recover from their terrible loss. John Nolan, former co-worker
I want to say that I'm sorry about what happened on 9-11, especially because I lost a really loved friend. But even though he is dead, he will always be in my heart. You will be missed,and may God have you in his arms. God Bless America and all the people. Jorge Rodriguez, friend
I worked with Lee when we were both at Computer Associates. He had a great sense of humor. I enjoyed working with him. My condolences to his family. Bob Pett, friend
We miss you so much -- your smile, your contagious laugh and your hugs. Each day, I think of you and my heart still hurts. But now, three months later, I can laugh about the good times we've had, like the road trip to Boston, the crazy pick-up lines we've heard over the summer and how we danced till our feet swelled. I can't forget you. Rest in my peace. My love always.
We have never met. I have just read about you while sitting at my desk in my office in Amsterdam. There is your picture and a short description of your life. I so much wish you could have realized all the plans you had when you came to New York from Ghana. Today, I think of you. Be happy up there in heaven! Meertien van Rheenen
You were a gift from God to us for the short time that you were here, and touched so many lifes. May God keep your family here and in Ghana in his loving arms, and we know that God is always watching over us. I just wanted you to know that there are others that care about you and the pain that you are going through. My prayers are with you. Essie M. Kuma
Since she worked at Windows on the World, she was world class -- because of her stature as part of that team. Working as part of the team at a World Famous Restaurant, an icon of New York. She was magnificent. She was a big part of what made New York great. Carry the contribution she made to New York like a medal, cherish it. Gain comfort from her hard work, her achievements, and her dedication. Lisa Ivers
You are a winner in the eyes of the Almighty Lord. Be assured that your savior will take care of those you left behind. Please enjoy Heaven. May God bless your soul. Kofi
Your sudden and untimely death was caused by human wickedness. May God Almighty comfort those you left behind. Rest in the bosom of the Lord. Amen. Bruno Diala
I wish to extend my deepest feelings in the loss of Sophia. My heart aches with the knowledge that she was an innnocent victim of such violence. God Bless
I am praying for you and your family through this time of loss. May God richly bless and restore you. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Niki
I see your face on the memorial, and what a bright star you have been. Never seen, never met you, but for some immense reason, your eyes penetrate me. May your family and friends see peace in our tribulation. May God bless your family. Teresa Culver
Ted lived every day of his life to the fullest. His ambition, intelligence and generousity was most evident to his family and closest friends. People always make sentimental remarks after a person's death. I am 24 years old, have lost four close friends over the last six years, and I can honestly say that Ted Adderley is the only person I have ever known that had one of those personalities that can be compared to no other. Charles Norvell, friend
We miss you so much -- your smile, your contagious laugh and your hugs. Each day, I think of you and my heart still hurts. But now, three months later, I can laugh about the good times we've had, like the road trip to Boston, the crazy pick-up lines we've heard over the summer and how we danced till our feet swelled. I can't forget you. Rest in my peace. My love always.