Although I've never met you, you were married to a wonderful high school clasmate of mine, Patty Valette. When she lost you, she lost everything. Now Patty is gone. I know that she is with you in heaven, and the both of you will share eternity together. Thank you and Patty for loving each other so much. May you both rest in peace. Diane Cass Banfell, friend of wife
I met Jeff in July, 1998, when I joined the First Union brokerage team in Richmond, Virginia. Although we did not interact on a daily basis, he made my experience at First Union a positive one. Anyone who ever had the pleasure of working/interacting with Jeff agrees. My heart goes out to all his family and friends. He is, and will always be, missed terribly.
Bob was a hero long before September 11. About four years ago when I was picking up my daughter from the Epiphany School on East 22nd Street, I saw a truck that was on fire, rolling down Second Avenue. It was veering toward 22nd Street. Bob was at the school picking up his kids. He saw the truck; he ran to it, opened the door, looking for the driver, who had gotten out of the truck blocks away, when it first caught on fire. He turned the ignition off,the truck stopped and a tragedy was averted. There were many kids due to come out of school at that time. The truck could have crashed into parked cars on the block. He ran into that truck that was on fire and smoking profusely. He did not give a thought to his own safety. I was in awe of his response. I called his house that night to thank him for being a hero. I am so glad that I thanked him for that day. Thank you, Bob, for all the days that you did your job heroically. Rest in peace. Maryellen Teaman, friend
I am so very sorry. I did not know Al personally, but I do know his son Al. I send my deepest sympathy to him and the rest of the family. My heart is with you and I pray that God will be with you and help you understand. Darlene Hilton, friend in Christ
To a really nice man. You were my supervisor's colleague, but you were always kind and considerate to all who came in contact with you. May your soul rest in peace. Loretta Jones, co-worker
Noel, you are always a brother. Whenever you did a favor for me, I would say, "I owe you one." You would say, "Just do the same for somebody else someday." Goodbye, Noel J. John Franey, friend
Claudia, my wife and I watched you grow up on Coney Island Avenue. You were such a joy with all your sisters. I am sure Mommy and Daddy miss you very much. But we all know you are in heaven with God. Robert Estepa, neighbor
I did not know Claudia or her family. But like Claudia, I'm a 26-year-old married female. Claudia just reminded me how precious life is and how, in an instant, everything can change. Just by coming across this web site at work, Claudia has touched my heart. She made me stop for a second and thank God for this precious life. As we learn, our souls grow, and Claudia was chosen to be a teacher. She will be waiting with open arms for all of you that love and miss her dearly. Amy Batchelor
Dear Chris, Having spent a few years working and living together in Madrid, I will never forget the times we had together. You are always on our minds. Miss you and love you forever, Ben, Leah y Los Ninos. Alberto Bensusan, friend
Elaine, Godwin's sister, goes to the same church as me. I did not know Godwin, but I've seen Elaine's courage in facing this horrible event. Clearly ,the whole family must be people of character and are handling the unthinkable with great dignity. May he rest in peace. Mark Templer, friend of sister
John Fischer was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He coached my son, John Blyth, for five years in soccer and basketball. John always understood that the game was just a game and tried to encourage each player to do their best and play every position. He never yelled at his players. John was always the gentleman on the court, setting a good example for other coaches in how to conduct oneself at a youth sporting event. John is my hero, I love him with my heart and soul. Michael Blyth, friend
There is the most gentle breeze blowing here beneath the shadow of the snowy peaks. The sun peeks out hazily, warming my back. The soft songs of the birds seem to mock my emotions. No time for tears or sorrow or anything anymore. Time has no meaning now. Minutes merge into days... into months.... into years. I have no direction, no desire to fill the seconds that tick by. Just the mountains and I remain... standing still as sentinels over the winding roads that lead far away from here. I have no reason to move on. You left this morning forever. Kathy McCartin, neighbor
A person more full of love and life you will never meet. For those of you who did not know Tommy (which there aren't many of you!), it is truly a shame you were not as blessed as we were to have him in your lives. For those of us who knew and loved him, we are grateful for the many wonderful memories he left us with. What a true gift he was. I can still see his dancing Irish eyes and hear his warm, contagious laughter. That is how I best remember him. He was a giver, never a taker. One of his favorite things to do often was to sit up on top of a mountain near his home, at night when all were asleep. He would "watch over everyone" and pray that we, his friends and family, were all okay. That was his main concern - everyone else.
He loved to be "one with nature" and had a real sense of the outdoors. He just LOVED nature. We would sit and talk about it up there at that mountain of his. I learned a great deal from Tom Foley over the past 11 years. I certainly could never write even half of our great times, but he knows what he has done for me to make me a better person... and I love him and will never forget him for it. I miss you, Tommy. I am so proud of you. You will be in my heart until we dance again.
"I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss The Dance..." Marianne, ex-girlfriend and friend
To the Fields family: I met Samuel Fields in June 2000 while working at 1 WTC. I named him Smiley because no matter what type of day he might have had, he always had this beautiful smile on his face. We would often chat, and I knew that he had a heart of gold. After September 11th, I searched the papers and watched the television to find a hint of what may have happened to Smiley. Deep down in my heart, I knew he would be one of the missing because knowing Smiley, he would have never left the building as long as people were still there. He would have been working with the FDNY & NYPD, side-by-side. My co-workers and I all felt the same. Two weeks later, I saw his picture in the missing column. My heart shattered into a million pieces. Samuel Fields will forever be in our hearts. Dorothy Cochin, friend
Michael was one of a kind. A hard-working and caring person who praised othersfor their good work when he himself was the one that deserved to be praised. Esther Gagliardotto, co-worker
I met Bob years ago as a member of the Garden City Fire Department. I have no doubt that Bob's training and dedication contributed to the saving of other lives. I last saw Bob about two years ago, and we exchanged family information. He certainly loved, and was proud of, his children. My prayers go out to his wife and family. Rod Birmingham, friend
Although I've never met you, you were married to a wonderful high school clasmate of mine, Patty Valette. When she lost you, she lost everything. Now Patty is gone. I know that she is with you in heaven, and the both of you will share eternity together. Thank you and Patty for loving each other so much. May you both rest in peace. Diane Cass Banfell, friend of wife
Joe [James Joe] was dedicated to kids and geographical learning. He was a friend of education and teachers. He will be missed by all of us who had the privilege of working with him. He was fun-loving and adventuresome. Thanks, dear friend, and God be with you. R. Sankey, friend and colleague
Hi our love, Each day we pray you are found. We miss your laugh, your voice that has so much love in it when you talk. We miss you calling every day. Most of all we'll miss every special occasion that's yet to come. Rest in peace. We miss and love you so much. Love, Mom and Dad.
My deepest sympathy for this tragic and senseless loss. May the love of your family and friends hold your memory tightly forever. Catherine Siegel, family friend
I want to express my sympathy for your loss. Although I did not know Christina, she is the same age as I am. I also am newly married. She was a beautiful person. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that in time you will be able to find peace. Until then your family and your loss will be on my mind. Kristin Van Vorst
The world will never be the same without you. Your caring heart and your tender smile will forever be missed.Merry Christmas Christina, we will always love you. Rick Taiano, old friend
My thoughts and prayers are with you always Christina. You were such a great person and I will never forget the laughs we had during high school at Christ the King. You will always be remembered. You are in a better place now. Please guide and watch over all of your friends and family. You will always be remembered and missed. God Bless you always. Josephine D'Angelo, classmate and friend
My husband, Vinny Gerard, worked in the 13th Precient with Bobby Fazio. I would just like to express our deepest condolences to his mother and father and all of his family and close friends. Vinny thought very highly of Bobby and misses him dearly. Bobby will remain in our thoughts and prayers forever. Jennifer Gerard, family friend
I went to high school with Ryan at Holy Cross in Flushing, New York. I remember the first day I met him in freshman year like it was yesterday. I lost touch with him after graduating high school but always considered him a friend. I found out a month ago, in November, that Ryan was lost in this unspeakable horror. My sympathy goes to his family. Sean Greeley, high school classmate
The first Christmas I worked for Ron, he gave each of his employees an ornament. He picked one that would mean something to us. This year when I placed my ornament on my tree, I said a prayer for him and thought what a wonderful person he was. I will place that ornament on my tree every year for the rest of my life. MaryAnn Molino, employee
John Fischer was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He coached my son, John Blyth, for five years in soccer and basketball. John always understood that the game was just a game and tried to encourage each player to do their best and play every position. He never yelled at his players. John was always the gentleman on the court, setting a good example for other coaches in how to conduct oneself at a youth sporting event. John is my hero, I love him with my heart and soul. Michael Blyth, friend
I will always remember Stephen from my youth and when I worked at the World Trade Center. He was always kind and thoughtful. He was like my "big" friend who protected me when we were in grade school in St. Ann's. Later on in life, I would meet him on the ferryboat from Staten Island to the city and we would talk and update each other on how our lives were going. I pray for him and his family and I know that he is now in heaven. Peace to you, Stephen. Terence O'Donnell, friend
I lost my friend.I lost my sister-in-law. I miss you so much Fanny. I wish you could be here. I bought Christian a game for his PlayStation. In honor of you, I am having Christian read at the church when we get married.
I am so very sorry. I did not know Al personally, but I do know his son Al. I send my deepest sympathy to him and the rest of the family. My heart is with you and I pray that God will be with you and help you understand. Darlene Hilton, friend in Christ
You will forever be in our hearts, Jack. I wish we could all go back before September 11 and tell you personally how much you are loved. You have left your mark on our souls forever, and we will never be the same without you. Please continue to watch over Maur and the boys with your strong angel wings from above.
To our "Big Dude": We love you and miss you so much. It's just not the same without you but we will try to make it through and make you proud! Our hearts are broken, in time they will heal, but they will always have a scar.
To the Fields family: I met Samuel Fields in June 2000 while working at 1 WTC. I named him Smiley because no matter what type of day he might have had, he always had this beautiful smile on his face. We would often chat, and I knew that he had a heart of gold. After September 11th, I searched the papers and watched the television to find a hint of what may have happened to Smiley. Deep down in my heart, I knew he would be one of the missing because knowing Smiley, he would have never left the building as long as people were still there. He would have been working with the FDNY & NYPD, side-by-side. My co-workers and I all felt the same. Two weeks later, I saw his picture in the missing column. My heart shattered into a million pieces. Samuel Fields will forever be in our hearts. Dorothy Cochin, friend
Brad was a great person to know. He had it all -- smart, good-looking and a great personality. He will be greatly missed by all of us who crossed his path over the years.
Michael was one of a kind. A hard-working and caring person who praised othersfor their good work when he himself was the one that deserved to be praised. Esther Gagliardotto, co-worker
Betty, I didn't know where you were for years. I do know that you increased the quality of my life just by being in it. I know the vibrant and energetic person you were, and I know you helped those around you until you were unable to help anymore. God bless your soul for making the world a better place. Skip New, friend
I met Bob years ago as a member of the Garden City Fire Department. I have no doubt that Bob's training and dedication contributed to the saving of other lives. I last saw Bob about two years ago, and we exchanged family information. He certainly loved, and was proud of, his children. My prayers go out to his wife and family. Rod Birmingham, friend
Farley-Hackel was traveling to Disneyland with Ruth and Juliana McCourt. She was unable to get a ticket to fly with them on United Airlines flight 175, and was booked instead on American Airlines flight 11.
Lisa was a woman with so much life that she actually sparkled. She loved her children and truly touched everyone she met. I will miss her laughter, her quick mind and her kindness. Veronica Ortiz, friend
Zoe was a delightful, vivacious and bright little girl who loved music. As her music teacher, I was so impressed with her and her family. When she was in first grade, she was quite intrigued with figuring out the "Mystery Composer" each month -- normally an activity done by older students. Zoe would bring her mom or dad into my room if she couldn't remember enough of the clues herself. She got a real thrill out of discovering the answer. The loss of Zoe and her family has left a gaping hole in our community.
I traveled with Joe in 1993 in Saudi Arabia. We were Malone fellows under the auspices of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations [in Washington] and our educational institutions. Joe and I traded "war stories" about our adventures traveling with students and teachers. Joe was dedicated to the belief that travel and cultural interaction promote understanding. How fortuitous that his final trip was with a group of teachers and students. Fran Hassencahl, professional colleague
Joe [James Joe] was dedicated to kids and geographical learning. He was a friend of education and teachers. He will be missed by all of us who had the privilege of working with him. He was fun-loving and adventuresome. Thanks, dear friend, and God be with you. R. Sankey, friend and colleague
My name is Teresa Fallon, I lost my sister at the Pentagon in the September 11th attack. Our family is dealing with Jamie's death the best way we know how, which isn't easy. Jamie left behind a wonderful son, named Kahleb. Kahleb is a wonderful, 9-month old boy, with the same big grin that Jamie wore on her face everyday. My thought and prayers are with every family memeber that lost a loved one in this terrible act of hatred. Teresa Fallon, sister
Garth and I ... had a lot of laughs together, and I appreciated his friendship, which never ended. He was a very special person, and everyone who met him learned that very quickly. I will always have special memories of him. John Damian, friend
Garth genuinely was one of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. ...I was always amazed by his patience and intelligence, as well as how he managed to cram so many other activities into a life already so busy with work. Nic Kelman, friend
As your soccer coach years ago at East Lake high school in Tarpon Springs, Florida, I was impressed with how you carried yourself and set high standards for yourself. You were able to balance so many activities in your life. I am proud of the man you became and I am saddened by your loss. Someday I hope to meet you face to face again, along with Jack Vigliatura and Bill White. Until then... Mark Lange, former coach
It's no memorial puffery when I say that Garth was a person who had a rare combination of desirable human qualities -- smart, loving, kind, genuine, etc. ... He is sorely missed mainly for the love and genuine friendship he leaves behind. Thank you, Garth, for this. Michael Marcinelli, friend
Garth was always like a kid with a new toy. No New York-cool glasses or edgy goatee could hide that. I miss him. I miss hearing his hello on the phone, or chatting over IM as the workday went on. I still expect to look at that little box on my screen and see his name.
I rollerblade on the streets of New York, but only the level ones. Don Garto promised me one spring that he would teach me how to stop without grabbing for streetlamps and pedestrians, but we never got to Central Park for him to teach me. ... Garth was a good friend and a great man. He remains in my thoughts, as an example of how to take the hills in life.
We saw Garth reflected with love in our daughter's eyes. She wore the wonderful, warm coat he gave her. He considered and cared and made every occasion happy.We felt we had met Phineas from A Seperate Peace, the runner whom fame would not outrun. Wear your laurels forever. Hilarie Orman and Richard Schroeppel, Parents of girlfiend
Rob was my cousin. He loved coming to my annual Halloween parties (he left his rubber nose glued to my kitchen cabinet one year, I guess just to let us know he had been there!) Loved to talk your ear off, loved to give financial advice, and was an all-around good guy. We'll miss you Rob. Until we meet again, I love you. Merry Christmas in Heaven. Maureen Acocella, cousin
Pat was a warm, lovely person. I dealt with her through business. She was always a joy to speak with on the phone and always made time to speak with me. She was truly a special and rare person.
I knew Bill back in 1953 in the hills of Korea. After the war we were assigned to a small unit of college grads whose task was to instruct GIs and Korean soldiers attached to our regiment. Bill was an unselfish, soft-spoken buddy who pulled his load. I'd like to extend our sympathy to Bill's four children and their families. May God bless and comfort them as they reflect on a great guy and wonderful father. Case Vande Ree, Korean War buddy
I first met Ron about 10 years ago, when I was with PMA RE. I'm so sorry that he's gone. I've always respected Ron and appreciated his genuineness. To Ron's wife and children, please know that he was special to many others too! Sheri Klein, colleague
The first Christmas I worked for Ron, he gave each of his employees an ornament. He picked one that would mean something to us. This year when I placed my ornament on my tree, I said a prayer for him and thought what a wonderful person he was. I will place that ornament on my tree every year for the rest of my life. MaryAnn Molino, employee
My husband, Vinny Gerard, worked in the 13th Precient with Bobby Fazio. I would just like to express our deepest condolences to his mother and father and all of his family and close friends. Vinny thought very highly of Bobby and misses him dearly. Bobby will remain in our thoughts and prayers forever. Jennifer Gerard, family friend
I will never forget what happened, ever. I will always remember you and Bobby -- always together and always laughing hard -- and me never getting the best of you two, despite being seven years older. God hold you dear to him and rest in peace. Ken Avery, family friend
Dear Shannon, You were always so very helpful to us in Tokyo. We were always under such frantic and difficult situations and needed your help. You were always there for us, getting us what we needed quickly. Thank you very much for your kindness. I miss you.
Hi our love, Each day we pray you are found. We miss your laugh, your voice that has so much love in it when you talk. We miss you calling every day. Most of all we'll miss every special occasion that's yet to come. Rest in peace. We miss and love you so much. Love, Mom and Dad.
You were a special person and will never be forgotten for all the great things you accomplished in your too-short life. Joan Michalowicz, former MONY co-worker
Thank you! I'm born and raised in Huntington. Although I never met you, I feel the need to say thanks. Your sacrifice made this world a better place, and will never be forgotten. Brian Daniels, neighbor
Terry was a silent angel who will be watching over us now. He was apparently needed someplace else. He touched many lives and accomplished more in his short life than many will do in a lifetime. He was reserved, quiet, and not selfish, never looked at what others thought only what he thought was right. He was a great person to have known and has become a role model. He will never be forgotten by the many people that he touched.
Terry was the man. I had the luxury of having my turnout gear hanging next to his. I went into my first working fire with him. He was the best and I will miss him a lot, there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of the times that we shared together. Marc, brother firefighter "DHFD"
To our "Big Dude": We love you and miss you so much. It's just not the same without you but we will try to make it through and make you proud! Our hearts are broken, in time they will heal, but they will always have a scar.
Betty, I didn't know where you were for years. I do know that you increased the quality of my life just by being in it. I know the vibrant and energetic person you were, and I know you helped those around you until you were unable to help anymore. God bless your soul for making the world a better place. Skip New, friend
Page touched our lives for only a short time. She was married to my brother Ed Swartz. She came to our home several times. My father was their best man and my sister was a bridesmaid. We attended their wedding in Boston. I have pictures of that day. She had a beautiful smile. I'm sure that we were not the family she had hoped to marry into. We are very simple people. We do not have fancy homes or lots of money but we have big hearts and lots of love and we loved her. You see, we wept tears for her also. It was our pleasure to know her, and love her. She will be missed by all who knew her. The Kenneth Swartz family Dianne Swartz Detra, once sister-in-law
Farley-Hackel was traveling to Disneyland with Ruth and Juliana McCourt. She was unable to get a ticket to fly with them on United Airlines flight 175, and was booked instead on American Airlines flight 11.
Though we only worked for a short while when we both worked for Merill Lynch, I admired your expertise in your field. We met up again when I was working for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter about 6 or 7 years ago. Thank you for acknowledging me as I spotted you in the executive floor; you were interviewing for a position. You will be missed. Judith Pena, co-worker
Kit was one of those one-of-a-kind people -- one of those people who could light up a room with just her smile. She had a way about her that is hard to describe but if you ever had the chance to meet Kit you would understand. Kit you will always be loved and deeply missed! We will never forget you!!!
You will forever be in our hearts, Jack. I wish we could all go back before September 11 and tell you personally how much you are loved. You have left your mark on our souls forever, and we will never be the same without you. Please continue to watch over Maur and the boys with your strong angel wings from above.
I have just heard that Dolores has been killed. We worked together in 1992. I was an overseas trainee from Swizterland at BBH in NYC. I'm very sad about this news and send my condolences to her family.
Jamie was my best friend of 11 years. We met in high school and have been friends ever since. She was the most fun, caring and loving person I have ever known. I miss her and love her very much. LeAnda Garrison, friend
My name is Teresa Fallon, I lost my sister at the Pentagon in the September 11th attack. Our family is dealing with Jamie's death the best way we know how, which isn't easy. Jamie left behind a wonderful son, named Kahleb. Kahleb is a wonderful, 9-month old boy, with the same big grin that Jamie wore on her face everyday. My thought and prayers are with every family memeber that lost a loved one in this terrible act of hatred. Teresa Fallon, sister