You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally. May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven. My very deepest sympathies go to your family.
You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally. May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven. My very deepest sympathies go to your family.
You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally. May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven. My very deepest sympathies go to your family.
It sounds as if you were being motherly to everyone around you - caring, feisty, and no-nonsense. I'm sure those whose lives you touched will think of you always. May you rest in peace.
Dear God please watch over my son and keep him safe. I pray for him every day and I miss him so much. I love you Eric and I am so very proud of you. Love Always, Mom
Well, you've been gone a year. We all love and miss you very much and will never forget what you and others have done for us. Love you, your cousin, Karen and the boys.
Bob, You are missed by your family, friends and all who knew you. Your smile could light up the room and your daughter will know you through friends and family. You are with God now looking down on all of us.
JR its one year since you passed, and your memory still lives on. We think of you everyday. You are gone but you will never be forgotten! We Love and Miss you forever...
Hey you it's me Rachel..I miss you very much..I AM SO PROUD OF YOU MIKE!!! You are all of our hero & you will always be remembered for that!..I still have all those memories of you & I hold em' close to my heart. Everyone last one of them are cherished with great love. I miss your punk still wish you didn't have to leave..Well I will see you in heaven handsome & I hope you are standing there waiting for me when I enter..I LOVE YOU MIKE!... ♥ Rachel
i am sorry 2 hear that but wot about the ppl all over the wrld im africa asia EVERYWHERE y dnt ppl do somthing to stop this from happening ppl hu die in much much more sevia condition and cruwle ways n im shure this lovely woman hu has passed away wud like to see us do that .i am only 15 yrs old but a very apinionated young lady and would like YOU to get in touch with me (Email Link)
I am currently researching for an essay on responses of families to serious crime, when i came across Deora's story, i nearly shed tears. Seeing how such a vivacious young woman could be denied the right to live, from my research i can tell that she could have become a great woman, more so then what she was. I feel for all those that knew and loved her, i hope that you can recover, and represent a great person. I will ensure that i pray for you and her soul. Keyan Salarkia, 15, London
Hey Emma! I just found this web site. I want you too know that I love Adam and Miss him very much. We had good times togathers and I wish I had more time with him. I love the whole family and If you need anything you know where to contact me. Angel Myers (Email Link)
Thank you! I know the children of Leon and I love them, just finding out that there father is passed away and the aniversery of his death is soon. I know relize the struggles of these families, God Bless!
LTC James One year has passed since you left us. I will always remember you. I will always wonder if there was something I could have done different that day in Baghdad to help save your life so you could return home to your family, as I have. You arrived into the Emergency room without a heartbeat and that is where I met you. We worked so hard to save your life. I will always ask myself WHY! WHY! WHY! Time will pass but you will never be forgotten by those that know and love you. Rest in peace.
I met Bernard while attended ULV. I lived two doors down from him in the dorms. I can't say I've ever met anyone quite like him, and I loved him for that. Such individuality seemed a rare and precious thing at that place and time, so I loved every minute I got to spend with "Nards" as I called him. Bernard had such passion for the things he loved, heavy metal (namely the band Manowar), running track, his religion, and our country. While our beliefs and interests didn't always coincide, it didn't matter. Those things
were trivial and easy to put aside in his presence because his charm, enthusiasm, loyalty, fantastic sense of humor, and infectious smile made him someone that everyone, including myself really enjoyed being around. One of my favorite memories of Nards was when I saw him walking across the lawn in front of our dorms, long black hair flowing. I yelled hello to him and he turned and saw it was me. In true Bernard fashion, he didn't return my hello, but instead held a fist in the air and yelled, "Rock on!" then
dissapeared into the dorms. Thanks for the laughs and the smiles Nards, we're gonna miss you.
You are forever my hero, my defender, my protector. I miss you with all my soul. Losing you has caused a hole in my heart bigger than I ever knew possible. There just aren't words...
Bernard Corpuz, one of the best soldiers I have ever had the pleasure to train with, his motivation was inspirational. I wear this bracelet, hoping people will ask about him, so that I can tell them about the Soldier they should all strive to become.
Bernard Corpuz, one of the best soldiers I have ever had the pleasure to train with, his motivation was inspirational. I wear this bracelet, hoping people will ask about him, so that I can tell them about the Soldier they should all strive to become.
I did not know Seth personally, but he was a friend of my boyfriend's. He is greatly missed, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him, and all our brave soldiers. Thank you, Seth, for the ULTIMATE sacrifice for your country!
I knew him briefly in a proffesional capacity and found him to be a sweet, unassuming, kind man. What a loss. My most sincere condolences. Yes, he looked much younger than his stated age
My hero, my love, my best friend: Thank you for being such an amazing person in my life. The memories, smiles and love that we shared will live on in my heart forever. "and between now and then, until I see you again, I'll be loving you... love, me"