We met briefly at your brother's wedding. My thoughts and prayers are with Miriam and your children. Yes, Michael, I know you are watching down from heaven. God bless you and your family. Your memory will always live in my heart. I am deeply sorry for pain you and your family are going through. I will always remember to say I love you as often as I can to everyone I love. We love you Michael and we will never forget. God bless.
I can't help but notice how beautiful, bright, glorious and sunny the day is, yet in my heart I feel like our little town is a lot emptier without you and all of our other friends. I like to think that the reason why these days seem so glorious and sunny is because it's a reminder that God is with us, watching over us, protecting us, and that his love is majestic and strong. I also like to think that accompanying the glorious sunshine is your spirit soaring high above us. You will always be missed.
Your big smile and fervent banter with family and friends often come to mind. You're still bringing a smile to my face and thoughts, Jim. May you bring similar feelings to everyone you left behind. Rest in peace. Kevin P. Jordan, cousin
Wayne brought so many people together at his pub in hoboken, nj. Always there with a smile and a joke. It breaks our hearts not to see him anymore. On behalf of the Wayne Hobson crowd..I want to say that we will never forget the tragedy and even though he is gone .. everyday we walk into that pub.. the crowd still gathers to remember and our hearts will always bear your name. By the way Wayne, Tommy's pool game is still terrible. kc, friend
I remember when Steve and his wife starting dating. We were so happy for them since they seemed well-suited for each other. My impression of Steve was that he was a quiet, thoughtful man with an engaging smile and a heart of gold. We will miss him and wish to extend our sympathies to his wife and family. Chris and Danny, friends
George used to work with my father, Richard, when he was young. I remember him visiting my house around the time he became a fireman. You have my sympathies. David Del Franco, acquaintance
We had met but briefly one day -- you were sanding the frames around your doors and windows. The house had just been delivered and we were there to see the new home. Your wife and children came to meet us and we could tell just by our first meeting that you were kind and caring people who just made their dream house come true. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. the Oresto family
We met briefly at your brother's wedding. My thoughts and prayers are with Miriam and your children. Yes, Michael, I know you are watching down from heaven. God bless you and your family. Your memory will always live in my heart. I am deeply sorry for pain you and your family are going through. I will always remember to say I love you as often as I can to everyone I love. We love you Michael and we will never forget. God bless.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Rob. Hold dear all of the good memories and never forget. God Bless. Robert Mars, childhood friend
I can't help but notice how beautiful, bright, glorious and sunny the day is, yet in my heart I feel like our little town is a lot emptier without you and all of our other friends. I like to think that the reason why these days seem so glorious and sunny is because it's a reminder that God is with us, watching over us, protecting us, and that his love is majestic and strong. I also like to think that accompanying the glorious sunshine is your spirit soaring high above us. You will always be missed.
Your big smile and fervent banter with family and friends often come to mind. You're still bringing a smile to my face and thoughts, Jim. May you bring similar feelings to everyone you left behind. Rest in peace. Kevin P. Jordan, cousin
DaJuan was my first-born child. My world has been turned upside down. My heart feels like I've been shot and I have a hole in it, the pain is so intense. I don't know why this happened to you. You did not deserve it. You proved to be so good growing up and were never any trouble to anyone. I was so proud of you. I miss you immensely. I will keep you in my heart and prayers for as long as I shall live. I will never ever forget you or let anyone else forget you. Pamela Dixon, mother
Rest in peace. Humanity lost. Heaven won. Everyone who's life you touched is a better person. Our prayers for Gabrielle and Maddie. Stephen Hoffman, friend
Pat was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. I knew Pat during our college days at Newark College of Engineering in the 1960s, and had the pleasure of working with him at the Port Authority since then. Pat, I'll miss you. George E. Keller, friend, co-worker and college classmate
My dearest cousin, I'll forever miss you and you will forever be in my thoughts. In spite of losing you in such a brutal way, I'll always remember the joyful days we've had during our school days. May the good Lord bless all your family left behind. "Neil! A mi an yuh ave di same name enno mi cuzzin." Neil Johnson, cousin
Dear Todd: Your family and friends miss you very much. All the nurses who work with your mother at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital wish that we could make her feel better about your loss. Stay happy and don't loose that beautiful smile. Jeri Levasseur, friend of mother
I went to high school with Herb and have not seen him in some 30 years. But I have always remembered him. When we got close to graduation time, and everyone was telling of what they had planned to do immediately after school, Herb mentioned working with the Salvation Army. I was struck by this and over the years remembered his decision to help others. ... Herb's choice influenced me greatly, and I would follow his example to help others as best I could. Herb was a kind, thoughtful and giving man 30 years ago. I am sure he only grew richer in these traits as the years passed. Robert Peloquin, friend
We had met but briefly one day -- you were sanding the frames around your doors and windows. The house had just been delivered and we were there to see the new home. Your wife and children came to meet us and we could tell just by our first meeting that you were kind and caring people who just made their dream house come true. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. the Oresto family
May God Bless you and give your family the peace they need. We will forever keep you in our thoughts and also in our hearts. Nellie Arocho-Powell, long time friend
Gary, although you were not a firefighter or a police officer, you lost your life just the same because you risked your life to save other people. Your daughters and I consider you a hero. Rest in peace!
Eighteen years ago Stephen and I became good friends. He had a profound effect on my life in many ways. Stephen's passion for finance inspired me to take numerous finance courses in college. I graduated a year before him, but we kept in touch. I recall Stephen inviting me to a New Year's Eve Party , probably on New Year's Eve. At the party I met a person called Mary Paris. To cut a long story short I have been happily married for 12 years. Al Durcan, friend
Rest in peace. Humanity lost. Heaven won. Everyone who's life you touched is a better person. Our prayers for Gabrielle and Maddie. Stephen Hoffman, friend
Pat was an old family friend, a down-to-earth guy who cherished his Irish American heritage, enjoyed his work and loved his family. His dad and mine grew up together as best friends and so our connection predates each of our births. Both dads died one year apart in the 1980s. We are forever connected by family. I'm sure Pat could have gotten out of the North Tower before it collapsed, but it was in his heart to sacrifice and ensure the safety of others before his own. Pat, you are missed by so many. Tom Hanley, family friend
Pat was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. I knew Pat during our college days at Newark College of Engineering in the 1960s, and had the pleasure of working with him at the Port Authority since then. Pat, I'll miss you. George E. Keller, friend, co-worker and college classmate
While I was employed at Alley, Maass, Rogers & Lindsay in Palm Beach, I had regular occasion to speak with Lindsay by phone as he was the account executive for one of our major clients. Lindsay was always cheerful and friendly. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Lindsay personally, I have fond memories of our chats. He used to take pleasure in telling me that his name was spelled the same as the Mr. Lindsay I worked with. I am so sorry that he is gone. At this time of year, I particularly remember his Christmas card with the picture of him and his dog. I'm very sorry for his family. Lindsay was one of the good guys and the loss for his family and friends is beyond any words. God bless.
I have few words, but a heavy heart. May this minor tribute comfort your family during this very difficult time. We will never forget, never put it behind us, and never stop loving him. DaJuan is safely in the house of the Lord and will forever be protected. His life was not in vain, and the joy he brought to all of us will be you and the world now, forever. Daryl Johnson, family friend
DaJuan was my first-born child. My world has been turned upside down. My heart feels like I've been shot and I have a hole in it, the pain is so intense. I don't know why this happened to you. You did not deserve it. You proved to be so good growing up and were never any trouble to anyone. I was so proud of you. I miss you immensely. I will keep you in my heart and prayers for as long as I shall live. I will never ever forget you or let anyone else forget you. Pamela Dixon, mother
Wayne brought so many people together at his pub in hoboken, nj. Always there with a smile and a joke. It breaks our hearts not to see him anymore. On behalf of the Wayne Hobson crowd..I want to say that we will never forget the tragedy and even though he is gone .. everyday we walk into that pub.. the crowd still gathers to remember and our hearts will always bear your name. By the way Wayne, Tommy's pool game is still terrible. kc, friend
I was trapped in building one for an hour. I would not be alive if it weren't for the firemen who unlocked and broke down the doors to the stairwells. I want Joseph's family to know that when the time comes and I get married and have a family, I will name my first born boy after him. He was an amazing person and I will forever keep him and his family in my prayers. Vanessa Sierra, college classmate
My heart and thoughts go out to your family. Stay close together this holiday season. There are people out there praying for you. Maggie Ravaioli, cousin's girlfriend
I didn't know him well since we lived far away from each other, but he was a sweet caring man and I know his wife and children and the rest of his family will never forget him. Debbie Pitezel, cousin
I thank the Lord for you, Tara. You were here for a flicker, but left behind a legacy of love and friendship in all our hearts. We all love you and keep you near us.
My dearest cousin, I'll forever miss you and you will forever be in my thoughts. In spite of losing you in such a brutal way, I'll always remember the joyful days we've had during our school days. May the good Lord bless all your family left behind. "Neil! A mi an yuh ave di same name enno mi cuzzin." Neil Johnson, cousin
Dear Todd: Your family and friends miss you very much. All the nurses who work with your mother at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital wish that we could make her feel better about your loss. Stay happy and don't loose that beautiful smile. Jeri Levasseur, friend of mother
Gary, although you were not a firefighter or a police officer, you lost your life just the same because you risked your life to save other people. Your daughters and I consider you a hero. Rest in peace!
A friend of mine gave me a Mercy Band today and his name is on my bracelet. I will be very proud to wear the bracelet as a memorial to him and all of the other victims of 9/11. I am emotional just writing this and my thoughts are with all the families. Ann Scott
May God Bless you and give your family the peace they need. We will forever keep you in our thoughts and also in our hearts. Nellie Arocho-Powell, long time friend
I was trapped in building one for an hour. I would not be alive if it weren't for the firemen who unlocked and broke down the doors to the stairwells. I want Joseph's family to know that when the time comes and I get married and have a family, I will name my first born boy after him. He was an amazing person and I will forever keep him and his family in my prayers. Vanessa Sierra, college classmate
Michelle, We worked together for years at Weiss & Wexler. You were always such a great presence there. You were always so cheerful, so competent and your smiling face could improve anyone's day. I remember the time you cleaned up my chronically messy desk. Later that day I made a bad joke about not being to find something because my desk was too neat. You looked so crestfallen until I assured you that it was just a joke. We missed you when you left the office. We'll miss you forever. You were the best.
It is always difficult to put into to words the feeling and emotions when faced with death. I was a member of Tim's church in Ames and watched him grow with God. His family was very loving and always together. I may not have realized Tim's passing if I was not in Ames during the tragic events, but I know God will care for Tim and his family and we will miss him here on Earth. We love you Tim and miss you with us here.
Knowing he was walking into certain death, his first priority was to save lives and bring some order to a tragic situation. He will be sorely missed by family and friends but never forgotten. He is the bravest man I know. God bless Rescue Company 1 and all those who were effected by the 9/11 tragedy. Kenny O, cousin
You were a great person to be around because you really knew how to live life to its fullest. We had many good times growing up together in Seaford. There are many memories I have that just put a smile back on my face, even when I feel the pain of the great loss we all suffered on 9/11. You are truly an inspiration to all of us and a true hero. May God bless you forever!
You will be missed. You were the heart and soul of Harvey Young Yurman, also when you worked with Dennis Goin. I know you will be missed by a lot of people. I am so sorry.
I have such fond memories of you when you were in my class at Saint Francis de Sales. I learned a lot from you. One of those things was to never come to class and expect things to be black and white. I also learned that just because something is written down in a textbook, it still may contain errors. I think of you often and pray for you everyday. I always thought that you would be a lawyer, the way you used to argue a point in class. You were like a breath of fresh air. Peace be with you. Ilena Fitzpatrick, former teacher and neighbor
Known to all at Lehman Brothers who dealt with him, "Scotty Bonds" was a source of humor, friendship and happiness rarely found on Wall Street. He was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He did it with precision and with pride. Often sighted on the Jersey Shore, he was always excited to see you. His generosity was exceeded by only his bright smile. I think of him often, as I know of many others who do the same. Scotty Bonds, you'll be missed more than you could ever know. Joe Dargan, friend and business associate
I went to Penn State with Scott and lived in the same apartment complex. We used to hang out everyday. What a great guy. He will be greatly missed. Peace be with his family.
Twenty-nine is far too early for your life to end. I will not dwell on how your life did end. I will dwell on the life you led. We are forced to go ahead. We go on with you close to our hearts. A very sad ending, but a chance for new starts. Your kind nature we shall miss. Losing you has sent us into an abyss. Your girl has lost her man to kiss. Your great qualities makes for a very long list. Scott, this I swear to you. We will make sure you get your due. One great guy. One great friend. One great Jew. We should all be as sweet as you were. Your face and loving nature are not a blur. You did not die in vain. But gives us focus to what is important, like family and friends and the bird on the window pane. The summers we spent gives us memories for a lifetime. The love for you inspires this rhyme. Honored forever to call you a friend of mine. A man so loving, so nice, so kind. Go on. Be Free. Your love and loss has changed me.In order to make sense of this all, know that Scott would want us to stand tall. Though our paths won't cross till my bitter end, I just could not go on till I made a tribute to a friend. Joshua Goldstein, friend
A friend of mine gave me a Mercy Band today and his name is on my bracelet. I will be very proud to wear the bracelet as a memorial to him and all of the other victims of 9/11. I am emotional just writing this and my thoughts are with all the families. Ann Scott
I just wanted to express my deepest sympathy to your family. We only spoke briefly on the phone while I was licensing him to do business for the state of Illinois. He was always kind and friendly with me. I have and will continue to pray for him and your family, who I hope will be comforted to know that he is regarded as a hero. He touched a cord in my heart that I will tell my future children about. Maria, business associate
Words cannot express the sorrow we feel as your fellow Americans and human beings. Your loved ones are now at peace and in heaven. They are in a better place. I hope that time helps to heal your suffering. God Bless you and yours. Nancy
Your family has my heartfelt sympathies on the tragic loss of Tim. I'm glad Tim's parents' local Red Cross flew home Tim's brother and family for the memorial service. You're all in my prayers during this holiday season. I know the Ames community came together in full support of Tim's parents. My your other communities reach out to you during your worst days, months, and years ahead sustaining you. God will help you through this terrible ordeal. Continued prayers from all others. Please reach out to others when you need it; they want to help you all, and just need guidance from you in how they can help you all!
It is always difficult to put into to words the feeling and emotions when faced with death. I was a member of Tim's church in Ames and watched him grow with God. His family was very loving and always together. I may not have realized Tim's passing if I was not in Ames during the tragic events, but I know God will care for Tim and his family and we will miss him here on Earth. We love you Tim and miss you with us here.
Knowing he was walking into certain death, his first priority was to save lives and bring some order to a tragic situation. He will be sorely missed by family and friends but never forgotten. He is the bravest man I know. God bless Rescue Company 1 and all those who were effected by the 9/11 tragedy. Kenny O, cousin
You were a great person to be around because you really knew how to live life to its fullest. We had many good times growing up together in Seaford. There are many memories I have that just put a smile back on my face, even when I feel the pain of the great loss we all suffered on 9/11. You are truly an inspiration to all of us and a true hero. May God bless you forever!
You will be missed. You were the heart and soul of Harvey Young Yurman, also when you worked with Dennis Goin. I know you will be missed by a lot of people. I am so sorry.
I remember Chris Gray when he was the Quarterback at West Virginia University. I did not know him personally but I just wanted to let any of his loved ones who may be reading this message know that everyone here in Mountaineer nation are thinking of you and wish we could ease your suffering just a little bit.
John was a kind, generous and accepting parent and husband. It was a privilege to know him and his family, and a tragedy to hear of his passing. John touched all he met with his dignity, selfless advice, quick humor and easy demeanor. Through him and his family, I learned to be a better parent to my own child. God rest his soul and the souls of all the lost.
To my business partner to become. May your soul rest in peace and may your family be stong and united in these heartbreaking moments. I did not know you much, but I do remember your kindness and profesionalism. Your friend in Montreal,Canada,from Fimat Derivatives Au revoir mon ami. Carlos E. Fuentes, business partner
Harvey was a great example of how people should act and live their lives. He loved life, loved his family, and loved his friends. I am proud to have known him. Jessica Doss, friend
Words cannot express the sorrow we feel as your fellow Americans and human beings. Your loved ones are now at peace and in heaven. They are in a better place. I hope that time helps to heal your suffering. God Bless you and yours. Nancy
I have just read the CNN list of people lost on September 11. Despite all the tragedy that we have seen every day on the TV, the real senselessness and evil of what happened that day has just been brought home by seeing this picture of Christine, who was just 2 years old when she died. My own son is nearly 2, and I know there is no clearer definition of innocence and hope than a 2-year-old child. My heart truly goes out to Christine's family. Matthew Wall
As the youngest of the victims Christine symbolizes the innocence and the beauty of all the human beings killed in the terrorist attacks. To those who knew and loved her, I offer my deep and sincere condolences.
I am 12 years old and I find it vile that this small girl at such an innocent age was stripped of her life almost before it began. I am from Australia and all the people I know including me are praying for the sufferers of this tragic event. God bless America. Houghton Patrick
Its really sad to hear about how many young people died on this horrible day. Especially as young as 2 yrs old. This little girl, along with many others, will not be able to see their lives ahead of them. I pray for the victims and their families. You are in my heart. Leah Gleixner
God Bless your soul, as small as it may be. As you look down upon all of us from that better place, I ask that you pray for us. Although you did not ask to be taken from this earth and the people who love you, I know that that you are in heaven and and are protected by angels, this is what YOU were before 9/11. Steve M. Passantino
It's sad that when terrorist strike they just have one thing in mind. To destroy the lives of the way people want to live. My heart cries out for the children who lost their lives on September 11th as they are innocent angels. May God grant their families peace and may they heal in the years to come.
Doug was a great guy. I wish more people I dealt with in business were like him. He always had a positive attitude even when things looked bad and had boundless energy. I am sure he is keeping everyone in heaven on their toes!
Although I did not know Dana all that well, I had the honor of attending his celebration of life. Dana was not only a NYC Firefighter, but a true and gracious friend who was always there to help others. I am sorry that I did not have the chance to know him better. He will be truly missed by his family, his fiancee, his co-workers and his friends and most of all me - a person he barely knew. Dana, thank you for all the lives that you touched throughout your life. You will always be here in spirit. D.K.
I met Jim only a few times, but I knew his son Doug through our business relationship. If Doug was a reflection of Jim, Jim would be proud to know that his son is a fine, young man. The bond between father and son is unparalleled. My prayers and thoughts are with his family.
To this family who has touched so many: May God richly bless you through thistrying time. Stan will always be with us through his family who continue tofollow his values. Jeff Craig, friend of Stan's kids
I knew Kevin in high school and have always considered him a kind, decent fellow. I was very sorry to hear of his passing. I pray that God bless him and his family. Peace on Earth, goodwill...
I remember Matt from the days when we worked together at Fundamental Brokers. I remember that his favorite song on the jukebox was Frank Sinatra singing "Summer Wind." Mike Clarke, former co-worker
Max was a big, teddy bear of a guy who had a wonderful sense of humor, a brilliant mind, and enjoyed life. He had definite opinions about things but always respected the opinions of others. I will always remember the way he laughed and the way he would hitch up his pants when he would play the role of the southern good ole boy. When I think of what happened it's with great sadness but I can't help but smile when I think of him. That will always be my memory of Max. Debbie Musselman, friend