Steve was my friend, my roommate for a while in Vermont. We had a blast! What a cool guy! Quiet, goofy, kind... When another friend of mine was murdered by "bandits" in Guatemala, Steve was there for me. Nothing like a good bottle of wine and a gentle soul to help you in times of sorrow. I miss you now, Steve, even though I didn't realize it on September 10. And just because you dance with bells on your feet, and a hankie in your hand, doesn't mean you're a sissy. Bye, pal.... Doug Noyes, friend
I grew up in the same hometown as Shannon did. I knew him when he was younger. His family still lives behind my father. I want to extend my deepest sympathy to his family and offer them my prayers. He will be missed. Dave Rixon, neighbor
Steve was my friend, my roommate for a while in Vermont. We had a blast! What a cool guy! Quiet, goofy, kind... When another friend of mine was murdered by "bandits" in Guatemala, Steve was there for me. Nothing like a good bottle of wine and a gentle soul to help you in times of sorrow. I miss you now, Steve, even though I didn't realize it on September 10. And just because you dance with bells on your feet, and a hankie in your hand, doesn't mean you're a sissy. Bye, pal.... Doug Noyes, friend
My husband was his Cub Scout Leader years ago. When he heard of the news, he told me what a good kid that Shannon was. To all who knew him, he was one of the good ones. May your spirit soar, Shannon. Kelly Price
What can I say about Shannon. He lived life to the fullest. Shannon tried to make every one around him happy, always wearing a big-toothed grin. We shared many classes in accounting and finance in college, and he had a way of explaining the most complex of problems in a way that any one could understand. I will miss his charm and down-to-earth persoanlity. He was pure fun. Seth Adam Stuart, classmate
I grew up in the same hometown as Shannon did. I knew him when he was younger. His family still lives behind my father. I want to extend my deepest sympathy to his family and offer them my prayers. He will be missed. Dave Rixon, neighbor
Although I did not know Don personally, I work with his mother, a wonderful, loving person. May Don's memory be a blessing to his family, and may you find peace in your life. Betty, friend
Don's outgoing personality and reassuring personality allowed him to become quick friends to my younger brother. Don, thank you for the life you lived and how you cared for Tom through his college years and beyond. You will be missed by many. Brian Beatty, brother of friend
I'm so sorry. I grieve for the life you could have lived and for the people you touched who are left without your presence. May God bless and keep them in peace and grant them serenity to go on without you, always keeping you in their thoughts, deeds and laughter. Jennifer Ryals-Scott
I met Heinz briefly on the phone in my professional career. He was very nice to me (he complimented my terrible German), enough so that I remembered him five years later when I saw his picture. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to have another converastion with him. John Beveridge, friend
I was sorry to hear of the death of your loved one recently. I, personally, have found comfort through the pages of the Scriptures during a time such as this. I would like to share some of these verses with you at this time. John 5:28,29 -- "The hour is coming in which all those in the Memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. Those who did good things to a resurrection of life." Revelation 21:3,4 -- "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more. Neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." This is a sure hope to have through a careful study of the Bible. May you find comfort through God's promise of a resurrection and a restored paradise Earth. Ramona Hertzell
I'm so sorry. I grieve for the life you could have lived and for the people you touched who are left without your presence. May God bless and keep them in peace and grant them serenity to go on without you, always keeping you in their thoughts, deeds and laughter. Jennifer Ryals-Scott
I met Heinz briefly on the phone in my professional career. He was very nice to me (he complimented my terrible German), enough so that I remembered him five years later when I saw his picture. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to have another converastion with him. John Beveridge, friend
Dear family members and friends, I, like most people, was horrified by the events of September 11th. I am sure that your lives have changed completely, I wanted to express my sorrow for your loss and share some scriptures from the Bible that have personally comforted me. Please notice what Jesus promises at John 5:28,29: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life..." Also at Revelation 21:4: "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." So in these verses we see the promises that God gives us of a time without death as well as a resurrection for our loved ones. I hope this has brought you a measure of comfort. Sincerely, Debbie Arbuthnot
You, as well as all the other people who died, did not deserve to die that way. You served your country proudly in the U.S. Marine Corps and -- if you remember the words to the Marine Corp Hymn -- you have found that the streets of heaven are guarded by the United States Marines. So now you join their ranks and I salute you. I am sure of one thing, that the people who killed you are not sharing that honor. Put in a good word for us up there and I hope to be there with you some day helping you to guard those streets.
I remember Vinny as the type of guy that would give you the shirt off his back to make sure you weren't cold. A man with great dignity and love of life. I am sure you're shooting craps at the Ceasar's in the Sky. Adios, Hombre. Curtis Jenouri, friend
I will always fondly remember Andrew for his quick smile, warm greeting and quick wit. He cared about people, and his racquetball skills were superb. Jim Mott, friend
Your two sons and my brother Michael soar in heaven together. Thank you, Mrs. Abate, for being there for Michael. I only met Vinny once years ago. He was a true friend to Mike for that I thank you both. God bless you.
I remember Vinny as the type of guy that would give you the shirt off his back to make sure you weren't cold. A man with great dignity and love of life. I am sure you're shooting craps at the Ceasar's in the Sky. Adios, Hombre. Curtis Jenouri, friend
I will always fondly remember Andrew for his quick smile, warm greeting and quick wit. He cared about people, and his racquetball skills were superb. Jim Mott, friend
To your name, Maria, I attach my tribute to the thousands who left this life together with you. God have mercy on all of you. Johann du Plessis, friend
I met you only once yet you were a kind and loving man. Your sister, my friend and colleague Hortensia loved you and your family misses you. Bless you. May your soul rest peacefully. Nancy Mindes, friend of family
Ed was my first "real world" co-worker. I remember him as funny and kind, and as a good family man. My heart goes out to his grieving family. He was a very good person and he'll be missed. Dorothy Farrell Commander, former co-worker
Your family must be proud. You were the ultimate professional, highly respected in your field. But your family should know that the highest topic at business luncheons was always your family. You were so proud of them. Yes Ed, I remember how the light in your eyes danced as you spoke of your daughter. How nice to see a father so proud! You will be missed by all. Dee Thompson, former client
I met you only once yet you were a kind and loving man. Your sister, my friend and colleague Hortensia loved you and your family misses you. Bless you. May your soul rest peacefully. Nancy Mindes, friend of family
To the family of Gordon Aamoth: Thinking of you as the new year approaches. Your son will not be forgotten. I know it could have been any of us. God bless you and may you find peace in the new year. Susan Arksey
I never knew this man, but his life and tragic death were not wasted. Each victim who gave his or her life died for the future freedom of the free world. Through their tragic death a trusting nation was awakened from a trusting slumber and transformed to the roar of an angry nation that will be heard for 100 years. Through his death and the death of all the victims my children will be free and safe. Paul Levey
May God reward this nation for the love you have shown this country. You have given so many a gift that can never be taken lightly. Many more are sure to have died without the love and sacrfice that you and the many others showed on September 11, 2001. Thank you -- not only from me but from the nation, this nation that stands for freedom, love and dreams. Heather Jamieson
Represented the German wine industry abroad and ran a vineyard in Biebelsheim. Adams was flying from New York, where a wine tasting was held September 10, to San Francisco for another tasting.
To the family of Gordon Aamoth: Thinking of you as the new year approaches. Your son will not be forgotten. I know it could have been any of us. God bless you and may you find peace in the new year. Susan Arksey
I never knew this man, but his life and tragic death were not wasted. Each victim who gave his or her life died for the future freedom of the free world. Through their tragic death a trusting nation was awakened from a trusting slumber and transformed to the roar of an angry nation that will be heard for 100 years. Through his death and the death of all the victims my children will be free and safe. Paul Levey
Your sudden and untimely death was caused by human wickedness. May God Almighty comfort those you left behind. Rest in the bosom of the Lord. Amen. Bruno Diala
I wish to extend my deepest feelings in the loss of Sophia. My heart aches with the knowledge that she was an innnocent victim of such violence. God Bless
I am praying for you and your family through this time of loss. May God richly bless and restore you. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Niki
I see your face on the memorial, and what a bright star you have been. Never seen, never met you, but for some immense reason, your eyes penetrate me. May your family and friends see peace in our tribulation. May God bless your family. Teresa Culver
Dear family members and friends, I, like most people, was horrified by the events of September 11th. I am sure that your lives have changed completely, I wanted to express my sorrow for your loss and share some scriptures from the Bible that have personally comforted me. Please notice what Jesus promises at John 5:28,29: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life..." Also at Revelation 21:4: "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." So in these verses we see the promises that God gives us of a time without death as well as a resurrection for our loved ones. I hope this has brought you a measure of comfort. Sincerely, Debbie Arbuthnot
You, as well as all the other people who died, did not deserve to die that way. You served your country proudly in the U.S. Marine Corps and -- if you remember the words to the Marine Corp Hymn -- you have found that the streets of heaven are guarded by the United States Marines. So now you join their ranks and I salute you. I am sure of one thing, that the people who killed you are not sharing that honor. Put in a good word for us up there and I hope to be there with you some day helping you to guard those streets.
I will always fondly remember Andrew for his quick smile, warm greeting and quick wit. He cared about people, and his racquetball skills were superb. Jim Mott, friend
To your name, Maria, I attach my tribute to the thousands who left this life together with you. God have mercy on all of you. Johann du Plessis, friend
You are a winner in the eyes of the Almighty Lord. Be assured that your savior will take care of those you left behind. Please enjoy Heaven. May God bless your soul. Kofi
Your sudden and untimely death was caused by human wickedness. May God Almighty comfort those you left behind. Rest in the bosom of the Lord. Amen. Bruno Diala
I wish to extend my deepest feelings in the loss of Sophia. My heart aches with the knowledge that she was an innnocent victim of such violence. God Bless
I am praying for you and your family through this time of loss. May God richly bless and restore you. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Niki
I see your face on the memorial, and what a bright star you have been. Never seen, never met you, but for some immense reason, your eyes penetrate me. May your family and friends see peace in our tribulation. May God bless your family. Teresa Culver
May GOD lay his vengence upon those responsible for taking Kris and Thomas away from us. I dont know you Kris, but I have things in common with you. We share the same birthday and you closely resemble my youngest brother and your young wife carries the same name as my brothers Gf. I think about you often and hope you are always in Gods presence. Miss you Bro!
I miss you like crazy. I cant believe how long its been since i last heard you laugh or seen you smile or even delt with you picking on me. I always knew that you were always someone i could come to. You never failed to make anyone smile and when looking at pictures i always flash back of some crazy memory that i have of you and I. I miss you so much and cant wait til i get to see you again. I know that when my time comes, you will be there to open up the gates of heaven for me. Love You Danny~sis~
we miss everyday dennis you were the best brother in law anyone could ask for you treated me like i was your real sister all the time i truely knew you loved me. i looked forward to my son we waited for for so long to spend time with you you loving him him loving you that is why we choose you to be his godfather we knew you would love him like you own. love you always your sister in law . toni k
paul, you're on my mind all the time. i miss you, and even though i've moved on in my life a part of me still and always will love you. i will always cherish what you and i shared in a special place of my heart. loving you always...
thomas was always so happy and glad to see his friends there was never a day that i saw him without a smile even though we wernt in the same company in the army we were in the same brigrade i loved him like he was my brother and i hope i get to see him again one day
Thank you Robert. Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts forever. We are so very much grateful for all you have done for all our sakes. God bless you and your family.
i asked God to bless u and i asked any amercan to lookfor the eiys of m.bush when they told him for the acsedent of the 911 if they could descovar some think
i think that the god will asked m.bush for any usa solger lost in iraq besause the iraq peuopels love the amercan peuopels bat m. bush throw them to fire for no rezon so after all the world know that the rezon for going to iraq is not true whay he stay in the white house
there is no reson for all the usa army to stay in iraq so its betar to let the solger to go home to there lover and famelly and let as do it our self iraqy