A great friend, a great loss for the insurance industry and our country. We will miss him. Rich would do anything for anybody to help. Alan Josefsek, Sedgwick colleague
May you rest with the Lord. I will miss your sense of humor, your smile, your personality - I am going to miss you forever. You were a true friend. I love you in the Lord. By the way, thanks for all those wonderful Christian e-mails. I always looked forward to them. Sandy, thanks again for telling me about the Brooklyn Tabernacle. G-D Bless, DOC David Bellows, co-worker and fellow Christian
I used to think that planes were beautiful. It always seemed such anamazing thing to fly - to soar above the world, in a way, free from thereigns and problems of the earth. Now I can only see death when I lookat planes… I see pictures in my head of planes crashing throughbuildings…I see videotapes from the morning of September 11th, when itjust seemed like a horrible dream or a sick joke by some young moviedirector inspired by Orson Welles’ “War of the worlds”. Little did Iknow, when I first saw those images, that one of the planes had crashedinto my family as well; and we would never be the same again. It wasn’tuntil my father’s phone call when he simply and almost, calmly said “Ithink we’ve lost him” that I immediately let out a strange cry, but itwas unlike any cry I’d ever experienced. It was almost a gasp or ascream, more intense than any cry before or since. It was obvious to methen that a violence had been done… .to me. I wasn’t scraped orbruised….no broken bones, in fact, to look at me I looked normal….exceptfor the puffy eyes and the sullen expression. But I was no longer normal,I had some invisible appendage that I had lost and could no longerfunction as before. I would see the media coverage of the rubble,twisted steel and concrete which were once the twin towers, the pentagonor the planes. What people can’t see are all the families of the victimstrying to put the broken and twisted pieces of their family backtogether…but because they are so damaged and not all the pieces arethere…they just don’t fit together anymore. The families are splayed outand crumpled just like the wreckage of the buildings and planes. Andthat wreckage will take a lot longer to clean up. Julia Caswell Daitch, sister
Such a terrible waste. I'm told she was a wonderful mother. Now her son, Jake, will have to grow up without her. It saddens me so much. Pat Crisp, relative's co-worker
As a delivery man for Empire Distributing Corp. in Calstadt, New Jersey, his main responsibility was dropping off office supplies on the many floors of the World Trade Center every day. Alex is orginally from Colombia. He was 2 when he came to the United States. Alex, a fun-loving jokester and single dad, leaves behind his 13-year-old son, Steven, his parents and his sister, Claudia. Since Alex and his younger sister were 11 months apart, they were extremely close and protective of each other.
I knew Dave from our hometown of Westfield, New Jersey. We played Little League baseball together, attended Edison Junior and Westfield Senior high schools. I remember him as always friendly and outgoing. A great guy who was cheerful and always smiling. Although I had not seen Dave in years, I never forgot him or the friendship we enjoyed as kids. Dave is truly a role model for his sons and anyone who had the privilege to know him. Charles R. Morrison Jr., classmate
I worked with Bill at Johnson and Higgins. One of my first "real" jobs out of college. He was my mentor, teacher, friend. I learned more from him than any book ever taught me. Ever since I left J and H I told myself to call Bill, see how he is doing but something always came up. There was always tomorrow. I miss Bill. He was a warm, caring person.
Your very good friends in Boston and San Francisco will never forget you, Neilie. Thank you for how you've touched so many of us. May peace be with you always. Peter Callahan, friend
I would like to say thank you to Sharon's family for their loved one's sacrifice for her country and fellow Americans. When I arrived home from Crystal City on September 11, one of the first people I saw on TV was Sharon's sister, pleading tearfully for her recovery. I prayed silently for her and hoped she'd be found safely. My condolences to Sharon's family, and may God make each day without your loved one easier and easier. Be assured Sharon is in a better place and is looking down at you from the heavens.
I wish you could have known James. My brother James was one of the most amazing person you would every want to meet. He took care of his parents and loved his family and friends with all his heart. All that he gave to each of us came from his heart. At James' memorial, over 1,000 people filled the church that not everyone could find a place to sit, some had to stand outside the church. It is only a reflection of what James gave to the people around him. I believe that God gave James such a wonderful life because he knew that James' time here on earth would be short. James will never die, because we each carry a part of him to make sure that his name and legacy lives. Just as the love will never end, neither will our pain and sadness that James is no longer here. He has been called home to God. We, his family who remain here now wait to go home to him. We know that James will be the face that we see when the doors of heaven have opened for us. Then and only then will the Cartier Family will be whole again.
Our memories of Tommy will forever be thoughts of laughter and kindness. He could always make us smile and always showed an interest in what everyone was up to in life. I know his family was very proud of him, I hope he remembers that his extended family loved him as well. I know you will be fishing with William Robert T. and we hope all of you are smiling down on us.
This tribute is written on behalf of Susan Cahill, Robert Jr and Amanda Cahill, Brian, Jen, Jack, Andy and Brad Cahill, Kevin and Danae Cahill, Adam Cahill and Natalie Cadman. The Cahills, cousins
It is both my honor and privilege to call John Patrick Burnside my friend. John and I met through our wives 10 years ago, and from the begining I saw John as a person who loved life, and most importantly his beautiful wife Sandra. John's second love was his job as a firefighter for the city of New York. To me, John always depicted and defined the meaning of a firefighter. John, your heart, your will, your courage will dwarf anything the citizens of New YOrk City will ever know. May the memories we all keep of you in our hearts bring smiles to our faces now and forever. Until we meet again John, may God bless you and watch over you. Thank you for being my friend. Rusty Zusi, friend
I really grieve that Christoffer isn't going to continue to make me laugh at his outrageous life! I am angry with those responsible of taking away such a spirited friend that gave so much to everyone he met! I'm sorry that he will never build that boat! Or do what ever came into his mind next - you just never knew what it would be! I still miss you. Kimber, friend and coworker
Christoffer was a dedicated, kind, caring member of the Northfield Mount Hermon School community for several years. He was highly respected by colleagues, and a funny, caring friend to many students. He was never too busy to take time out of his day to do whatever he could to help others, and to brighten our days. We will miss him. Greg Leeds, former colleague
Chris, your friends & family miss you, but we can still see you smiling and making us smile back! "There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life," Frederico Fellini. Peter J.B. Teague, friend
Michael was a wonderful person. Just being around him made you feel good. He was wonderful to his family and loved them with his whole being. The whole family misses him, and our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and family. Michael and his wife shared a love that comes only once in a lifetime. Even though she only had him for a short time, they had a wonderful life together. I miss him very much! Cathy Sweeney, aunt by marriage
To a great friend, Caz. He enjoyed life to the fullest, had a very generous heart for people who need help physically, mentally or financially. In fact, he's in heaven right now helping someone. We miss you, Frank and the family. Frank Caputo, friend
I knew him for a few years. No matter the odds, he was always a good human being with a good heart. His half-sister Edwina misses him so. I have managed to get for Edwina videotapes of a program that both Jeremy and Patti, his wife, assisted in. It was called "Manhattan on the Beach." This should never have happened, and Patti is in all our thoughts.
I am deeply saddened to find out about Joe's tragic death. I have known Joe for more than 15 years. We both worked at Paul Napolitan, Inc. We both left the company, but through our new employers I kept in touch with Joe from time to time. My sincerest condolences to Joe's family and co-workers. Daniel House, friend and former colleague
You paid the supreme sacrifice to ensure the safety of your men and countless others on the morning of September 11, 2001. Men of your courage, leadership, kindness, intelligence and humor are far too rare in this world. I am forever indebted to you for helping me navigate the labyrinth of adolescence and helping me solve the numerous personal and professional dilemmas that come with age. My memories of our friendship are more precious than a pure arbitrage. You will be missed and never forgotten. Jeff Buetow, friend
I never knew you, but you must have been quite a person because so many people miss you. Your spirit will live on. Rest in peace forever and always. Deanna Kimble, acquaintance of parents
I went to school in North Babylon with Richie. It is hard to believe he is gone. What a kind person. My heart aches every time I think of him. Linda McNulty, classmate
To you, Jonathan, and to your family and friends: I send all of our love, support and prayers. We hope for constant reminders of your great journey here on Earth and your eternal place in heaven. That will help in strengthening those who knew and loved you. We take solace and find hope in your spirit which is unbreakable. Peter, same hometown
As long as the day turns to night and night to day so shall you memory forever live on in the hearts and the minds of all of us. I don't know you, but somehow I miss you. May the heavens await you with open arms, with love. Scott Daniels
I worked with the guy for six months when I began my career. We were studying the Series 7 at the same firm. I just wanted to wish the guy and his family well, with many blessings. Richie, the guy who sat over my shoulder, will always be remembered. His wisecrack jokes, unique insights on life and the New York Post read every morning over cups of coffee. Godspeed.
I met Brian 10 years ago while he was a junior at St. John's. I have a son, Robert, who is 25 and mentally retarded. He attended the Seton Foundation for Learning. As an alumnus of St. John's and a fellow brother in Sigma Chi, I wrote and asked for their assistance at an upcoming 24-hour Super Dance benefiting this great and worthy cause. Brian called me and told me that we could count on him. Within minutes of arriving, the entire gang befriended Robert, had him dancing, laughing and having an all around good time. This was very unique because Robert is introverted and really does not communicate that well. It was really touching for my wife and me.
A few hours later while chatting with others, I noticed Robert sitting in the bleachers, surrounded by girls, and Brian not far away. But something was different. Robert was now wearing a black, No. 24 football jersey that he had not come with. Brian was now wearing a white T-shirt. For that short time, Brian gave my son the chance to be the college student he could never be. Robert wore that shirt every night for the next eight years until it was frayed and worn beyond repair. A plaque Brian had made the following morning hangs by Robert's beloved TV. Brian was Robert's hero.
William (Billy) McDermott, friend and fraternity brother
You are a good friend. Growing up we shared some good times. From little boys playing basketball and causing havoc in the neighborhood to fraternity brothers, the laughs were always there thanks to you. You will always be remembered as a hero and never forgotten. I will miss you. Dan Auciello, friend
I said a prayer for you today and prayed that God will hear. I felt the answer in my heart although he spoke no word. I didn't ask for wealth or fame, i asked for treasures of a far more lasting kind - i asked for peace for Jackie and protection always for Christopher. I asked for him to hold them both in his hands. I asked for blessings for both in all things great and small, but it was his loving care for them I prayed for most of all.
Steve, I'll always remember in high school at CBA your great sense of humor and how you could always make people laugh. I'm sorry I didn't stay in touch with you after graduation in 1979, but I always thought I'd catch up with you at our 25th reunion. You are deeply missed. Mark Drusdow, classmate and friend
May you rest with the Lord. I will miss your sense of humor, your smile, your personality - I am going to miss you forever. You were a true friend. I love you in the Lord. By the way, thanks for all those wonderful Christian e-mails. I always looked forward to them. Sandy, thanks again for telling me about the Brooklyn Tabernacle. G-D Bless, DOC David Bellows, co-worker and fellow Christian
Such a terrible waste. I'm told she was a wonderful mother. Now her son, Jake, will have to grow up without her. It saddens me so much. Pat Crisp, relative's co-worker
Missing you and thinking of you always. You are a reminder of what is precious! We will keep Caroline safe, and we will help her with her pain. Marco Torres, friend
I just want to give my condolences to the family members. I worked closely with Keith at Theatre Service Americana Inc. He was the coolest guy to ever work with. Myself and everyone here at T.S.A. will always remember him, and he'll always be in our hearts. Joey Otano, former co-worker
Dave was a classy guy, and I am proud to have known him. I knew Dave in high school as a friendly guy and a very good athlete on the top-notch swim team at Westfield High School. I was on the track team, and we had a mutual respect for each other. He went to the class reunions, and we had a fine time laughing about our days at WHS. I liked him a lot and will miss him dearly. What a terrible loss. Other classmates have made similar comments about Dave. We feel for his family greatly and are deeply shocked and saddened. Mike McGlynn, classmate
The town of Basking Ridge and our neighborhood of Homestead Village think of the Campbell family often. The Campbells used to live around the corner from us, and we remember his warm smile and how easy it was to talk about family, sports, the town or our next home project. We see Cindy running in town, and we want her and her sons to know that we're thinking of them.
I knew Dave from our hometown of Westfield, New Jersey. We played Little League baseball together, attended Edison Junior and Westfield Senior high schools. I remember him as always friendly and outgoing. A great guy who was cheerful and always smiling. Although I had not seen Dave in years, I never forgot him or the friendship we enjoyed as kids. Dave is truly a role model for his sons and anyone who had the privilege to know him. Charles R. Morrison Jr., classmate
He's the same age as I am, and I couldn't imagine being that brave. I'm not an American, but I've lived here for a while. In many ways it's like home. I'll never forget how I felt that day. The kid's a hero. Andy
My thoughts and prayers truly go out to Mr. camaj's family and friends. I'm a window cleaner for ABM in Portland, Oregon, and all here on our crew, have the same sentiments. Steve Moran
The first time I saw Roko Camaj was in a German TV special about his job on the World Trade Center. A German journalist met him on his job. In this interview, Roko Camaj was so charming and friendly. And although I was just a TV viewer thousands of miles away on September 11, one of my first thoughts was about Roko Camaj. So I searched the Internet to find out if he had survived. Every time I think about september 11th, I will also remember Roko Camaj. Daniela Mayr from Germany
I knew him as "Gino" in college. "Gino" was quiet, respectful and always pleasent to be around. He had a simple laugh, almost a giggle, most of the time and a hot red Mustang. He was one of the few true gentlemen in school. My deepest sympathy to his wife and family. Tracey Vergo, college friend
Suzanne is missed every day. She always had a bright word and a positiveattitude. Her smile and laughter were her sparkling light. My thoughts andprayers are with her family and the families of all the victims whose loved onespaid an unjust price for being citizens of our country. Dawn Slusher, co-worker
Although I have no relationship to this person, I feel that he should be recognized. A brave man doing his duty to save others. He's a true hero. Thai Nam Pham
We didn't know each other, but we were both Irish Catholics who went to Catholic school. So God bless you. I thank you so much for what you have done. God bless. Anne Buckley-Reinsford
It is absolutely unbelieveable that a person could give so much for their country. This man went to work for his country at the time we needed it the most, and he gave his life for the thousands that were killed. This man exhibits not only bravery and honor, but courage that so many have had. This man gave everything he had, and in the end his reward was the greater kingdom of heaven. I will keep his family in my thoughts and prayers. I would like to say "thank you" to them as well. Thank you for raising a son who cared so much for others that he was willing to risk his life to help. You raised a great son! Brandi
Dear Matthew, we miss you so much and I hope that you give our family the strength it needs to move on. I will never forget you or my promise to continue to be kind-hearted and loving to all I meet, just like you were. Thank you for being my cousin. I love you and miss you so. Christine Szenes, first cousin
One of the nicest, kindest, most caring people I have ever met. Every one who knew her,loved her. We have truly lost an angel. Nicky Lerman, Guy Carpenter employee
Although I never knew your father/husband, my father (George Fay) considered him a good friend. I just wanted to let you know that Ron has touched more lives than you probably know, and his ultimate sacrifice for this country does not go unnoticed. My prayers are with you all. Justin W. Fay
I met Kenny when I decided to become a volunteer at a center for children. He ran the orientation, and it was amazing to watch the children running in and hugging him. They seemed to not be able to get enough of him! He made a difference to so many of those kids as a mentor and as a friend. I will never forget that day and all the others that followed as I watched Kenny with that big smile on his face playing with the kids.
To my cousin Kenny, I will forever miss your comical wit, your smile and the times we spent growing up together. I love you, and this pain will always endure. Jamel Hudson, cousin
I went to WPCS with Kenny. He was always found with a smile on his face and in his heart. I will miss the times we spent together at Penn Charter. David Widmeier, classmate
Kenny Caldwell befriended small children with his goodness, encouraged teens with his positive outlook, made adults laugh with his humor and inspired leaders with his simple acts of kindness. A piece of Kenny lives on in the many of us who knew him. For some there are external ways -- at 14 Kenny gave me my nickname which continues at age 30; and for others internal ones -- who could ever forget that big toothy grin. Kenny was a great man in simple ways. He deserved better. Neil Tanner, friend
I went to WPCS with Kenny. He was always found with a smile on his face and in his heart. I will miss the times we spent together at Penn Charter. David Widmeier, schoolmate
I met Kenny in 1988 when I visited Penn Charter with my school. After that time he told me that he wanted to come to Germany. Sure, I invited him to stay at my house. It was a nice time and my parents and I enjoyed his stay. Last year when he was in Germany, he called me and we met two times in Dusseldorf and Cologne. Like ever, it was very nice to meet him and to talk to him. He will always be in my thoughts and in my heart. Love and best wishes from me and my family to his family and all his friends (and I know there are a lot). Carsten Peitz, friend
Eddie, what can I say? I am still in shock and cannot believe this has happened to you. If I can go and fight in this war I would. You are missed. Until we meet again. Caroline Calderon, sister
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Eddie gave his life so that others may live. I dedicate the above scripture to my friend, Eddie. May the Lord Jesus Christ comfort the Calderon family during this painful time. God bless you all. Tu amigo siempre, Ray. Ray "Rico" Rodriguez, Friend
You were a gentleman and a gentle man. My angel, my hero, my dear, dear friend. I was always honored by your loyalty and humbled by your devotion to me. You were always honest with me. I respected you greatly and adored you completely. It doesn't seem possible that you are no longer in my life no matter what truth is foisted upon me. We had plans for this coming summer. How can they be gone? How can you be gone? We beat all of the odds in becoming friends. Why couldn't we beat them one more time? I will always remember your smile, your laugh. I will always hold the memory of my time with you in New York city tightly in my heart. You made the city shine for me, and I'll never forget your excitement in being my tour guide. I loved you like a brother, only more, because you don't get to choose relatives, and we chose each other as friends. No one will ever be able to take your place. Mere words cannot express all I feel, not about you, not about losing you. It's something that can only be felt. I miss you more than you could have ever imagined. And I love you more than either of us ever suspected. If I could paint the picture of the word "friend," you are what would I'd create. Thank you for being who you were, which in my book, was close to perfection. My love for you is eternal. Jo, Friend
My darling Edward, I'm missing you terribly. I hold your memory close to my heart and pray that someday, somehow we will find our way back to each other. I love you more than words could express. I remember you once told me that I was a gift sent to you. I truly believe that the gift was you in every shape and form. Loving you always, Rose. Rose Colon, fiancee'
I am deeply saddened to find out about Joe's tragic death. I have known Joe for more than 15 years. We both worked at Paul Napolitan, Inc. We both left the company, but through our new employers I kept in touch with Joe from time to time. My sincerest condolences to Joe's family and co-workers. Daniel House, friend and former colleague
Hi Pete, how ya doin'? I must have been saying that countless number of times as I drove by your house. I used to always see you on the corner while you were working on your house outside or just working on your lawn. I used to stop by and chat for a few or just wave as I was coming home from work. Well, we miss you. You were a great friend a great person. You are just gone too soon.
I'll remember Mr. Cain and his courageousness. God chose him to do His work. I wish I could have known him. I have a hat with his name on it that my boyfriend got from his job as an emergency medical technician. My boyfriend almost had to come to New York to help. Mr. Cain will not be forgotten. Even though I did not know him personally, I feel like I have a connection with him and mourn too. Know that he is remembered and is loved by a stranger.
Our memories of Tommy will forever be thoughts of laughter and kindness. He could always make us smile and always showed an interest in what everyone was up to in life. I know his family was very proud of him, I hope he remembers that his extended family loved him as well. I know you will be fishing with William Robert T. and we hope all of you are smiling down on us.
This tribute is written on behalf of Susan Cahill, Robert Jr and Amanda Cahill, Brian, Jen, Jack, Andy and Brad Cahill, Kevin and Danae Cahill, Adam Cahill and Natalie Cadman. The Cahills, cousins
I worked with Richie for about a year. He was truly one of the nicest guys I had ever met. Every morning he'd have a smile on a face. Always having a good time.
I worked with the guy for six months when I began my career. We were studying the Series 7 at the same firm. I just wanted to wish the guy and his family well, with many blessings. Richie, the guy who sat over my shoulder, will always be remembered. His wisecrack jokes, unique insights on life and the New York Post read every morning over cups of coffee. Godspeed.
Steven was my first boyfriend in high school. He made me laugh. He made me cry. What they say is true -- you never really get over or love someone like your first love. I will never forget Steve. He forever lives in my timeless teenage memories and lives in the hearts and minds of many others.
Although I did not know Bernard, I know that he was much too young to have his life taken away. To his friends and family: May God be with you through these hard times and may you get through your pain. Do it for Bernard. I feel your sorrow. To Bernard, you are greatly missed and loved. God bless. Lily Elkins
I would like to extend my condolences to the entire Byrne family. May God bless the Byrne family and all those who have been affected by this terrible tradegy. Brian Conroy, friend of his younger brother
Irina, from Europe, had just started her professional career at a prestigious international bank in 2 World Trade Center a year ago. She was so young in her challenging spirit and her look as well. She was very warm-hearted and open-minded. It was always a pleasure to call her up at work and get some thoughtful idea for her colleagues and friends. We will live with your memory, Irina.
It is both my honor and privilege to call John Patrick Burnside my friend. John and I met through our wives 10 years ago, and from the begining I saw John as a person who loved life, and most importantly his beautiful wife Sandra. John's second love was his job as a firefighter for the city of New York. To me, John always depicted and defined the meaning of a firefighter. John, your heart, your will, your courage will dwarf anything the citizens of New YOrk City will ever know. May the memories we all keep of you in our hearts bring smiles to our faces now and forever. Until we meet again John, may God bless you and watch over you. Thank you for being my friend. Rusty Zusi, friend
Hello, my name is Tim, and my mother's maiden name is Broderick.I know we are not related, but I wanted to send my heartfelt sympathies. I am sorry for your loss. Tim Morrisey
I was out of work at the time and Keith was trying to help me find a job with Cantor Fitzgerald. He actually got me three interviews with them. The point is that he was a friend. He would do anything to help you out. To me, that's what he was all about. He would do anything for anybody and even more for a friend. In these days, character in a person like him is so rare.
I just want to give my condolences to the family members. I worked closely with Keith at Theatre Service Americana Inc. He was the coolest guy to ever work with. Myself and everyone here at T.S.A. will always remember him, and he'll always be in our hearts. Joey Otano, former co-worker
Deena, you and the girls are blessed to have had a man in your life as brave and wonderful as Tom was. All know how proud you must be of him. I hope you have a blessed Christmas Season and New Year. Love in Christ. Martha Board Rogers, cousin of John Ogles
Deena, I can't imagine how you feel right now. I, like yourself, have three small girls and have many times tried to imagine the pain you feel. I read your story in Newsweek (December 3rd issue). I know you are a woman of faith. Please know that I am praying earnestly for you and your children. May God give you the strength, courage, and grace to go on without your beloved husband. Your husband truly was a hero. My husband is gone now fighting in the war. Everytime I miss him I think of you and how much you must miss Tom. Thinking of you gives me the strength to keep things in the proper perspective. Thank you for that. Just like Tom told you on 9/11, "Just pray Deena, pray." That alone will get you through this. And I pledge to join you in prayer! In symapthy,
The attacks that took place on September 11th were heart-wrenching enough without the knowledge that I knew people directly affected. But when I found out that my friend Katy's uncle had been the pilot for one of the ill-fated flights, I was devastated. My thoughts and prayers go to her and her family. Sakai Troxell, niece's friend
My name is Robert M. Burlingame and I am no relation to Charles. But since September 11th, I have felt a special bond to him and his family, as our name is not that common. I pray for all the victims of that terrible day, but I always say a special one for him and his family. God bless Charles Burlingame and all of us. Robert M. Burlingame
I am still saddened that it took your family so long to get your burial done at Arlington National Cemetary. But I do understand that the Army does have its regulations to follow. I live in a small town in Minnesota, and we here have family named Burlingame. So your name stuck in my mind. Anyway I just want to say that I hope your family can now find a little more peace in their every day lives. I'm sorry that you don't have him in person for holidays. But I know that you, Charles, will be there in spirit. You're a part of my daily prayer list, and that is something I can give your famliy and friends. May God grant you peace. L.E.B. of Minnesota
I would like to express my sympathy for the family of Captain Burlingame. With the holidays upon us, it is especially painful because there is an empty seat at the table. Nevertheless, please understand that you are not alone. On November 8, I tragically lost my father. I find comfort in knowing that our families, along with many others, share the same common thread. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. Travis Hite
My deepest sympathy goes out to the friends and family of Mr. Charles Burlingame. I must admit that his name was unfamilar to me before September 11, but that name has become very familiar in my prayers. I am a candidate for the United States Naval Academy. If an appointed I cannot think of a greater honor than living in Bancroft or studying for hours on the second deck of Nimitz, as he once did. I am in awe of his accomplishments at the academy and thoughout his career. He will forever be in my prayers. Molly Mahoney