Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Jody W. Missildine

To an American hero. Rest in eternal peace. You will not be forgotten.

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Marine Cpl. Jonathan S. Beatty

An American hero forever. Rest in peace, Jonathan. Your sacrifice will NEVER be forgotten.

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Spc. Hall

God bless this American soldier. There are those who enjoy our freedom and then there are those like Spc. Hall who fought to protect it. Rest in peace.

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Deora Bodley

May those how murdered this American burn in the depths of hell forever!!! Our country cannot rest until Islamo Fascism is wiped from the face of the earth. May Deora rest in peace.

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It is hard to believe this happened. All I can think about is memories of you from Middle School and High School and how much pain your family is going is not fair. You or anyone else I know going into the military and not making it back never seemed possible. I still cannot believe this happend to you. You will be missed.

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Jeffrey P. Toczylowski

Thank you for what you've sacrificed. May you and the cause you stood for never be forgotten.

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Spc. Robert E. Hall, Jr.

Robert E. Hall, Jr. is a HERO to us all. May the Lord bring peace to all that love him.

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Deora Bodley

I didn't know you but I feel that you need more than one candle. I think it is terrible what happened to you and what has happened since to others.

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Stephen J. White

our lord bless this brave man s j white let our god look over his loved ones and stephen thank you god em

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Jaime L. Campbell

god bless you. so young. why. thinking off you jjs uk

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Aaron N. Seesan

why. dont let this happen a gian stop war god bless you look to you to stop this

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William J. Brooks

god bless you jjs uk

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Marine Cpl. Jonathan S. Beatty

Uno a caso in nome di tutti... Pace a Voi

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David J. Grames Sanchez


Not a day goes by without thoughts of your beautiful smile, your warm hugs and your contagious laugh. You are in our thoughts and on our minds constantly. It comforts me to think of you and your love and I know that God has blessed with you his grace. I continue to help your dad get through this and will always be there for him. We miss you so much. There are no words that can explain the pain of losing you. I Love you Jr.

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Philip J. Martini

shine on, you crazy diamond!

wish you were here!

but you are -- f..wtff!

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Todd Beamer

I can't even imagine my husband being on that plane and losing him that way.You are just as brave for moving on without him.

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Edward P. Felt

What a tremendous loss. You are not forgotten. May your inspiration burn bright in those you have left behind and the lives you have touched.

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Jane C. Folger

You are not forgotten. God bless your loved ones left behind.

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Jacob H. Allcott

I'm doing a history project on Mr.Allcott and I've read several stories on him he was a brave man who was taken from this world to soon.God please look over Jacob's family for him.

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Kenneth E. Zeigler II

We love you and MISS you

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Kenneth E. Zeigler II

We love you and miss you

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anthony fatai williams

i didnt know you but you are nigerian, you are my brother, we are all one in christ too.i pray that God in his mercy and love will grant auntie marie the grace to live with you and draw God closer to her for companionship.

you are truly missed by those who knew you and those who read about you.

lina from nigeria

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Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class John D. House

Love, Thoughts, Prayers and Great Memories. For You, Our Friend, We Are Thankful!!!


The Russell Family

4 People who were blessed to have known you!

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Marion Britton

god bless you! Our prayers are with your family. You were a beautiful woman and are now a beautiful angel. rest in peace.

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Timmy J. Millsap

To Allyne, to Deanna, and to those much are closer than I; to Timmy.

It has taken decades to find you, a couple of Christmas cards a long while ago, days of research, and hours to think. As I reflect, I aim to type a worthy compilation - and hopefully appropriate message – obviously way too late for me.

Only if I had known…

Having served alongside Timmy in West Germany a very very long time ago, along the East German (DDR) border; for me there was a clear mix of pure professionalism with a great sense of humor - and more importantly – dignity – in Timmy’s demeanor, and everything he did.

Thoughts: As I look back, Soccer matches against the very best, inches from the East Germany border. A broken leg came later in another ordeal – and a new word came into our vocabularies – “Krankenhous” (sp). Later, Deanna came along. Challenges – was all what is was, and Timmy showed everyone how to hack through it all.

For some reason we also hack through life, no matter where we are, and expect those who might not be in such good contact, and in Timmy’s case, with very good reason; it is tragic to find out such news.

So I offer the Millsap’s friends and family my deepest sympathies from where I live now- Spain. I would like to finish with a quote from my own younger brother, who visited Bad Hersfeld – where we served – as advice for the the next generation:

“[11:00:55 PM] Luke Polansky HOME says: tell her (Allyne) that your brother .... who never served... holds a man who he never met in the highest respect –

[11:01:08 PM] Luke Polansky HOME says: and he has bought our freedom”

Go Red Devils….

Joby Polansky (Mojacar Spain, WI)

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Jane C. Folger

God Bless

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John J. Mattek Jr.

I was his football roommate during 2000 season at Point. He was a wonderful man. He was a true hero in every way.. God Speed Johnny

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Jerry W. Mills Jr.

We miss you and love you very much.

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Scott A. Zubowski

Dear Scottie,

Today is one year to the day that our world stopped turning. Guard those streets of Heaven with all the passion you lived with.

We miss you, Flying Dog...


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Ricardo Barraza


i love you

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Rusty L. Washam

I would like to tell the Family of Cpl. Washam that he was a great person and friend and i keep you all in my prayers everyday and i am so sorry for the loss of your all son and I just want you all to know i love you all and most of all RUSTY I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU ALOT but i know that we will all see you again GOD BLEES THE WASHAM FAMILY

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

there are no words to express loss

there are no days when loss is forgotten

there are no moments where pain can hide

there are no dreams that hide the nightmares

there are no smiles to replace the tears

there are no acts to stem the anger

there is only love to hold our hearts

remember that god is here and always smiles upon the grieving. his love is there to reunit in his light.

my thougths are with you and your family

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Thomas Edward Burnett, Jr

Mr. Burrnett

May God Bless you for your bravery. You stood for freedom and heroism on Sept 11, 2001. It is still hard to believe that 9/11 actually happened in America in this day and age. You lived a very wonderful life. You and the rest of the crew and passengers on United 93 will never be forgotten for what you did. You stop evil and you saved lives. Rest in Peace.

Brian Matthew Sheridan

Coral Springs, FL

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Anthony, by your death your father has lost his best friend, heir an only son. We pray the Allah will give him the strength to bear this great loss. Lord may Tony rest with the angels above.

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Jody W. Missildine

I worked with JW before he left for the army. He was a great guy and I will miss him always.

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Tyler J. Troyer

I hang your picture above my porch and hope it lasts for a very long time there. I know you had a hand from wherever you are, in Cara's miraculous survival from a gunshot wound to the chest, on the same day of the month, with the identical AK-47, at nearly the same time of the morning. There's no better way to send a sign than that. Guardian soldier! I think of you every day.

Barb Felde, Auntie

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Kevin J. Smith

You will be truly missed. I hope that wherever you are, you know how proud we are of you. You were one of the greatest, you are a hero! My thoughts and prayers go out to your famly, fiancee, and friends. You will not be forgotten.

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Jason D. Hasenauer

Jason, may God continue to bless your soul for all your sacrifices and serving you did for us on this earth. Lord please wrap your loving arms around those left behind that mourn Jason and console them your never ending love and fill their hearts with peace.

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Jason A. Fegler

Its been a year and it doesn't seem possible! We miss you every day and think about you often! Jason we know you died doing what you love and we thank you every day for the sacrifice you made. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN

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Marion Britton

may god take her to rest

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Anthony Fatayi Williams

I pray God gives his mother the fortitude to bear the irreperable lose of her son and may his gentle soul rest in perfect peaCE

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Anthony Fatayi Williams

I pray God gives his mother the fortitude to bear the irreperable lose of her son and may his gentle soul rest in perfect peaCE

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Army Sgt. Miguel A. Ramos

A un gran amigo y primo que siempre llevaremos y estara vivo en nuestro corazon

Gyder y familia

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Joseph A. Blanco

Dear Blanco family, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write to you, we are all now family by default! Jamie was in that Bradley with Joseph and I feel they were very good friends. When we received his "belongings" he mentioned Joe in his diary. As well as Paau and Roehl. I'm hoping you are finding comfort in the fact that Joseph was as much behind the cause as our Jamie was! I pray constantly for our boys and I'm sure they have a "heck of an army" in heaven. God Speed! Jim and Marie Costello

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Adam J. Crumpler

Miss you Adam!

Love, Dottie jean

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Deora Bodley

our hearts go out to the family from (Email Link)

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allen angehörigen

mein tiefstes beileid für alle, es ist nach jahren noch ein schmerz an diesen tag zu denken. Ich hoffe,daß alle sich später einmal wiedersehen werden. in ewiger trauer jörg aus germany

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

i am from philippines and though tom has been in his final resting place 4 mos. ago,i could still feel the pain inside my heart for the unforgiving barbaric acts that those evils did to these 2 young men on that fateful date!am a mother of 4,3 boys and a heart bleeds everytime i read news from inertnet of all the fallen young heroes who died in's true,tom's face looks so angelic,so sweet and very kind son.ive seen the pictures and brutalities of what these barbarics did to these 2 young men and i cant help but cry and always say a prayer for all of the fallen young heroes of is really so saddening but the only consolation i could feel is that..they are still very lucky because they will finally meet our CREATOR!my warmest thoughts and condolences for tom's family most especially to his mom!!i will always pray for tom's soul.what a brave young man!!

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Thomas Lowell Tucker

i am from philippines and though tom has been in his final resting place 4 mos. ago,i could still feel the pain inside my heart for the unforgiving barbaric acts that those evils did to these 2 young men on that fateful date!am a mother of 4,3 boys and a heart bleeds everytime i read news from inertnet of all the fallen young heroes who died in's true,tom's face looks so angelic,so sweet and very kind son.ive seen the pictures and brutalities of what these barbarics did to these 2 young men and i cant help but cry and always say a prayer for all of the fallen young heroes of is really so saddening but the only consolation i could feel is that..they are still very lucky because they will finally meet our CREATOR!my warmest thoughts and condolences for tom's family most especially to his mom!!i will always pray for tom's soul.what a brave young man!!

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Emigdio E. Elizarraras

my sweet sweet friend, time seperated us, but you & Kris were always in my heart. i am saddened to know our paths will never cross here on earth, but I look forward to seeing yu in heaven Thank you for the beautiful memories and for taking care of Kris. I am so proud to have known you.

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Ty J. Johnson

You were truly an American hero. The world was a better place because you were in it.

Rest in Peace. You will be sorely missed.

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Daniel L. Sesker

To the Family of Daniel Sesker:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

-------------------- ------------------------- ----

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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Dustin J. Harris

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven, and know that you will see your loved ones again in Heaven.

Rest in peace brave soldier, and may God bless you.

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Shawn R. Creighton

A truly kind-hearted American Hero who will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved him.


May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

Rest in peace brave soldier. You will be remembered always.

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Jody W. Missildine

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

Rest in peace brave soldier.

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Gregory S. Rogers

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever

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Joseph I. Love

To the Love family:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

-------------------- ---------

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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David S. Collins

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever

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James W. Gardner

To the family of James Gardner:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

-------------------- ----------

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die

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Randall L. Lamberson

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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Kenneth D. Hess

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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Joseph A. Blanco

To the Blanco Family:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

-------------------- ----------------

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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James F. Costello III

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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George R. Roehl Jr.

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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Scott M. Bandhold

To the family of Scott Bandhold:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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Roland E. Calderonascenio

To your loving family:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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Roland E. Calderonascenio

You will never truly be gone, because you will in hearts forever.

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you, but to also know you are watching over them.

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Andrew K. Waits

May God bless and keep your family in this difficult time.

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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Mark W. Melcher

May you rest in peace. May your family find strength in knowing they will see you again in Heaven.

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Clinton W. Cubert

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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Ian P. Weikel

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God give them strength to carry on without you.

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Robert J. Settle

To the Settle Family:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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Patrick A. Tinnell

May God hold you in his loving care.

May your family find peace knowing you are truly a hero.

Rest in peace, dear soldier, until you see your loved ones in Heaven.

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Clayton L. Adamkavicius

To the Adamkavicius family:

Please think of this when the pain of loss becomes too much to bear.

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die.

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Michael E. Bouthot

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

Rest in peace, brave soldier, until you are reunited with your loved ones in Heaven.

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Kyle A. Colnot

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

Rest in peace, brave soldier, until you are reunited with your loved ones in Heaven.

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Eric D. King

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven.

May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

Rest in peace, brave soldier, until you are reunited with your loved ones in Heaven.

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Travis C. Zimmerman

May you find eternal peace in the warmth and love of Heaven. May all who grieve for you find strength in knowing you are not truly gone because you will live in their hearts forever.

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Jason B. Daniel

May God hold you in the palm of his hand, and may his light shine upon you forever. May he give your family the strength to carry on without you.

Rest in peace, brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

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Robert W. Ehney

Rest in peace, brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

May God hold you in the palm of his hand, and give your family the strength to carry on without you.

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Shawn T. Lasswell Jr.

To Cpl. Lasswell's family:

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die

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Metodio A. Bandonill

Rest in peace, brave soldier.

May God hold you in the palm of his hand, and grant your loved ones the strength to carry on without you.

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Richard J. Herrema

For Richard's family:

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die

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Raymond L. Henry

For Raymond's family:

I Did Not Die

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow;

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush.

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there;

I did not die

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Raymond L. Henry

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family. May God give them the strength to carry on without you.

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Matthew A. Webber

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family. May God give them the strength to carry on without you.

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Bobby Mendez

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family. May God give them the strength to carry on without you.

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Bryant A. Herlem

You are prayed for daily, and will be deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family. May God give them the strength to carry on without you.

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Jose Gomez

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family. May God give them the strength to carry on without you.

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Steve M. Sakoda

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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Robbie G. Light

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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Joseph E. Proctor

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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Carlos N. Saenz

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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Teodoro Torres

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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Nathan J. Vacho

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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Joseph J. Fenty

You are prayed for daily, and deeply missed eternally.

May you Rest In Peace brave soldier, until your loved ones join you in Heaven.

My very deepest sympathies go to your family.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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