It is just so sad that this happened. but, like that other person said God saw what happened to you and the people that did this to you will not go unpunished.
May God give you comfort and peace...and thank-you that captain estrella gave me and my family freedom.I am forever grateful for the men and women who fight for thier country...and let not our children every forget the lives of the these fine women and men of valour...many blessing to you and thank-you again whiteharvest@rogers. com
It has been a year since you died and your family still grieves your loss. So do your friends. Your selfish dedication and service to our country has made a profound impact on my life. I wear a hero bracelet in your honor and to remember.
To a wonderful son, uncle, brother and cousin. Tommy I will never forget the smile you always had on your face or the way that you laugh.!!! Both were so contagious!!! You are loved by so many and a hero to many more!! i know you will always be in my heart!! you were not just my cousin but my friend and I love you!!
i'm sorry that you had to lose your son for someone elses stupidity. my heart goes out to you and your family. stay strong and remember the good times you had w/ kristian.
Bernard... what you have done for us here... I folded the flag that was sent to your mother, bernard, and I didn't think that I was ever going to have to do that... it brings tears to my eyes every time they make me bring the colors down at sunset, because i remember the day that I folded it the exact same way for another purpose... We miss you, and you'll never be forgotten...
To my neighbor and great friend to so many: We know your spirit will always be here with us, Tom, and in return, we will always send you smiles of remembrance and honor. You are greatly loved and will always, always be remembered here in Madras, Oregon, and beyond.
Fly with the eagles, Tom Tucker, and they will carry you.
I am so sorry you had to die this way. The things we take advatage of while we sit in our homes and worry about what bill we will pay next. How fast our computer is running etc. All I can think about is how your mother had to see her baby suffer, a mother would trade that place any day. God sees everything that has happend. Becky USA
I am so sorry you had to die this way. The things we take advatage of while we sit in our homes and worry about what bill we will pay next. How fast our computer is running etc. All I can think about is how your mother had to see her baby suffer, a mother would trade that place any day. God sees everything that has happend.
May you rest in Peace Kristian Menchaca. May the lord always be with you where ever you are. My condolences go to the family of Kristian Menchaca and may the lord also be with you and in your prayers as well as you will be in my prayers.
Que sua alma descanse em paz Thomaz, tenho certeza que Deus o acolheu e voçê está em bom lugar! Peço a Deus que traga conforto a sua família e aos teus amigos. Amém!
my deepest sympathy for Kristian and the Menchaca family. As a fellow soldier, I wish the family the best and we will bring those to justice responsible. My family and I thank him for his service and the freedom he offered us.
my prayers and thoughts are with you in this time of grief. my father is over there and i am grateful to your children and thank them for serving over there. i will be praying for your families for the rest of my life. i am horrified to see the video of your loved ones and it should be taken down. god bless you as you move on. we love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thomas, I held out hope from day one that you and Kristian would make it out alive. Thanks for being a brave kid and doing what most Americans would never have the guts to do for you in return.
it's a year since you left, but you are still so alive in my heart... you were such a good friend:capable of listening without judging and making feel people good...
Hope I was able to find the right words to alliviate the pains of those who loved you...Fiaz, your family.. i can just say I keep thinking of all of you and i wish God gives you the strenght to carry on.
We continue the fight the indiscriminating evil that took these lives from the people that will always love them. I pray all the worlds’ efforts for peace someday become united and these sorts of tragedies can be avoided. God Speed to those not with us, and may peace be with all who have suffered.
My brother may not have been able to drink a beer legally but that is not to say that he never drank one. He definitely had his fair share of beer in his life. But thank you for your kind words. I am sure that he is laughing and pointing right now saying, "See at least some one thinks I should be able to drink legally."
I love you Shayne. You were such a good preson and such an awesome cousin. I miss you more and more as everyday passes and I wish more than anything you were here! I am so proud of everything you've done and I cant wait to see you again in heaven. Save me a seat next to you. Love you baby!
My heart still aches to hug you and talk to you, but I am so very proud of how you protected your comrades at your own expense. I know that you made a difference . I will see you again in a much better place. Love, Mom
I am a 29year old from Bend, Oregon and I want to let Thomas's family know that as an american and as a mother of a 4 year old, I am forever thankful to God for the bravery of your son and for your love and support that enabled him to go and fight for my right as an American, to take my daughter to church on Sunday and feel safe to take her to her favorite park and tell her that she is safe and lives in the best country in the world...... My heart cries for you. Everyone in Bend, and all over the world are thinking of you and admires your son's bravery.
I want the family of Kristian to know that as a 29 year old mother of a 4 year old, I thank God for Kristian's bravery in defending our country so that we may continue to have a place that our children and families can be free. I think of your son daily and Pray that God holds you in his arms. Thank you Kristian!
Chris when i heard what happen I hope for your safe return but we now know what happened. You serve our country well and made all us proud, I'm also in the armed services and your ultimate sacrafice will not go unappreciated... may you rest in peace and may God look after your family. Airborne!!!
God bless this man and his brothers in arms for they are giving the most noble of gifts: freedom and safety for the rest of us. His family is in my prayers.
my name is pfc Carruth i was in basic with crombie and my heart goes out to his family i also feel the pain of our loss may god be with all of his family and may God give them his peace. crombie is in a far better place now. it is the pain that makes death so hard the loss of someone that we all love so much god bless and pray for my safety as well i will be in iraq by aug 17 i will evange his death i promiss you that.
Thanks Cory! You gave the ultimate sacrifice...your life for your country. You are a hero. You are greatly missed by us. wish I had had the chance to meet you.
Dave has touched my life in a way that could never be described. He's the epitome of what a Marine truely stands for. There will never be anyone like him. He will be survived by everyone that has met him. I've never met a Marine that deeply cared for his juniors more than himself. My condolences go out to everyone that has suffered this lose. The knowledge he has passed onto his Marines will stay with them while they carry on the fight.
SEMPER FIDELIS The Christoff family has much to be proud of. We're all praying for you. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR STRENGTH.
My heart goes out to you in your time of loss. She had her whole life ahead of her. I have a daughter the same age. I am so sorry. This should not be...
I appreciate the sacrifce our Military makes. I just wish that innocent lives did not have to be lost.
Our condolences to the Menchaca Family. I know we can never compare the pain you are suffering but think of the place he has gone. He is with God and maybe he is an Angel by now serving in GOD's army. Thank You Kristian for the time you served and the courage you had...Rest In Peace Soilder and may God give your Family Strenght and the Will to keep on going. We will always Remember The Brownsville HERO you are!!..
I miss you man. I still remember our last talk. I told you you would do great things, you made the greatest sacrifice. I hope your family continues your legacy, you were a great person. SPC Wilson, Kenneth E.
Thanks for being a great hero to this country. You will always be remembered. My heart goes out to the friends and family, I also lost a loved one SGT Jose Gomez. You are all watching down on us from heaven. thank you, all of you. God Bless
Joe, thank you for giving such light in your short life. You are sorely missed by all who knew you, but be assured you left your mark on this world and we are a better people for it. May God give strenth to your family as to mine. Steve's Mom
Denise, I wish I had some words of wisdom to help you. I think of you everyday, and hear from Meleah some of the things, hopes and fears you share. I feel as if I knew Keith from the many articles and things Steve talked about. I know he was a good man, good pilot, and a good warrior. We both lost wonderful people. I am proud to know my son was in such good company when he left this world. Thank you for your graciousness. Steve's Mom
You were always my hero and my rock long before you were a pilot. I will always remember and love you. I promise to love and protect your family to the best of my ability for the rest of my life. The way you would have done. Thank you for your dedication, friendship, and love. Thank you for believing and protecting us. Love, Mom
My deepest condolences go out the the Menchaca Family. He will always be a hero of our country.My prayers are with the family.TAke care and GOD Bless everyone.
Quite honestly this is one of the best families I have ever had the privilage of knowing. They have such a love for life... I can only say thank you, thank you for your influence in my life. Molly and the Hinz family, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
Chris Jones... Clarence I love you and you will be missed.....My prayers are with your family... and soon... very soon I'll be seeing you again...god bless.... chris jones ellisville, ms