Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Todd Beamer

godd bless you and your family.

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Navy Builder 1st Class Alec Mazur

Were always thinking of you. Al you'll always be my sunshine. Thank you for the 2 xtra sunshines in my life

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Thomas Edward Burnett, Jr

God Bless you and your family. You made us proud Tom as a Nation and from all of us here in Minnesota (We Will Never Forget)

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Georgine Rose Corrigan

we will meet one day till that day rest in peace

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Georgine Rose Corrigan

my grief still goes on.even though i never met you,you will always be engraved in my heart,because of your daughter laura brough who spoke to me on the end of the telephone line,she spoke of you so sweetly and i could only cry and knew in my heart that i could not help her.because you were gone.i wanted to find you and tell her it was alright.this day 5 years ago is like 5 minutes ago and i still cry..

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Georgine Rose Corrigan

You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.

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Patricia Cushing

You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.

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Patrick Joseph Driscoll

Peace and prayers to you and your family

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Jane C. Folger

Prayers and peace to you and your family.

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Jens E. Schelbert

Of all the people that God could have taken on that day...he chose the were far better than the rest...

TC Unbuttoned...On The Way...


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Deora Bodley

You are not forgotten, rest in peace

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William Joseph Cashman

my father ted lemoine worked with billy in local 46 metal lathers. today we were watching the shows about flight 93 and he started to tell me about ... he told me that he was a good guy and he knew that he wouldnt stand for any of that.. from what my dad told me about him.. it tells me that this guy was a hero .. and he will alwyas live on in my hear, my dads , billys family and friends. Im sorry for your lost and billy thanks.

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Jared J. Kremm


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Andrew Garcia

may ur soul R.I.P

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London Terror Attack Victims

Les van a dar en toda nsu madre a los Gringos y a los ingleses, pinches güeros!

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Jane C. Folger

You are not forgotten, Lady Jane C. Folger.

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Thomas Edward Burnett, Jr

You are not forgotten, Thomas Edward Burnett, Jr.

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Todd Beamer

When the going gets tough-the tough get going. You are not forgotten, Todd Morgan Beamer.

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Philip J. Martini

I can't even tell you how much I miss hearing your laugh and seeing your smile. Thank you for giving your all. I will never forget you. I think of you daily.

And sheppards we shall be. For thee, my lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall I ever be. In Nomine Patris, el filii, et spiritus sancti.

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Daniel B. Crabtree

thank you

god bless you

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Eric D. Clark

My prayers are with you today and always. Eric will never be forgotten and his sacrifice is well know to us here in California and everywhere.

May God shed his blessings to you and to everyonw that Eric loved.

His sacrifice will never be forgotten

May God bless you


The Padilla Family

Concord, California

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Army Spc. Azhar Ali

I miss you a lot A lot

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Army Spc. Azhar Ali

I miss you a lot

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Army Staff Sgt. Alexander B. Crackel

Alex, Miss you!! Toasted you on your birthday. Meet ya at the gates!


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Amanda N. Pinson


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Carlos M. Gonzalez


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Jared J. Kremm

We had a great time in Seattle and I am so sad to know that you are gone.... I really will never forget you and the fun we had together...............J

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Salvador Guerrero

My heart goes out to the soldiers who are fighting for our country whether the cause is right or wrong they make me proud to say that I am an American. I will say a prayer for the soldiers and their families and may they have MUCH pride!!

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Steve Centanni

Thank God you're safe..

prayers have been answered.

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Trevor J. Diesing

In memory of Trevor Diesing, who was killed in Iraq one year ago today. We love and miss you and are so very proud of you. You are one of many "HERO"S". We keep your family in our thoughts and prayer always. Love Aunt Mary Jo

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Sam W. Huff

Huff even though I was in 4th Platoon and you were'nt we still had good times. I was on crutches and so were you. You had the courage to fight for our country and for that I thank you. You were one of a kind. Peace

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Thomas Lowell Tucker


You were always so full of it!!! You had charisma that could make anyone smile!!! Your destiny was GREATNESS!! ANd that you achieved!!

It is all still very strange to think of my baby cousin gone!! You have always had such a beautiful spirit!!!

I am many things;a mother,a wife,a cousin,a sister and daughter!!! Ans for all thoses things I am grateful!! I want to THANK YOU for keeping OUR family free!! BUT because of YOU sooo many people are free!!

I will keep you in my thought forever Tom and treasure all the memories we had growing up!!!


Christina Knudtson

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Charles E. Munier

May your family find peace in their hearts, to not be able to be with you on your last days

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Marion Flint Jr.

i will always miss you.

your cousin rere!

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

To Tommy Tucker's family -

I remember when I first read about Tom's passing. I clipped his small photo, and remember thinking, "little Tommy Tucker"... I have a son who just turned nineyears old. His name is Robert, and I call him R.J. His eyes are alot like your Tom's eyes. I want to thank you for Tom's sacrifice, and for yours as well. From the bottome of heart, I thank you and will pray for your son, always.

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Michael A. Estrella

I just want to leave a little note and say GOD BLESS YOU MICHAEL and MAY YOU REST IN PEACE

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

cnm-rest in peace and may god be with you!

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Kristian Menchaca

He made a difference, and that is what americans enjoy every day. Sorry for the loss and proud of what he has given us all. Farewell to the spirit of a great protector. American citizen

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Benjamin J. Slaven

May you be in peace with our father above.

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Bernard P. Corpuz

Corpuz, we only lived together a few weeks, but we sure did have a hell of a time in Tucson at the Surly Wench. I couldn't believe my ears when I found out at drill last month that a Corpuz from Cali was KIA. Thanks for showing me what 80's music was really about - White Snake, Ozzy, Drakken, and more - ESPECIALLY Drakken! I know how important your faith was to you, so I know you're where you should be. Keep rockin' man, I'll see you again, but not yet.

SPC Denton, Philip E.

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Kristian Menchaca

I am so sorry for your loss and want to thank Kristian for serving our country and for his ultimate sacrifice. I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling.

Please know our prayers are with you and your family.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I am so sorry for your pain and loss. I cannot even imagine what u are going through. My prayers are with you.

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Elizabeth N. Jacobson

Thou many are called /and sometime s many are chosen. May we never forget what you did or what you stood for ;so as you cross the rainbow bridge & into gods arms you go may we remember the ultimate sacrifice you gave to set us free.

Rest in Peace child of god.

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Kristian Menchaca

May he rest in peace.he served his country very well.MAY THOSE WHO DID IT BE BURNING IN HELL.

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Gary R. Harper Jr.

We will never forget you! Our lives will never be the same without your smiley face.

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Francis J. Straub Jr.

Frankie, I am sure you know that my family and I think of you every day. I can not think of you with out sorrow in my heart and tears in my eyes. You and your family are truley my HERO'S ...........

Love you lots,Uncle Steve,Aunt Heather,Amanda,Stephen and Jessica

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Travis L Youngblood

Dear God please, again my tears are falling for those mothers,

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Casey Sheehan

Thank you!

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Nathaniel E. Detample

I am asking God to say thank you and take you in his arms, and I ask God forgiveness for asking him to look after my daughter when she was deployed in Iraq. you are so young and handsome, God took another angel. I love you brave man!

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Kristian Menchaca

deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. May God Bless You!!

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Jared J. Kremm

Dearest Jared, You are loved, missed and remembered every day of our lives. We miss your smiling face and your loyalty to friends, family and country. That we miss your love goes without saying. You were one in a million,a true son, brother, uncle and friend. Someone once said that we should not mourn the passing of a man such as yourself but that we should celebrate the fact that such a man lived among us. And so it is with a heavy heart that we celebrate you every day. LOVE

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Daniel R. Gionet

God bless Daniel for being so brave and give peace to his family

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Derek A. Stanley

Rest in peace

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Jaime S. Jaenke

God Bless you

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Travis A. Van Zoest

Travis you are so young and handsome, I now believe there is a Heaven and I thank God for make me understand, my tribute to you for being so brave. you are with God now. Thank you.

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Curtis R. Mehrer

Oh God! Please take him in your arms and hear our prayer.

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Carlos E. Pernell

We will always love you.

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Richard A. Blakley

I light a candle and I hope God has a good plan for us, since he is taking the good and brave people, the people who defend us.

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Daniel B. Crabtree

God bless you

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Shayne M. Cabino

You not only look like an angel, you are an angel. Please tell the Lord to give me the strength that I need. Thank you , I love you and God loves you.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

I can not express myself, I only ask God, light a candle for you and kristian, look at your picture, and cry.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

sorry he died at last , all i want is an active module that has compose ,so that i can send message,send the module to my mail:walterjones55@yahoo. com

rest in peace thomos,and my the good lord guild u home

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Kristian Menchaca

deep condolences to Kristian¨s family


Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Enen Though I didn't know you I wish for you to find peace and i send my respects to your family. I am a friend of Kris and I bet you were a good one to him. Bless your soul.

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Kristian Menchaca

Kris I miss you very much I know that i will never meet anybody like you may your soul rest in peace.

Forever in my heart........

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Carlos E. Pernell

Bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

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Benjamin J. Slaven

You are a brave men

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Dustin L. Kendall

Forever and always in our hearts you will be.

May God comfort all friend and family.

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Kristian Menchaca

It's so sad a life we value so much must be lost at times, but this one I believe, was lost for a gain, that in return for a hero's death, the freedom, respect and security of mankind are maintained and protected, thus the very dear price for the defence of the values of humanity.

Rest in Peace

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Michael R. Lehmiller

I trained with this guy. I served with him in AIT I remember going to SC to visit your moms place. Your mom was so proud of you. He was a great friend I will miss you thanks for everything. Oh yeah and your purple talon lol.

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

Thank you for your bravery in this time of upheavel. You are commended by all Americans and others that believe in stamping out terror. Rest in Peace and God be with your family.

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Kristian Menchaca

I am very sorry for your lost. My son Micheal is also in the 101 airborne and knew your son. It's a tragedy to lose your life at such a young age, but he died doing the job that he chose,and if he is anything like Micheal he is very proud to be part of the 101. My families thoughts go out to you.

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my deepest sympathy

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Marine Cpl. Jonathan S. Beatty

I miss you more and more everyday.

Love you,


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Shayne M. Cabino


I miss you everyday. I finally got the picture of you with your hand on my belly holding a a note to Jonathan before he was born, and I say good morning to it each morning when I go to the fridge. You are always in our hearts and will never be forgotten. I tell Jonathan about you everyday. He now able to recognize you by picture when I say your name, he looks right over at the picture you gave us before you left for IRAQ. We love you so much, and will never forget you. Until we meet again, keep us all safe.

Love, Auntie Kristin

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Michael J. Cifuentes

I miss you terribly my beautiful son. I am especially sad as we approach what was supposed to be your wedding day. I love you through eternity and long for the day we will be together again. Semper Fi, my little love.


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Kristian Menchaca

i am so sorry to hear about the death of young Manchaca and his friends, no soldier deserves to die in the way you did, my thoughts go out to your family and friends. on behalf of the british 2nd battalion the princess of wales's royal regiment. (UK DIV)

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Kristian Menchaca

what a horrible death for this young good man to have died. No one deserves to die as he had. He died a hero in defense of the freedom we all hope for and desire in troubled parts of the world like Iraq. If we stop our efforts in the fight against these terrorist barbarians, we only cheapen Kristians death. My prayers and condolences to the family and friends of this patriot. phil (Email Link)

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

thank you Thomas,

RIP, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Corey J. Goodnature

It's been a year now and you are always in our thoughts. You will always be missed and will never be forgotten! Your friendship will be cherished forever.

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Michael A. Estrella

I am so sorry as to what happened to Michael. I have an older brother who is in the Marines and I would just die if he got killed over there. Michael was so young and it is a shame the he didn't get to live longer, nobody deserves to leave this world son young, especially since he went to help preserve this country. I don't know if he actually believed that we should be over there, but he still went and did what he thought was right. And for that I am trully thankful to Michael and every other soldier.


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William A. Long

Billy's Bestfriend when we were 10 or so. I am so deeply grateful. We had a lot of fun together. Especially the days when we got a crappy black and white video camera. I'll never forget it. Chris Fall (Email Link)

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Air Force Capt. Derek Argel

Godspeed Capt. Argel.

Thank You.


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Thomas Lowell Tucker

RIP Its all Bushes fault :(

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Daniel N. Deyarmin Jr

Hey Bud,

We gave'em Hell. And had fun doin it. I think of you on all my jobs and all my rides. Thanks for showing me how to have fun again.

Jimmy Boyd

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Akihiko Saito

Our prayers are with you and your loved ones.

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Shayne M. Cabino

Our young people are so brave, we LOVE them so.

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Charles E. Munier

thank you all

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

My heart goes out to the family of our fallen hero. He is a hero in my eyes and the eyes of numerous other Americans. So this is my goodbye to a childhood friend. We love you bro!

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Adam L. Cann

To a man that will never be forgotten. To a friend that will always be missed. To a Marine that all should look up to. To his family that will never be the same.

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Russell H. Nahvi

Always in our hearts.

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Michael B. Presley

Brandon you are gone from us here on earth but you are not forgotten. We think of you everyday and wish you was here with us. There is so much you didn't get to do and see. You was taken from us to soon. God be with you until we see you again. love you

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James R. Graham III

This if for my son, my life, my hero. You were taken way to soon. We are all so proud of you, what you lived for and what you died for. I've only the hope and knowledge that I will see you someday soon and will hold you in my arms forever. Love Mom

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Bernard P. Corpuz

Much love for you Bernard; a true Rocker at heart i wish we had the chance to do a double bass session. It makes me sad that we have lost such an asset..... your friend David Grijalva/Hartnell Track

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Kristian Menchaca

i think it is all worng so stop were all the same ppl so stopo it

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Jason T. Palmerton

Condolences go out to Jason's fiance shelly, and all of his family. May god bless jason and his selfless act of heroism.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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