Liberty unites

liberty unites us
Viewing 18701 - 18800 (23,856 Total, 100 Per Page)
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John Bruce Eagleson

I met Bruce professionally. He always had a smile on his face and was intensely proud of his wife and children. His office was full of sports memorabilla from coaching his son's teams. Bruce was always going 90 miles a minute, but would always stop to talk with you and sooner or later become a friend. He is sadly missed.

Bill Richards, friend

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Zoe Falkenberg

Goodbye little Zoe. Go forward into the hands of God. You will be missed.

Patrick Mulligan

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Zoe Falkenberg

Hug your little sister tight every night. Send kisses to mom, and tell your daddy how brave he was.

Marisa Kinard

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Zoe Falkenberg

Zoe was a delightful, vivacious and bright little girl who loved music. As her music teacher, I was so impressed with her and her family. When she was in first grade, she was quite intrigued with figuring out the "Mystery Composer" each month -- normally an activity done by older students. Zoe would bring her mom or dad into my room if she couldn't remember enough of the clues herself. She got a real thrill out of discovering the answer. The loss of Zoe and her family has left a gaping hole in our community.

Betty Scott, music teacher

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Peter el-Hachem

I work in software for another ATE company (one of Teradyne's competitors). I was deeply troubled by the events of September 11th. Learning of the death a fellow software hand from my domain hit particularly close to home. We all like to feel that it is safe to move about the world as so many of us do in order to do our business, but we see now just who we share the world with and the damage they are willing to do. My condolences to Peter's family for their loss and also his colleagues and team members at Teradyne.

Nicholas Bianchi

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Dana Falkenberg

How brief your life was. How beautiful I hope it was. I hope you live forever,

in a better place, with love and peace always.

Sydney P.

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Dana Falkenberg

Little One, may God Bless You and love you. May your little soul rest in peace,

you are safe now.

Angela White

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Dana Falkenberg

You are now in God's loving hands forever. You will fly always with his angels

and never know sorrow or pain again.


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Dana Falkenberg

Sleep in peace little angel. Take care of your big sister and daddy. Send kisses

to mommy every day!


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Dana Falkenberg

My heart can barely stand the thought of your precious little lives being so

viciously taken. I know your daddy held you and loved you in your last moments,

and I know your remaining family grieves for you every day. In my heart, I also

know you are their guardian angels, gently hugging them and helping them get

stronger, just a little every day. Dear children, I'm so sorry this world has

been brought to this, and I pray that no more innocent babies of any nationality

will have to die anymore. May your lives and deaths not have been in vain.

Jennifer Ryals-Scott

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Keith G. Fairben

Keith Fairben and I went to high school together. He was a sweet, gentle and funny person. I wish that I would've gotten to know him better. May his family and friends have the comfort of knowing that people will remember him as a wonderful person with a great spirit.

Daniele, classmate

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Keith G. Fairben

Thank you Keith for everything you have done. You expressed your true self by your actions and especially through helping people. I am grateful to have known you.

Matthew Downs, friend

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Patricia M. Fagan

Pat was a warm, lovely person. I dealt with her through business. She was always a joy to speak with on the phone and always made time to speak with me. She was truly a special and rare person.

Matt Denny, business acquaintance

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Dennis Michael Edwards

Dennis, we miss you every day. We miss hearing your cheery voice, seeing that smile, all your good advice. You, dear Dennis, knew what the meaning of friendship was, and all of your friends remember you with love and thankfulness for having you touch our lives.

Marge Goldner, neighbor and friend

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Robert Evans

Rob was my cousin. He loved coming to my annual Halloween parties (he left his rubber nose glued to my kitchen cabinet one year, I guess just to let us know he had been there!) Loved to talk your ear off, loved to give financial advice, and was an all-around good guy. We'll miss you Rob. Until we meet again, I love you. Merry Christmas in Heaven.

Maureen Acocella, cousin

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Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn

I sailed with Cmdr. Dunn on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 1995. He was a great guy who'll be sorely missed. My son is at sea aboard the USS Bataan -- punishing the guilty. This one's for you, sir.

Wayne Barbour, former shipmate

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Joseph M. Doyle

Joseph was a very good friend of mine. We met while working for Cantor Fitzgerald and soon after became very good friends. Joe was a fun-loving, carefree person who could make you laugh no matter what. Joe and myself used to spend hours on the phone just making each other laugh. I miss him a lot and think about him every single day while I'm at work wishing he was here to make me laugh and to send me funny e-mails. We shared a lot of special moments together and I will always hold his memory close to my heart.

Loren, friend and co-worker

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Margaret Ruth Echtermann

To the Echtermanns. I was touched dearly when I heard you lost your daughter. I wanted to let you know that you were in my prayers. I didn't know Margaret, only her father. Professor and Ms. Echtermann, I am saddened by your loss.

Patrick Fredericks, student of father

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Eric Brian Evans

I will never forget what happened, ever. I will always remember you and Bobby -- always together and always laughing hard -- and me never getting the best of you two, despite being seven years older. God hold you dear to him and rest in peace.

Ken Avery, family friend

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Paul Robert Eckna

Paul Eckna was a very unique and special individual with many talents. I'm proud to say that we were friends, and it gives me a great deal of happiness to know that I had the opportunity to be his roommate while studying at the university. Often I find myself thinking about him and his family, and I always find myself deeply wishing and hoping the best for all. I know he is in good hands, and I hope that he will forever remember that here on Earth he left an army of friends. God Bless

Matthew Good, friend

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Sadie Ette

I met Sadie one week before September 11, and the night before, on Monday, September 10, she had accepted a new part-time job with my company and had attended an orientation class. I interviewed Sadie and she was purely delightful. She was a stranger in my life at one time, but now I will always remember her and her wonderful personality. God bless you, Sadie!

Kurt DePoy, acquaintance

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Ruben Esquilin Jr.

Ruben was a person that everyone liked at Fiduciary. He always looked for an opportunity to help. I'm sure that he died helping someone.

E. Cruz, friend

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Ruben Esquilin Jr.

We miss you so much. We would never imagine that you would have been taken away from us like this. But you are our hero, and I know that one day we'll see you. God bless you, and we love you.

Priscilla Esquilin, sister

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Ruben Esquilin Jr.

My son, I guess I'll never know why you were taken from us in the blink of an eye. But beautiful memories will remain with us until we are once again reunited for eternity. I love you my son, and although our time together was shortened by an evil man, I thank God for giving me the honor of having you for my son. You were and will forever be my pride and joy. God bless you Ruben, and may he in all his mercy have you in his loving arms until I can be with you again in heaven.

Maria, mother

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Capt. Robert Edward Dolan

Bob, You were a great leader and friend. We would talk about may things, including death. I remember laughing at your choice of funeral songs, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. As unconventional as I thought it was, I will always think of you whenever I hear it. Rest in peace, my friend.

Chaplain Paul Witt, Navy Chaplain

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Lt. Michael Esposito

On this day of infamy and amid the chaos and turmoil rose a hero. His name was Mike. Loved by his family and endeared to his friends, he had the love and respect of all of them. We know he will be with them always and with his fellow firefighters.

Geraldine Morganti, friend

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Brendan Dolan

Although I hadn't seen Brendan for over 10 years, I will always remember him as a person full of life, always laughing or smiling, a loyal friend of his friends, proud of his heritage, unpretentious and down to earth. We shared many good times together, long ago. I'm sure the World will be a sadder place without him.

David Levin, friend

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Brigette Ann Esposito

I never met Bridgette, but she has been on my mind ever since I saw her father on CNN talking about her several days after the attack. He really touched my heart as he talked about her. She helped so many people and seemed to really care. I heard her father speak of how she often went to nursing homes to visit the elderly. I have prayed very much for her. God came down to Earth that day and took with him many angels, and Bridgette was one of them.

Kathy Bonds

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Fanny M. Espinoza

I lost my friend.I lost my sister-in-law. I miss you so much Fanny. I wish you could be here. I bought Christian a game for his PlayStation. In honor of you, I am having Christian read at the church when we get married.

Harry Borrero, brother-in-law

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Patrick Thomas Dwyer

Patty, I will miss you. You were and are my friend forever. We sat our chairs high to make the pie and we sat our chairs low to make the dough. You spooked the market at 9:29 AM every morning and I really loved those memories of you. I tried my best to save you guys on September 11. I ran towards you and not away like everybody else. I stayed and never gave up. It is people like you who made me do what I did. So long Patty D. You will live in my heart forever.

Larry Brown, co-worker

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William J. Erwin

To my best friend in the entire world, you are in my thoughts everyday and will be forever. No one ever made me laugh and shake my head in amazement more than you. You truly are a permanent fixture in my life even though I will never see you again. You had such an impact in all of our lives and still do to this day. God Speed, Big E.

Mike McCandless, childhood friend

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William J. Erwin

Bill was a good friend of mine in college. We lost touch over the years, but I am very saddened by this tradgedy. My condolences and prayers go out to his family.

Pam Hoyle, friend

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William J. Erwin

2001 was a horrible year. Like you, it will be gone, but never forgotten. We all miss you.

Chris Russo, friend

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Erwin L. Erker

We never met him face to face. Ours was a telephone relationship. He was always willing to speak with us when we called to invite him to a Focus Group or to ask him silly questions about Technology that we didn't understand. Erwin & I spoke about things other than that. We spoke about the world and the craziness going on in it. We spoke about his family and things going on in his kids lives. He was a very dedicated and committed father, very involved with what his family was involved in. He made sure his wife was taken care of when she needed to be taken care of. We even spoke about his working on such a high floor at the WTC. We've been in communication with his wife since Sept 11. Several Girl Scout Troops (they didn't know him at all) near us have raised money for his family and planted a tree in Erwin's honor....he so loved trees. My heart still aches thinking of the senseless loss of his life as well as all the others. I pray that the Heavens give these people the strength to carry on in their lives. The emptiness, I imagine, will never go away. I never met him and I have this feeling of emptiness. I can't even begin to imagine what his family is feeling. I pray for them and others as well, a peaceful, safe and good New Year. We will keep them always in our thoughts and prayers.
Lee & Bob Saltz, business associate

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Sareve Dukat

Sareve Dukat is survived by mother Ann Dukat, brother Paul Dukat, husband Joel Shapiro, daughter Lauren Shapiro and daughter Athena Dawn Shapiro. We miss you.

Athena Dawn Shapiro, daughter

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Antoinette Duger

My family would like to send a tribute to my aunt, Antoinette Duger, who died on September 11th in the World Trade Center disaster. She was a wonderful sister, mother and aunt. She always placed her family and friends before herself, and she leaves behind the greatest legacy one could leave behind. Our mission is to carry on her memory and to be as kind as she was to all she knew.

Rose Marie DiMatteo, niece

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Michael Joseph Duffy

Michael, I am glad I had the opportunity to meet you, even though it was at my Dad's wake. You are family, and I shall always keep you close in my heart. My sister Cathryn shared some writing of yours with me -- it was beautiful. Say hi to my Dad. Goodbye for now.

Lawrence Brown, relative

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Edgar H. Emery Jr.

Thank you hiring me back in 1987. You helped me start a new career in computers. Now I work for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and I owe it to you for giving me the opportunity to work for you.

Anthony Rosa,former employee

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Edgar H. Emery Jr.

Edgar Emery who worked on the 96th floor of tower two was a great husband, father and friend. Anyone who knew Ed would agree that he was always smiling, happy, upbeat and, most of all, compassionate. I will miss Ed dearly and all of the others who I didnt know who lost their lives. I want the world to know that Edgar Emery will not be forgotten by those who he knew because he touched all of our lives in such a beautiful way. Please pray that Ed's wife and family find the inner peace to go on with their lives. Ed is up there with God running the best marathon of his life. Probably in record time too! God Speed Ed, until we meet again. Love your friend,

Cathy Linker, friend

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Michael J. Elferis

Michael, you are a true hero. I will always remember you and I pray for you every day. You will be truly missed by your family, friends and community. I believe that you did live your life to the fullest, because you exemplified passion, energy, commitment and, most of all, love.

Jennifer Borgia, friend

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Mary Yolanda Dowling

Yolanda, your family misses you every day, especially this Christmas season. We will miss your singing in the choir at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, at midnight mass. If we listen hard enough, I hope we can hear you sing "O Holy Night" for us. Say hi to Mom. Love from all of your family.

Rosaleen Shea, sister

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Peter el-Hachem

I work in software for another ATE company (one of Teradyne's competitors). I was deeply troubled by the events of September 11th. Learning of the death a fellow software hand from my domain hit particularly close to home. We all like to feel that it is safe to move about the world as so many of us do in order to do our business, but we see now just who we share the world with and the damage they are willing to do. My condolences to Peter's family for their loss and also his colleagues and team members at Teradyne.

Nicholas Bianchi

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Eric Adam Eisenberg

You spent last Christmas with me and my family. This year we were thinking of you and your warmth and kindness -- and most of all your friendship, which we'll always cherish. We love you "E."

The Miraglia family, friends

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Eric Adam Eisenberg

I knew Eric only professionally, but he was the kind of person that you'd want to know personally. Fun, vibrant, energetic and loved to eat! We talked about music a lot. I will remember him fondly.

Karen Trapane, professional acquaintance

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Lisa Caren Weinstein Ehrlich

Lisa was a woman with so much life that she actually sparkled. She loved her children and truly touched everyone she met. I will miss her laughter, her quick mind and her kindness.

Veronica Ortiz, friend

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Stephen Dorf

My brother, I love you and miss you. I know you're with God now, and Mom. Love you forever.

Michelle Dorf, sister

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Samantha Egan

God bless you Sam.

Paul Jordan, friend

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Samantha Egan

Too bright a light to ever be forgotten. Samantha put everyone else first. At least you have each other. Miss you both. See you again some day. Until then, take care of each other.

T. Rosa, friend

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Capt. Martin Egan Jr.

Even though you and I never met, your sacrifice to others in the most extreme time of need strengthens not only my resolve -- and that of all Americans -- to forever defend the freedoms of this great country. I pray we all do so with your unwavering commitment to duty and valor. One day we will meet, but until then, I thank you. I hope to bring as much meaning to your death as you have brought to my life and the lives of so many Americans.

Steven R. Drew

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Lisa Egan

What can I say? There is no reason that a life should be taken at the young age of 31. I had the opportunity to meet Lisa when she interviewed me for a position in Human Resources at Canter Fitzgerald, a little over a year ago. It was a pleasure to meet her, and I would like to send my condolences to her family in New Jersey. I remember her talking about the beautiful sunsets and the play of light outside her office window. God bless you, Lisa.

Colin Thomas Kish, acquaintance

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Lisa Egan

Lisa gave her heart and soul to everything she did. I knew her very well and will deeply miss her smiling face and laughter. She believed in the American Dream and worked toward that goal everyday. I know she is in the arms of God now. But I will carry her in my heart forever. She was my friend. I miss her deeply.

John Brooks, friend

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Lisa Egan

I had the pleasure of knowing Lisa and her sister Samantha. A friend had introduced me to Lisa in 1998, where we dated for some tme. Dating didn't work out for us, but Lisa and I remained friends, occasionally exchanging e-mails and phone calls. Lisa was full of life, and even though she could be a tough cookie, she was one of the nicest and warmest people I had ever met. God Bless, Lisa and Samantha, and God Bless America.

Paul Jordan, friend

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Lisa Egan

A friend, A lover taken far too soon. I miss you every day. I will always Love You and I will never forget.

T. Rosa, friend

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Dennis Michael Edwards

Dennis, we miss you every day. We miss hearing your cheery voice, seeing that smile, all your good advice. You, dear Dennis, knew what the meaning of friendship was, and all of your friends remember you with love and thankfulness for having you touch our lives.

Marge Goldner, neighbor and friend

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Constantine (Gus) Economos

It was our honor to call you "friend." Always with a smile on your face and ready with a joke, your love for family and life is our encouragement and what helps us go on. We miss you.

The Katradis family, family friends

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Constantine (Gus) Economos

To my beloved Gus. As steel and mortar crumbled to the Earth that brilliant September morning, an angel was lifted from the ashes to awaken the heavens. Three months later, it is so difficult to wrap our minds around the sheer devastation of your loss. Truly, the shining star of the family was taken away from us for a reason we cannot quite grasp. Your cerebral presence is forever embedded within our hearts. We love you so very much.

Anastasia, cousin

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Paul Robert Eckna

Paul Eckna was a very unique and special individual with many talents. I'm proud to say that we were friends, and it gives me a great deal of happiness to know that I had the opportunity to be his roommate while studying at the university. Often I find myself thinking about him and his family, and I always find myself deeply wishing and hoping the best for all. I know he is in good hands, and I hope that he will forever remember that here on Earth he left an army of friends. God Bless

Matthew Good, friend

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Margaret Ruth Echtermann

To the Echtermanns. I was touched dearly when I heard you lost your daughter. I wanted to let you know that you were in my prayers. I didn't know Margaret, only her father. Professor and Ms. Echtermann, I am saddened by your loss.

Patrick Fredericks, student of father

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Dean P. Eberling

Though we only worked for a short while when we both worked for Merill Lynch, I admired your expertise in your field. We met up again when I was working for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter about 6 or 7 years ago. Thank you for acknowledging me as I spotted you in the executive floor; you were interviewing for a position. You will be missed.

Judith Pena, co-worker

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Christopher Dincuff

One of the few people on this Earth who could make a positive difference in everyone's life he encountered. Just want you to know, Dink, that all your friends and family sorely miss ya, but you will NEVER be forgotten. 'Til we all meet again.

Paul Solecki, friend

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Edward Thomas Earhart

Ed was a great person with a wonderful heart. To my friend I say this: We will all miss you.

Willard Adkins, friend and fraternity brother

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Edward Thomas Earhart

You were my friend, co-worker and shipmate. You always came into the room with a smile on your face, and always saw the bright side. Ed, may God grant you eternal peace. Know that the fight will go on.

Edwin H. Smith, friend

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Edward Thomas Earhart

You were a dear friend to those closest to me. Their lives were forever changed by your presence. We miss you.

EKB, friend of a friend

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Edward Thomas Earhart

I went to high school with Eddie and haven't seen him in years. However, I will always remember Eddie to be one who would do whatever was needed for a friend or family member. His family and our country have lost a true hero and a great man. Eddie will be missed by all.

Charles L. Patrick, friend

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John Bruce Eagleson

To my friend and mentor "The Big B," The days bring us memories of happiness we shared when you walked among us, the memory is a blessing forever. Months and years may pass but we still feel you near. Our hearts yearn. Bitter grief may soften. A duller pain abides for the place you once stood is empty now, the links of life broken. But links of memories cannot break. Your soul is bound up in ours forever. We see you as a memory, faults forgiven, virtures grown larger. So does goodness live and weakness fade. We remember you with gratitude and bless your name. I give you thanks that you touched my life, an imprint of your teachings and leadership shall forever remain. My soul is heavily saddend with pain, for your memory will always remain.

Sandy Korcak, boss and friend

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John Bruce Eagleson

I met Bruce professionally. He always had a smile on his face and was intensely proud of his wife and children. His office was full of sports memorabilla from coaching his son's teams. Bruce was always going 90 miles a minute, but would always stop to talk with you and sooner or later become a friend. He is sadly missed.

Bill Richards, friend

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Joseph Anthony Eacobacci

My love and my future were cut short on September 11th. My fiance worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor. He was one of the very unlucky ones. He leaves behind a wonderful family and some of the best friends I have had the privilege of knowing. His parents Mitch and Ann, his brother Tom and his sister Michelle have been cheated from having a wonderful future with Joey. Joey was the kindest, smartest, most loving and funniest person I have ever known or will ever know. He will be missed terribly and my heart aches everyday. Joey was a graduate of Georgetown University and the captain of the football team. I only wish that more people had the opportunity to know and love him as I did and always will. My heart and my prayers are with all of the other families and friends that have also lost someone to the tragic events of the 11th.

Denise Mauro, fiancee

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Patrick Thomas Dwyer

Patty, I will miss you. You were and are my friend forever. We sat our chairs high to make the pie and we sat our chairs low to make the dough. You spooked the market at 9:29 AM every morning and I really loved those memories of you. I tried my best to save you guys on September 11. I ran towards you and not away like everybody else. I stayed and never gave up. It is people like you who made me do what I did. So long Patty D. You will live in my heart forever.

Larry Brown, co-worker

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Melissa C. Doi

Melissa, I am so sad to see your name here. You were a pleasure to work with. May the afterlife be a wonderful and peaceful place. Your sunny personality and warm smile will be sorely missed.

Bruce Kanin, co-worker

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Richard A. Dunstan

I just happen to have the same last name. My thoughts and love go out to you all. May God bless you all, and may Richard be in eternal peace.

Jennifer Dunstan

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John J. Doherty

May John be enjoying enternal happiness in heaven. He certainly was a good person in life and did not deserve to die this way. God bless him always.

Bernadette Kelley-Leccese, friend

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Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn

My brother Pat Dunne, a veteran of World War II, and I, from the Korean War, were grieved to see two names of Dunn(E) on the memorial list of fallen heroes of September 11, 2001.

William J. Dunne

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Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn

I sailed with Cmdr. Dunn on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 1995. He was a great guy who'll be sorely missed. My son is at sea aboard the USS Bataan -- punishing the guilty. This one's for you, sir.

Wayne Barbour, former shipmate

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Sareve Dukat

Sareve Dukat is survived by mother Ann Dukat, brother Paul Dukat, husband Joel Shapiro, daughter Lauren Shapiro and daughter Athena Dawn Shapiro. We miss you.

Athena Dawn Shapiro, daughter

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Antoinette Duger

My family would like to send a tribute to my aunt, Antoinette Duger, who died on September 11th in the World Trade Center disaster. She was a wonderful sister, mother and aunt. She always placed her family and friends before herself, and she leaves behind the greatest legacy one could leave behind. Our mission is to carry on her memory and to be as kind as she was to all she knew.

Rose Marie DiMatteo, niece

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Michael Joseph Duffy

Michael, I am glad I had the opportunity to meet you, even though it was at my Dad's wake. You are family, and I shall always keep you close in my heart. My sister Cathryn shared some writing of yours with me -- it was beautiful. Say hi to my Dad. Goodbye for now.

Lawrence Brown, relative

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George DiPasquale

I will always remember him in my heart and in my mind that he is a hero. I have always looked up to him and not because of his height, but because he had faced his ghost, overcame many demons and most importantly, created a beautiful life for his wife and daughter.

Donato Sambucci, brother

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Charles A. Droz III

A scholarship has been set up for Charles from his high school. We want his family to know his community will not forget.

Rosalie Steigerwald, wife's classmate

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Anthony DiOnisio Jr.

You will always be remembered. I will cherish the memories we share -- the short walk we had together through life and the fun we have had over the years. From the time I first met you, the wedding and the birth of your daughter -- these are the things I will always remember. I pray God will take care of you.

Richard Russo, friend

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Stephen P. Dimino

My uncle Stevie was a great man. He got me my job at Cantor Fitzgerald. I am glad I have the memories of him taking me out for lunch on my 21st birthday and of all the fun we had when I was little. I think of him every day of my life when I go to work and I know he's not there to send me e-mails to come visit me or to see him in the Cantor cafe where we would meet for lunch. I miss him dearly and loved him very much and appreciated everything he did for me, and I will make him proud!

Loren Messina, niece

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Joseph M. Doyle

Joe, I miss seeing your smiles. Thomas misses you too. I still expect to go out and see you there. All the nights I drove you home and we sang in the car at the top of our lungs! You are a special person, and are greatly missed. I miss your smile, the way you made me laugh, and all the times we danced together. One day we will do it all again. I promise you.

Dawn and Thomas, friends

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Joseph M. Doyle

I went to high school with Doyle and became friendly with him during those four years. Many people in my school didn't care to talk to me because I wasn't cool enough. But Doyle didn't care -- he talked to everybody, and everybody enjoyed his company. I just want to say 'thank you' to Doyle for accepting me for who I was. God bless you, my friend.

Joseph Noble, classmate

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Joseph M. Doyle

Joseph was a very good friend of mine. We met while working for Cantor Fitzgerald and soon after became very good friends. Joe was a fun-loving, carefree person who could make you laugh no matter what. Joe and myself used to spend hours on the phone just making each other laugh. I miss him a lot and think about him every single day while I'm at work wishing he was here to make me laugh and to send me funny e-mails. We shared a lot of special moments together and I will always hold his memory close to my heart.

Loren, friend and co-worker

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Rodney Dickens

Play in the fields of heaven now and forever. God bless you always.


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Mary Yolanda Dowling

Yolanda, your family misses you every day, especially this Christmas season. We will miss your singing in the choir at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, at midnight mass. If we listen hard enough, I hope we can hear you sing "O Holy Night" for us. Say hi to Mom. Love from all of your family.

Rosaleen Shea, sister

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Stephen Dorf

Anyone who knew Stephen knew him for the type of person that he was. He would take the shirt off his back to help a friend. I, for one, know this to be true because he was one of if not my closest friend at work. Buddy,you will always be in my heart! May God bless you!

George Ramos, friend

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Stephen Dorf

My brother, I love you and miss you. I know you're with God now, and Mom. Love you forever.

Michelle Dorf, sister

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Cmdr. William Howard Donovan Jr.

Your humor shall never be fogotten. Your strength was my shield. Thank you MO, I will always remember you.

Lt. John A. Montijo, U.S. Navy shipmate

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Vincent F. DiFazio

A great guy.

Walter Connolly, friend

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Sandra Conaty Brace

Dedicated worker and a contributor to the human race! Mankind will miss her.
Marc Intrator, friend

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Jerry DeVito

Uncle Jerry: For never passing judgement on others; for always being there; for your love, friendship and smile I am forever grateful. You are loved and missed very much!

Albert Carrozza, nephew

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Neil Dollard

I will miss you, your wit and humor. I will never forget you and our fun times.

Louis De Grazia, friend

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Neil Dollard

To know Neil was to know a young man in his prime. Neil's zest for life was evident in the way he lived and the relationships he nurtured. Neil was a multi-faceted person who connected to many people in different ways. He was bright, handsome and witty, with a smile that dazzled. No one was immune to Neil's dry sense of humor and fun-loving nature. Neil also had a thoughtful, caring side that manifested itself in the generosity and interest he showed his loved ones. Neil genuinely cared, and his actions proved it. Although he was only 28, Neil had an air of maturity and was comfortable with himself and the path he had chosen in life. Neil was truly a young man of great character who touched so many lives with his goodness. To know Neil was to love him.

Megan Fajardo, sister

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Neil Dollard

I miss you so much, my dear brother. I will always cherish your memory and keep you in my heart forever. You will always be with me.I long to see you again so badly.

Peter Dollard, brother

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Capt. Robert Edward Dolan

Bob, You were a great leader and friend. We would talk about may things, including death. I remember laughing at your choice of funeral songs, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. As unconventional as I thought it was, I will always think of you whenever I hear it. Rest in peace, my friend.

Chaplain Paul Witt, Navy Chaplain

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Brendan Dolan

Brendan touched so many people in the best of ways. His spirit will shine on and will remain bright because of his dynamic family and all of his wonderful friends. Thank you, Brendan, for the happy times that I shared with your friends and family. One can only aspire to have all the genuine qualities that you posessed. You are truly missed...

Elizabeth Sollas Collins, friend

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Brendan Dolan

Although I hadn't seen Brendan for over 10 years, I will always remember him as a person full of life, always laughing or smiling, a loyal friend of his friends, proud of his heritage, unpretentious and down to earth. We shared many good times together, long ago. I'm sure the World will be a sadder place without him.

David Levin, friend

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Edward DeSimone III

I knew Eddie over 10 years when I worked at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was a man with lots of love and life. He always had a smile and a joke. I am deeply saddened for his family. God Bless Eddie. I know he is with the Lord.

Michael S. Talerico, former co-worker

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Melissa C. Doi

Sister Soaring Spirit! A woman of conviction. A pure American with a fierce love of God and Country. A gentle, devoted daughter to her mother. As always, in my heart.

LauraLee Sebanz, friend

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Melissa C. Doi

Melissa, I am so sad to see your name here. You were a pleasure to work with. May the afterlife be a wonderful and peaceful place. Your sunny personality and warm smile will be sorely missed.

Bruce Kanin, co-worker

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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