Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Tom, we will never forget your sense of humor, your wonderful smile, and your service to your fellow Americans. You have traveled to a better place where those who love and miss you will see you again someday. Until then, rest in peace, dear brave American hero. You are in our hearts forever.

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Joseph J. Fenty

This man was a true hero. My brother was with him in Afghanistan, he was his role model. My heart is with Kristen and her baby. Please be strong. and Just know how important your husband is to so many people.

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Michael A. Estrella

i just want to thank you soilders becouse you are fighting for us and for that we greatly thank you for that!

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Kristian Menchaca

May the Lord be with you Kristian and your family

Thank you for our freedom

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Kristian Menchaca

kristian Menchaca all i have to say is Thank you

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Benjamin J. Slaven

Thank you for what you have given in this world! Everyone knows that god only takes ANGELS

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Jose Gomez


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Thomas Lowell Tucker


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Kristian Menchaca


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Kristian Menchaca

Kristian Menchaca was a great young man! On behalf of Gary Job Corps, which is where he completed some safety and corrections training, we at Gary Job Corps hold Kristian in our hearts and prayers along with his family members and anyone else affected by his death.

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Kristian Menchaca

This is SPC Palmer, I have been to the desert as well and I want you to Know that even though your son is lost he died for our familys as well as yours. God rest his sole.

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Benjamin J. Slaven

Thank you for your sacrifice Ben. We will miss your loving heart and sweet smile.

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Kristian Menchaca

I'm very sorry for the loss of your son, brother and friend. I am very proud of him serving our country "Our freedom is not free" and leaves him with the Hightest Exemplorary Of Honor. my condolences to the family. USNR Retired David G. Moore

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

My sincerest condolences are offered to the family and friends of this brave young American soldier. I hope that the perpetrators of this evil murder are soon found by Thomas's comrades, and that the appropriate justice is meted out.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I ache from the bottom of my soul for you. May time pass quickly. I am so horribly sorry. Love, Jackie

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Kristian Menchaca

I prayed with all of my soul. I am so very, very sorry for your pain. Love, Jackie

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I want to extend my deepest regards and sympathy to the Tucker family on the senseless and barbaric killing of an American Hero. To murder a person is one thing but to torture and behead a person is just pure Evil. These people have made it clear that they have no respect or regard for human life. They think that we can be intimidated and pushed to pull back, when in all actuality for Americans to see this just brings us all together and quite frankly just pisses us off. These people are taught to kill and be killed as long as it is inflicting pain on American and our allies They are also taught to think for each person they kill they will be honored with that number of virgins. I am quite sure when they do die they will probably all have virgins IN HELL!

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Benjamin J. Slaven

Thank you for your courage and selflessness. I know you are cherished and in God's hands as you were when you were here on earth. My codolences to the Slaven family.

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Benjamin J. Slaven

god bless you

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Kristian Menchaca

God Bless you

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Thomas Lowell Tucker


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Kristian Menchaca


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Thomas Lowell Tucker

rest in peace. good luck.

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Roger P. Pena Jr.

You sacrificed and gave all in the name of peace.I honor your spirit.Our gratitude remains endless.My prayers are with you and your family.Rest in peace.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

You sacrificed and gave all in the name of peace.I honor your spirit.Our gratitude remains endless.My prayers and blessings are with you and your family.Rest in peace.

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Kristian Menchaca

I honor your spirit.You sacrificed and gave all in the name of peace.Our gratitude remains endless.My prayers and blessings are with you and your family.Rest in peace.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

God Bless You Thomas Lowell Tucker for you have given the ultimate sacrifice. You have given yourself

so that others may live in peace and freedom. May God in some way ease the pain your family is feeling at this moment.

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Kristian Menchaca

My deep sympathy to the Menchaca family. May God help you to ease your pain and loss in some way. All free Americans owe you a debt of gratitude for giving the ultimate sacrifice.

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Michael A. Estrella

We are very pround of you! He was such a great person and a brave Marine. He was always volunteering to help people. I will always love you and you will always be in my heart. You are my hero!! Thank you for everything, for the unforgetable memories you have left me with but most of all thank you for being who you are. You touch my life and the life of many others in such ways that words themselves can not describe. I know that you are in a better place now watching over me and your family. One day that only God knows I will reunite with you but until then Cpl. Michael Estrella you will forver be missed; my brave soldier.

-Norma A. Buitron

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Deepest Heartfelt Sympathy to the family.

I find myself so very angry with our media for their fawning over those imprisoned at Guantanamo or Abu Grahab, while glossing over the tragic deaths of our young patriotic servicemen and women.

May God comfort you in your sorrow.

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Kristian Menchaca

Thank you for the dedication and sacrifice you gave to this country. My thoughts and prayers are with the Menchaca family.

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Roger P. Pena Jr.

Heavenly Father,

Place your loving arms around Marisol, Ivan, Gabriel and the rest of the Pena family during this difficult time. Give them the comfort they need and peace in the truth that Roger is with you for all eternity.

In Jesus name,


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J. Adan Garcia

A fallen hero bravely defending what he believed to be right. You will be missed but we know your shining down from heaven guarding us all.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Riposa in pace, che il tuo sacrificio serva da esempio al mondo per un futuro di pace ! - Sardinya Island (Italy)

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Roger P. Pena Jr.

I just want to give my condolences to the family of J.R. I am an old friend from church we hung out a few times and he was a funny and well respected. He used to laugh all the time and he will be missed. I believe that the LORD needs soldiers too.



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Kristian Menchaca

I miss you man. I am so sorry man. i miss you.

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Brian S. Letendre

"Let me not mourn for the men who have died fighting, but rather let me be glad that such heroes lived" GEN. George S. Patton 7 June 1945

R.I.P. Brian, you will not be forgotten.

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Kristian Menchaca

I am so sorry for your loss God bless you all. Thank you, Kristian, for your sacrifice and God be with you now.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I am so sorry for your loss God bless you all. Thank you, Tom, for your sacrifice and God be with you now.

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Roger P. Pena Jr.

Dear Lord please hear my prayers as they go out to his family and loved ones. This man was truly a hero and would have done anything for his wife and sons. To his wife you should know all he ever though of was you and your boys and he only wanted you guys to be happy. Im praying for you and i am so sorry for your loss.


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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I was once a soldier myself. I find myself not even being able to sleep peacefully thinking of what Thomas must have went thru and what his family must be going thru. Even though i never knew him, I feel as if I did. He is on my mind constantly. May God hold the family a little closer at this tragic time. I know he is in a better place. God bless you Thomas.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Thank You Thomas Tucker

RIP - gone but never forgotten!

My thoughts and prayers are with Tom's family & friends.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

A tragic end for a brave soldier doing his duty.

May he be at peace in the hands of the Lord.

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Kristian Menchaca

Again a shocking end of life.

A brave soldier doing his duty.

Condolences to all his family and

friends, may he rest in peace.

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Thomas A. Wallsmith

My thoughts and prayers will always be with his family. He was a great man and hero.

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Adam O. Zanutto

You are forever my hero Ad.

I love you and miss you something fierce....I carry you with me always and will forver tell your story. Cant wait to see you again.


your sis.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Thomas, I hope you're having fun in heaven... my wishes are out to your family... I haven't seen you in forever... :( I love you guys.. Rest in Peace

*Tiffany Howell*

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Kristian Menchaca

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Kristian Menchaca. Their are no words to describe such a loss, such a young life. May GOD have Kristian in his glory.

Que Dios Te Bendiga Kristian, y Te Tenga en su Santisima Gloria.

Lilly- Mission, Texas

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Michael A. Estrella

You won't ever be forgotten brother. Semper Fidelis and Godspeed.

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Kristian Menchaca

I would like the family of Kristian Menchaca they are in my thoughts and prayers. I would like to say he paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It make me proud to be an american and of him very much. It is not enought, however, thank you for serving our country. You will always be thought of and recognized as someone who paid the ultimate sacrifice for this country.

Your Fellow American


Whiteland Indiana

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I would to say that my thoughts and prayers are with Tom's family. I cannot imagine what they are going through. I would like to say thank you for serving our county and you make be proud to be an american. I know it is not enough to say thank you. You paid the ulitmate sacrifice.

Your Fellow American,


Whiteland Indiana

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

your suffering is over, Thomas Lowell Tucker.

it is the most remote and strangest of things to happen to you, but you are not alone.

as everything is witnessed by a higher power, you did not leave in vain, and the open arms of relatives are your reward in heaven. maybe a big loving dog or cat, an angel, someone you were once close to...

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Rest In Peace Thomas.

You are a hero to so many of us, you will never be forgotten.

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Kristian Menchaca

there are no fitting words for the family of kristian...

i write this with a desperate heart, i have had losses in my lifetime, and i will never turn away from others in a time of grief...

with our hopes and prayers kristian is no longer suffering, and moves forward in a place of peace and love, con dios...

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Richard A. Bennett

Richard was a friend of mine not only did he leave numerous friend and family behind, he most importantly left behind his fiancee janine. We are all saddened by his loss, please keep all those who loved him in your prayers

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Lee Hamilton Deal

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Lee's family.

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Santiago M. Halsel

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Shane R. Mahaffee

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Grant A. Dampier

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Grant's family

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Marion Flint Jr.

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Marion's family.

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Hatak Yuka Keyu M. Yearby

May Christ support us all the day long,

till the shadows lengthen,

and the evening comes,

and the busy world is hushed,

and the fever of life is over

and our work is done.

Then in His mercy

may He give us a safe lodging,

and holy rest and peace at the last.


My sincere heartfelt condolences to Hatak's family and friends.

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Jose S. MarinDominguez Jr

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Robert H. West

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the West family

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John W. Engeman

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Daniel E. Holland

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Daniel's family.

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Robert A. Seidel III

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Robert's family.

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Lonnie C. Allen Jr.

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

My sincere hearfelt condolences to the Allen family.

May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Nicholas R. Cournoyer

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Nicholas' family.

May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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William B. Fulks

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Christian Longsworth

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Christian's family and friends. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Benito A. Ramirez

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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David R. Christoff

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


My sincere heartfelt condolences to David's family.

May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Michael L. Hermanson

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

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Steven W. Freund

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Robert G. Posivio III

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Posivio family. I am so very sorry for your losses. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Douglas A. Dicenzo

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Douglas' family.

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Robert E. Blair

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Caleb A. Lufkin

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


May God give Caleb's family peace in their heart and strength to carry on.

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Kevin A. Lucas

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Kevin's family and friends

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J. Adan Garcia

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Jeremy M. Loveless

May Christ support us all the day long,

till the shadows lengthen,

and the evening comes,

and the busy world is hushed,

and the fever of life is over

and our work is done.

Then in His mercy

may He give us a safe lodging,

and holy rest and peace at the last.


My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Loveless family. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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James A. Funkhouser

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Richard A. Bennett

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to Richard's family. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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Nathanael J. Doring

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Bobby R. West

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


My sincere heartfelt condolences to Bobby's family and friends. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Brock L. Bucklin

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

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Alexander J. Kolasa

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Alexander's family. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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Brett L. Tribble

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Ryan J. Cummings

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Ryan's family and friends.

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Andy D. Anderson

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

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Carlos E. Pernell

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Carlos' family. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Curtis R. Mehrer

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Curtis' family

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Travis A. Van Zoest

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings

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Jaime S. Jaenke

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave her life in the service of her country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son she may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Jaime's family and friends. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Thomas' family. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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Kristian Menchaca

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to Kristian's family. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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Mark T. Smykowski

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.

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Richard A. Blakley

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening,

into the house and gate of heaven,

to enter into that gate, and dwell in that house where there shall be

no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;

no noise nor silence, but one equal music;

no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;

no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;

in the habitation of Thy glory and dominion,

world without end. Amen.

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Scott M. Love

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

My sincere hearfelt condolences to the Love family.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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