Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Thomas J. Ashton

You were a gentle soul Tom. But I know that your soul lives on. I miss you a lot after these three months, and I hope you didn't suffer for long. You left this crazy world because of hatred. If those bad people had spent some time with you -- even 5 minutes -- they would not have hated you. You died innocently while trying to learn a new craft. I know that you are in a better place.

Tom Sartorio, uncle

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Thomas J. Ashton

Tom was a great kid. I attended high school with him at Archbishop Molloy. I knew him very well and he will be missed.

Stephen, schoolmate

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Thomas J. Ashton

God bless you Tom ... we will always be family.

Debbie Ashton, cousin

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Louis Arena

Dedicated in honor of Louis Arena. A husband, a father, a friend and neighbor. His heroic acts on September 11th, 2001 will never ever be forgotten.


I saw you last when we were moving

You stopped to chat for only moments

We talked of moving and future plans

The growth of children put much demands

We bid farewell and parted paths

We knew you'd leave as others had

You put your plans in motions too

You'd look for a house and move real soon

You woke for work so full of life

You bid farewell to the kids and wife

You got to work as you always have

To put your best in all your plans

But the first alarm came much too soon

You rushed on out not even noon

What laid ahead you could not tell

The horror, the screaming, the building fell

We watched and mourned and when all was done

We could not believe that you were gone

We pray for you and others too

My neighbor, my friend, we'll miss you Lou!

Delia Rodriguez-Vega, neighbor

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Janice Ashley

I knew Janice for about two years before the tragic events of September 11, and she she is sorely missed. I will miss her smiles, and her vibrant personality. She really lit up a room whenever she came in. I will miss her infectous smile, and her witty sense of humor, but most importantly I will miss her friendship. With each day that goes by I miss her more, because she was too young to die. And a blank space remains in my heart because she truly was a friend.

Katy Brown, friend

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Patrick Michael Aranyos

A friend above all else, guided by his desire to see others happy, and enjoy life. An amazing brother and a caring son. He tought all of us how to be a better friend. A part of all of us died on Sept 11.
John, friend

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Frank Thomas Aquilino

FT was the heart and soul of our group of friends. I know there will never be someone like you, someone with your heart and determination. We all know you are watching over us. Thank You, Love, your buddy, Scunge

Frank Scognamiglio, best friend

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Carl Asaro

My condolestions to the Asaro Family for the loss of their Firefighter Hero, Son, Husband, Cousin, Nephew, Father and Friend.

Anthony Venditti, classmate's neighbor

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Carl Asaro

To his children: Just remember, he is within each one of you, physically, you are made of him, you have his valor. Do not underestimate that. Carry it with you throughout your life. Let it strenghten you and sustain you. My grandfather, Daniel Haggerty, was a NYC firefighter who died as a result of injuries sustained in a fire in 1927, when my mother was 7 months old. May he rest in peace along with my grandpa Dan.

Lisa Ivers, grateful New Yorker

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Carl Asaro

Moonlighted as an actor, with appearances on "The Sopranos" and "Third Watch."

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Faustino Apostol Jr.

This grateful American will never forget the courage of the men of the New York Fire Department. Lesser mortals such as myself can only try, in our small way, to emulate the bravery of New York's Bravest -- and never forget their sacrifice. I pray his grieving family will find some small comfort in knowing that he was the epitome of everything an American should be.

Jenni Simpson

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Myra Joy Aronson

Living in France while an exchange student was a privotal event in Myra's life. Accordingly, her family has set up a scholarship at Miami University of Ohio to allow a student to study in France. Donations should be made in memory of Myra J. Aronson, Class of '71. I think she would have liked that another student would learn about France and about her life.

Nancy Aronson, sister-in-law

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Peter Paul Apollo

My dear brother, I miss your existence and your smile. I miss calling you or stopping down a few floors to visit you. May you rest in peace and look over us, especially Mom and Dad. I love you so much. I think about you every day and cry every day. May you be with all your friends from Cantor Fitzgerald. God Bless you. You will never be forgotten. Love always.

Denise Mauthe, sister

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Michael J. Armstrong

I did not know you, but my son has your sister as a teacher. She is the nicest woman and I know her family must be the same. I did not know anyone personally that was lost in the tragic event, but you are the closest. God bless you and your family.

Cindy Turdo, family friend

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Michael J. Armstrong

One of the few people in this world who would give the shirt off of his back for anyone. Loved by many. We miss him.

Andrew Lindner, friend

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Seima Aoyama

This was a leader fighting for world peace. We will continue his legacy to promote non violence and promote worldwide peace. It would be my total wish for people to continue his goal for worldwide dialogue and true international relationships and friendship. That would be my wish.

Christopher C. Gagliardi, friend

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Lorraine D. Antigua

Lorraine was a beautiful person, she always had a smile that warmed your heart. She worked with my husband many years ago at First Boston and we became friends. We were deeply saddened to see her picture among the victims of this horrible attack. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to her family, her children and her fiancee. Though we haven't seen her in a few years she will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Diane DiLiberto, friend

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Doreen J. Angrisani

Dear Doreen, I know we were not close friends, but I remember your warm smile, and yes, your love for rock! I hadn't seen you in a very long time, but I think about our days at old J and H and I miss you. To Doreen's family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless Doreen and all of you. Love and peace,

Nancy Gonzalez, friend, former co-worker

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Laura Angilletta

I just wanted to say that Laura is always on my mind. I met her for the first time at my uncle's wedding this past June. Laura and I were in the bridal party together and basically hung out all day. I'm very sorry that she is gone, and she is in my prayers. I'm 23 as well, and it makes me sick to imagine her gone at such a young age. Laura will be greatly missed.

Danielle Vacirca, family through marriage

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Louis Arena

My heart goes out to you, Hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson

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Louis Arena

His life was ended too soon, but in the truest and purest of causes -- in service to his countrymen. He will always be remembered as one of the bravest of Americans. His grateful country will never forget his supreme sacrifice.

Jenni Simpson

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Louis Arena

Dedicated in honor of Louis Arena. A husband, a father, a friend and neighbor. His heroic acts on September 11th, 2001 will never ever be forgotten.


I saw you last when we were moving

You stopped to chat for only moments

We talked of moving and future plans

The growth of children put much demands

We bid farewell and parted paths

We knew you'd leave as others had

You put your plans in motions too

You'd look for a house and move real soon

You woke for work so full of life

You bid farewell to the kids and wife

You got to work as you always have

To put your best in all your plans

But the first alarm came much too soon

You rushed on out not even noon

What laid ahead you could not tell

The horror, the screaming, the building fell

We watched and mourned and when all was done

We could not believe that you were gone

We pray for you and others too

My neighbor, my friend, we'll miss you Lou!

Delia Rodriguez-Vega, neighbor

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Lynn Edwards Angell

When I was 6, you would have Clifford books for me. When I was 9 you had The Small Potatoes books for I'm 19 and all I will always remember the books that you had for me to read when I came in. Thanks for showing how fun reading is!! My mom, sister and I keep you in our prayers everyday. God bless.

Kimberly Thompson, friend

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David Arce

The day before Christmas, three months after the attack that took all our breaths away, and you away from your family. You are a stranger to me. I don't know you at all. But I am sorry for your loss. I am sorry that your family won't be with you tomorrow. I am still so affected by this although only a fraction of what your family is going through. I am sorry. I wish there was something I could do. God Bless You.

Mary Schaub

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David Arce

We will never forget, and you will never be forgotten for what you did that day. Thank you.

Jessika Louise Wood

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David Arce

He was a brave man, he did what he had to trying to save innocent people, and I know now he is somewhere safe.

Sylvia Carter, admirer

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David Arce

You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Yvonne Gonzales, friend

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David Arce

How can mere word ever express the depth of both horror and pride Americans felt when watching these brave men rush headlong into the maw of destruction in order to save others? David Arce was a hero. I pray to God that each of us can find some way to live up to the example he set. He was not just New York's Bravest -- he was America's Bravest.

Jenni Simpson

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Joseph Angelini Jr.

How proud his father must have been. Their example of bravery and service is unequaled anywhere in the history of this great country. On 9-11-01, every American became a New Yorker, and watched with horor -- but with swelling pride -- the courage of these men, who never questioned if they should rush into those blazing buildings, thinking only of the lives that needed to be saved. God bless the Angelini family. We will never forget.

Jenni Simpson

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Patrick Michael Aranyos

Pat, you were such a fun guy to be around. I have been thinking about you recently because I am going to get married in July and so many good things are happening for me. But I always think of how unfair it is that you wont get to have them too. I know Dean misses you a lot. He doesn't talk about it much, but he is pretty upset. I hope that there is an afterlife and that you are happy there. It's just hard to beleive in that sort of thing right now with all the awful things that have happened. I dont know what else to say, except that you will be missed by everyone who knew you at BC. I hope you and your family can find peace.

Gray Peckham, college friend

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Patrick Michael Aranyos

A friend above all else, guided by his desire to see others happy, and enjoy life. An amazing brother and a caring son. He tought all of us how to be a better friend. A part of all of us died on Sept 11.
John, friend

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Frank Thomas Aquilino

My thoughts and prayers go out to your family as well as your fraternity brothers from Kappa Psi, Frank. You will always be remembered.

Sean Campbell, aquaintance

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Frank Thomas Aquilino

FT was the heart and soul of our group of friends. I know there will never be someone like you, someone with your heart and determination. We all know you are watching over us. Thank You, Love, your buddy, Scunge

Frank Scognamiglio, best friend

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Jean A. Andrucki

As I view the many faces on this site I become even more filled with deep grief for the losses that so many families have suffered. I wish I could send tributes to all the faces and names but that is impossible. I wish to extend to the family of Jean A. Andrucki my deepest and sincere feelings of sorrow. I did not know Jean nor the other people killed, but as a human I feel such deep sadness and wish to convey that to the family of Jean. I hope that knowing complete strangers cared will lessen the pain and help the healing process.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Faustino Apostol Jr.

I went to high school with Faust. When I saw his picture in the S.I. Advance, it broke my heart. My remembrance of Faust was a mild, friendly young man. It is wonderful to know he grew up to be such a fine family man. I also remember his wife from high school. My love and prayers to all the family.

Jackie Anderson Tate, high school friend

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Faustino Apostol Jr.

My heart goes out to you, Hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson

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Faustino Apostol Jr.

This grateful American will never forget the courage of the men of the New York Fire Department. Lesser mortals such as myself can only try, in our small way, to emulate the bravery of New York's Bravest -- and never forget their sacrifice. I pray his grieving family will find some small comfort in knowing that he was the epitome of everything an American should be.

Jenni Simpson

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Peter Paul Apollo

We are related, but we never met. It seems life really is too short to take it for granted. God bless your soul and your family.

Allison White, second cousin

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Peter Paul Apollo

My dear brother, I miss your existence and your smile. I miss calling you or stopping down a few floors to visit you. May you rest in peace and look over us, especially Mom and Dad. I love you so much. I think about you every day and cry every day. May you be with all your friends from Cantor Fitzgerald. God Bless you. You will never be forgotten. Love always.

Denise Mauthe, sister

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Seima Aoyama

We all miss you at the office. We chant for you everyday.

Verna Voght, friend

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Seima Aoyama

This was a leader fighting for world peace. We will continue his legacy to promote non violence and promote worldwide peace. It would be my total wish for people to continue his goal for worldwide dialogue and true international relationships and friendship. That would be my wish.

Christopher C. Gagliardi, friend

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Yvette Anderson

God loved her and we will never forget her. Just wanted her family to know that we cared also and you are in our prayers.

Essie Kuma

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Lorraine D. Antigua

I never met you, but I am a former resident of Middletown, NJ and our hearts and prayers are with you!

Judi Gage Lundh

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Lorraine D. Antigua

Lorraine was a beautiful person, she always had a smile that warmed your heart. She worked with my husband many years ago at First Boston and we became friends. We were deeply saddened to see her picture among the victims of this horrible attack. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to her family, her children and her fiancee. Though we haven't seen her in a few years she will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Diane DiLiberto, friend

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Doreen J. Angrisani

Dear Doreen, I know we were not close friends, but I remember your warm smile, and yes, your love for rock! I hadn't seen you in a very long time, but I think about our days at old J and H and I miss you. To Doreen's family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless Doreen and all of you. Love and peace,

Nancy Gonzalez, friend, former co-worker

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Kermit Charles Anderson

I was very sad to hear about Kermit. I worked at Marsh with Kermit some 15 plus years ago and I have many fond memories of him. His quiet manner stands out most for me. Words cannot express my sorrow for your loss. I understand what you are going through. My brother-in-law, John Tobin, Senior VP at Marsh, also died at the WTC. May the spirit of their lives help us to carry on with ours. You will be in my prayers.

Kathy Bland Tobin, former co-worker

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Laura Angilletta

I never had the pleasure of knowing Laura, but I know from her family that she was a great person, and she will be missed greatly.

Greg Tsirulnik

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Laura Angilletta

I just wanted to say that Laura is always on my mind. I met her for the first time at my uncle's wedding this past June. Laura and I were in the bridal party together and basically hung out all day. I'm very sorry that she is gone, and she is in my prayers. I'm 23 as well, and it makes me sick to imagine her gone at such a young age. Laura will be greatly missed.

Danielle Vacirca, family through marriage

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Lynn Edwards Angell

I am honored to display a Memorial plaque for Mrs. Angell on my website. God bless and keep her and all her family.


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Lynn Edwards Angell

When I was 6, you would have Clifford books for me. When I was 9 you had The Small Potatoes books for I'm 19 and all I will always remember the books that you had for me to read when I came in. Thanks for showing how fun reading is!! My mom, sister and I keep you in our prayers everyday. God bless.

Kimberly Thompson, friend

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Calixto Anaya Jr.

My heart goes out to you, Hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson, no relationship

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David Lawrence Angell

I noticed the red ribbons both David and his wife had on. How ironic! The same symbol in red, white, and blue is ow used to symbolize our country's resolve to bring their murderers to justice. My deepest sympathies go out to their loved ones.

Marlene Kublin

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David Lawrence Angell

Any man who could produce a show that my husband would watch had to be incredible.

Laura Charron, fan's wife

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David Lawrence Angell

An influencer whose work produced images, impressions and insights that have had impact either for a moment or far more lasting via the storylines, characters and viewpoints of shows that will live on as classics in tv history. To have touched so many, caused the smiles and laughter of millions...indeed, it must have been a most special life. This final act in this real life story is just one way this life will be remembered. It will not, however, be the only way.

Karisha, fan

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David Lawrence Angell

Television producer, "Frasier".

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Joseph Angelini Jr.

How proud his father must have been. Their example of bravery and service is unequaled anywhere in the history of this great country. On 9-11-01, every American became a New Yorker, and watched with horor -- but with swelling pride -- the courage of these men, who never questioned if they should rush into those blazing buildings, thinking only of the lives that needed to be saved. God bless the Angelini family. We will never forget.

Jenni Simpson

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Spc. Craig Amundson

Always smiling, warm and friendly. Craig was the kind of person you want to get to know more, because somewhere inside you know he will enrich your life.

Ken Modzelewski, friend

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Jean A. Andrucki

Jean was a true friend. Finding fun was one of her greatest pursuits. She had a great sense of humor. I've always felt refreshed and happy when I was with her. We would sit together in her office, elbow to elbow, and scan the vistas from the windows of her 64th floor office. We'd chat and whisper like sisters. She was my confidante, with a beautiful sing-song voice and never hesitant to pay a compliment. When I was mourning the death of my father, just a week before September 11, she was the first to make me smile and lift my spirits. She bought me a little plant, which I still have, and even got me to dance an Irish Jig with her on St. Patrick's Day. She broke my depression. That was Jean -- the spirit lifter. You could always learn something from her. She had so much to give. I miss her terribly. She was a walking jewel. My deepest sympathy goes to her family, whom she loved so dearly.

Jean Marie Mitchell, friend

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Jean A. Andrucki

Supposedly beauty is only skin deep, but in Jean's case it runs deep within her heart and soul. She was the epitome of kindness to everyone -- family, friends, elderly neighbors, complete strangers and of course, God's little creatures. Words cannot possibly describe her love, warmth, generosity, intellect and ever-present smile. She has touched us like no one else can. Dearest Jean, you will always live within our hearts.

Nelson Chanfrau, friend

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Jean A. Andrucki

As I view the many faces on this site I become even more filled with deep grief for the losses that so many families have suffered. I wish I could send tributes to all the faces and names but that is impossible. I wish to extend to the family of Jean A. Andrucki my deepest and sincere feelings of sorrow. I did not know Jean nor the other people killed, but as a human I feel such deep sadness and wish to convey that to the family of Jean. I hope that knowing complete strangers cared will lessen the pain and help the healing process.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Yvette Anderson

God loved her and we will never forget her. Just wanted her family to know that we cared also and you are in our prayers.

Essie Kuma

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Kermit Charles Anderson

I was very sad to hear about Kermit. I worked at Marsh with Kermit some 15 plus years ago and I have many fond memories of him. His quiet manner stands out most for me. Words cannot express my sorrow for your loss. I understand what you are going through. My brother-in-law, John Tobin, Senior VP at Marsh, also died at the WTC. May the spirit of their lives help us to carry on with ours. You will be in my prayers.

Kathy Bland Tobin, former co-worker

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Calixto Anaya Jr.

My heart goes out to you, Hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson, no relationship

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Joseph Amatuccio

Aloha Debra and the Amatuccio family. I was deeply scocked and saddened when I heard about the tragic news about Joey out here in Hawaii. I have such fond memories of Joey at Nativity BVM School. Joey and I were altar boys together and hung out together on Sundays in the church basement setting up bingo tables and selling the Tablet until high school. Joey had introduced me to an Elton John album at the time when it first came out, playing "Levon" and "Tiny Dancer" in the church basement until the cassette wore out. Whenever I've heard those songs, I always thought of Joey and those times. He was a great guy with that gigantic grin and smile.

Jim Mackey, friend

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Spc. Craig Amundson

We will miss you fellow trooper. May the Airborne god shine upon you and yours.

Sgt. Raymond Carson, fellow soldier

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Spc. Craig Amundson

You are a hero forever. We will miss you and will never forget your patriotism. We pray that your creator grants you the rewards you deserve. You gave your life for us all. May you rest in eternal peace.

Jean de Dieu Ndahiriwe

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Spc. Craig Amundson

We will always remember his smile -- you couldn't help but smile back. He'll be missed by his friends and family, but his talent will live on through his beautiful family.

Jack and Margaret Smith, parents of a friend

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Spc. Craig Amundson

We miss you, Craig. I miss the talks and the smoke breaks we had together. The hallways of the Pentagon are very lonely now. We love and miss you much.

Steve Goosey, coworker

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Spc. Craig Amundson

Always smiling, warm and friendly. Craig was the kind of person you want to get to know more, because somewhere inside you know he will enrich your life.

Ken Modzelewski, friend

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James Amato

My heart goes out to you, hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001, and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson

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Paul W. Ambrose

I had the pleasure of meeting Paul my first year at MU. He was an asset to the community. He will be greatly missed by his colleagues and friends.

De, classmate

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Joseph Amatuccio

Aloha Debra and the Amatuccio family. I was deeply scocked and saddened when I heard about the tragic news about Joey out here in Hawaii. I have such fond memories of Joey at Nativity BVM School. Joey and I were altar boys together and hung out together on Sundays in the church basement setting up bingo tables and selling the Tablet until high school. Joey had introduced me to an Elton John album at the time when it first came out, playing "Levon" and "Tiny Dancer" in the church basement until the cassette wore out. Whenever I've heard those songs, I always thought of Joey and those times. He was a great guy with that gigantic grin and smile.

Jim Mackey, friend

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James Amato

My heart goes out to you, hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001, and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson

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Tariq Amanullah

He was a very soft-spoken, hardworking and outstanding human being. Undoubtedly, he will be missed by all his friends.

Shahab Ayub, friend

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Tariq Amanullah

He was a very soft-spoken, hardworking and outstanding human being. Undoubtedly, he will be missed by all his friends.

Shahab Ayub, friend

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Telmo Alvear

I wish to express to the family of Telmo my deepest sorrow and wished that I had words that would give comfort. Americans do care and suffer great pain in the useless loss of an innocent person. Although my path never physically crossed with Telmo, I feel the loss just the same as if I had known him personally. May the family of Telmo find peace in knowing that people like me did really care about his life.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Telmo Alvear

I wish to express to the family of Telmo my deepest sorrow and wished that I had words that would give comfort. Americans do care and suffer great pain in the useless loss of an innocent person. Although my path never physically crossed with Telmo, I feel the loss just the same as if I had known him personally. May the family of Telmo find peace in knowing that people like me did really care about his life.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Janet M. Alonso

Janet, I'm so sorry. Please be at peace.

Shari Rimber, business associate

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Janet M. Alonso

I never realized just how lucky I was until the September 11th Disaster! My heart and my prayers go out to you and your family! I cannot even conceive the phone call Mr. Alonso received. Thank the Lord at least there was that moment. Janet and every person taken by this will always be remember in my heart!

Donna Callahan

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Janet M. Alonso

Janet,as a resident of Rockland, I mourn your passing. I pray each day for your family, and I hope they find peace.

Kathy, neighbor

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Janet M. Alonso

Janet, I'm so sorry. Please be at peace.

Shari Rimber, business associate

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Christopher Edward Allingham

Christopher Edward Allingham was only 36 years old, but he had already spent half of his life working on Wall St. After graduating St John Vianney H.S. in Holmdel N.J., Chris went on to St. Peter's College in Jersey City, NJ. After class, Chris would take the PATH to the World Trade Center and walk down to Broadway where he sold the N.Y. Post every day regardless of the weather. His work ethic and glowing personality caught the eye of a regular customer who offered Chris his first job brokering Municipal Bonds. 

  Chris was the most positive, easygoing, non-judgmental and genuinely happy person that I have ever encountered in my life.  He never had a bad word to say about anyone and he would give you the shirt off of his back in a heartbeat. He was passionate about the Giants, loved his work, but most of all he loved his wife Donna and his two boys Christopher and Kyle. 

I was fortunate enough to spend Saturday September 8 with Chris at my brother Bill's house. We spent our day in typical Chris Allingham style. Drinking Buds, barbequing and playing with all of the kids. I will cherish that day for the rest of my life.  

  If we all could live by his way, the world would truly be a better place. Live each day as if its your last. Always be happy no matter the hand that you are dealt. Spend the time most with those who you love. Don't pass judgment without first looking at yourself.


 I can only hope that I can be half of the man that you were, and live the rest of my life the way that you lived yours. I never got a chance to thank you for being such a good friend and brother so I keep wishing for 5 more minutes with you. I miss you terribly and will think of you everyday until we meet again. 

I love you,

JJ Allingham, brother

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Christopher Edward Allingham

Christopher Edward Allingham was only 36 years old, but he had already spent half of his life working on Wall St. After graduating St John Vianney H.S. in Holmdel N.J., Chris went on to St. Peter's College in Jersey City, NJ. After class, Chris would take the PATH to the World Trade Center and walk down to Broadway where he sold the N.Y. Post every day regardless of the weather. His work ethic and glowing personality caught the eye of a regular customer who offered Chris his first job brokering Municipal Bonds. 

  Chris was the most positive, easygoing, non-judgmental and genuinely happy person that I have ever encountered in my life.  He never had a bad word to say about anyone and he would give you the shirt off of his back in a heartbeat. He was passionate about the Giants, loved his work, but most of all he loved his wife Donna and his two boys Christopher and Kyle. 

I was fortunate enough to spend Saturday September 8 with Chris at my brother Bill's house. We spent our day in typical Chris Allingham style. Drinking Buds, barbequing and playing with all of the kids. I will cherish that day for the rest of my life.  

  If we all could live by his way, the world would truly be a better place. Live each day as if its your last. Always be happy no matter the hand that you are dealt. Spend the time most with those who you love. Don't pass judgment without first looking at yourself.


 I can only hope that I can be half of the man that you were, and live the rest of my life the way that you lived yours. I never got a chance to thank you for being such a good friend and brother so I keep wishing for 5 more minutes with you. I miss you terribly and will think of you everyday until we meet again. 

I love you,

JJ Allingham, brother

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Richard L. Allen

To the family of Richard L. Allen: I wish to extend my deep sadness for their loss. Seeing his picture on this site creates a truer reality than just seeing a name. May the family of Richard find peace, and hopefully they will draw strength from all of us who care.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Richard L. Allen

God bless you. Have a very peaceful place in heaven. You died to be a martyr. Jesus Christ is with you in heaven.

Firefighter in Indonesia

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Richard L. Allen

My heart goes out to you, hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson

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Richard L. Allen

Thank you for giving a life that had so much to give. Thank you for leaving a family, loved ones and going to God early. God was ready to take you, but was the world ready to give you up? Many would say no. They wanted you to stay, but you made the choice and God came and took you home.


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Richard L. Allen

To the family of Richard L. Allen: I wish to extend my deep sadness for their loss. Seeing his picture on this site creates a truer reality than just seeing a name. May the family of Richard find peace, and hopefully they will draw strength from all of us who care.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Eric Allen

I will always remember you and the other brave people that helped on September 11. In honor of your memory, i wear a bracelet, engraved with your name,F.D.N.Y and 9/11/01.

Sarah Merino, 11, friend of a friend

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Eric Allen

I will always remember you and the other brave people that helped on September 11. In honor of your memory, i wear a bracelet, engraved with your name,F.D.N.Y and 9/11/01.

Sarah Merino, 11, friend of a friend

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Ernest Alikakos

Somewhere, someone is missng you, but still loves you and will always remember you.

Jen Smith

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David D. Alger

Many years ago, when I was a young analyst just starting out on the sell side of Wall Street, I knew David. Whenever I ran into him at company meetings or conferences, he went out of his way to be supportive, encouraging, and helpful. He would feed me smart questions to ask management and explain his thinking on a stock. I will never forget how nice he was to a junior analyst when other clients wouldn't have had the patience. It's been 15 years or more since those days, and I am a stay at home mom now, but I will always remember David fondly.

Gail Wiesenfeld, business associate

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Grace Alegre-Cua

To the family of Grace, I wish to extend my deepest heartfelt sadness in the loss of Grace. I am just the average human being who has been touched so deeply in viewing this human being. I wish the family to know that America cares about the loss of Grace.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Ernest Alikakos

Somewhere, someone is missng you, but still loves you and will always remember you.

Jen Smith

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David D. Alger

The only time I met David was when I attended the wedding of his daughter Roxanna to my cousin Daniel. He striked me as a very professional and respectable man. At the same time, he had no trouble transmitting to all attending his genuine love for his daughter and her new husband, as well as everyone else there. A fitting patriarch for the family which is now linked to my own. He will be missed.

Richard Geffen, family friend

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David D. Alger

Many years ago, when I was a young analyst just starting out on the sell side of Wall Street, I knew David. Whenever I ran into him at company meetings or conferences, he went out of his way to be supportive, encouraging, and helpful. He would feed me smart questions to ask management and explain his thinking on a stock. I will never forget how nice he was to a junior analyst when other clients wouldn't have had the patience. It's been 15 years or more since those days, and I am a stay at home mom now, but I will always remember David fondly.

Gail Wiesenfeld, business associate

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Grace Alegre-Cua

To the family of Grace, I wish to extend my deepest heartfelt sadness in the loss of Grace. I am just the average human being who has been touched so deeply in viewing this human being. I wish the family to know that America cares about the loss of Grace.

Ken Kuchar-Haas

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Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge

Dear Jackie,

It is with so much sadness that I read and write this memorial. When I think of you I think of your bright smile, and of how you always asked about my family. You have a warm heart and I'll never forget you. As the rest of our friends lost at WTC, I'll carry you in my heart always.To Lafayette and Jackie's sisters, my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless Jackie and all of you.
Love and Peace,

Nancy Gonzalez, Friend and co-worker

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Margaret (Peggy) Jezycki Alario

How beautiful heaven must be to invite a wonderful soul to its pure richness. The moment in life where all seems to have been lost engraves itself in our thoughts forever.

Royan Strachan

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Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge

You have been a blessing to all the lives you have touched. We don't understand the way God does things at times, but I know that he does not leave us alone. You have touched many people while you were living and now in death. You will always be remembered and may God bless your family and give them peace. I lost my husband on July 10 and the loss of a loved one never leaves you. But God give us the courage to go on. Just wanted your family to know that we care also.

Essie M Kuma

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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