Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Joshua W Dickinson

You are my HERO and I miss you.


Aunt Sandi

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John Paul Bocchi

I did not know you, but you and every single person who perished will NEVER be forgotten!! It is our responsibility and duty as Americans to ensure that history does not repeat itself. God bless America, the greatest country in the world!! We will never forget!!

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Israel Garcia


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Jonathan R Ayers

We will miss you. You are a true hero!

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Jonathan P Brostrom

Today we lay to rest our American Hero who died serving his country.. He served with pride, glory, honor, and dignity... Jon you will Forever be in my heart and soul. I LOVE YOU JONATHAN BROSTROM, and I LOVE YOUR DEAR FAMILY..

Your: Sweetheart

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David W Textor

Hey Text... I miss you brother. Don't forget about us down here...

"we're goin campin"!


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Jonathan P Brostrom

Know you will forever have a place in the hearts of many. RIP Poseidon.

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Dawid Pietrek

Mój promyczku kochany:) Jestem dumna z Ciebie synku.... Pozostawiłes po sobie wszystko co najlepsze. To wielki zaszczyt byc twoja Mamą. Dziękuje Bogu, że dał mi Ciebie, że mogłam cieszyc się z twojego istnienia, patrzec jak rośniesz, dorastasz, jak zaczynasz kochac pierwszy raz, że mogłam dzielić z tobą twoje radosci i smutki. Dziekuję Synku, że byłes przy mnie i Ewuni przez całe swoje zycie, zawsze nawet gdy byłes tak daleko. Oddałes to co najcenniejsze za wolnośc i niewinnych - oddałeś bez strachu swiadomie i z dumą- własne zycie. Żyjesz w Naszych sercach.Twoja kochajaca Cie Mama Dorota i sostrzyczka Ewelinka.

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Sergio S Abad



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Robert A Lynch

We have not forgotten you Robbie. You will always be in our heart. RIP Jax, your tour of duty is over. You are now in God's Army of Angels. God Bless your and your Mother Angela and family. Sherri

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Gunnar W Zwilling

Curt, Alex, Gary,Gabe & Nicole and the entire Zwilling family,

I cannot say it in words, but I am so sorry for this.

I never had the chance to meet Gunnar, but he must have been a wonderful young man.

Anyone who thinks more of their country then of themselves is a hero in my eyes. Curt I will be praying for you and your health.

Love to all of you, Sonia (Hicks) Danback

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Willington M Rhoads

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jackie L Larsen

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jason D Mann

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Nick A Dewhirst

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Sergio S Abad

I am gonna miss you brother you were a great friend and soldier...

My heart goes out to your girl and family!

Kevin Babcock

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Jeremy D Vrooman

I never knew Jeremy. But I knew of him for 6 years.

I am family, and circumstances were such that our paths never crossed.


I know of his childhood michief

I know of his love of life

I know of his love of family

and of his dear wife

He had an awakening, as we all have had

His came too soon in the suburbs of Iraq.

His mother cannot fathom how it can be that a son so strong vanish an leave us .. Why me? Why Jeremy?

A father wrestles with family v country but a courage of hope knows, his paternal teachings have made his love.



Where is our husband, son, father, grandson?

With our angels and comrades.

Oh, and by the way, this one wears a stetson, and hunts in the black hills. He is waiting for his comrades.

We shall see him, and think of him, always, and love him

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Robert J. Shay Jr.

Uncle Robert ,

I miss you so much - there is not one day that goes by when I don't think of you. I wish you were still here I love you with all my heart

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Jeffery S Stevenson

In my Holy Spirit , Divine within me;sends prayers to Jesus, to go to the Father and asks for comfort for your family.....AnonymousSan

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Chad M Trimble

chad was a good friend to me, never let me do anything stupid if i was going to. always had my back. he was a good man. one of the best i knew may he be with god and know he is in a better place, i thank you chad for what you have done for me personally as a person, you and dysie will never be forgotten in my heart. i love you chad, like a brother. -Nicholas DeMarsh dicharged PFC of the united states army. 1-61 Cav 4th Brigade combat team 101st airborne division (air assult). life goes on my friend

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Sergio S Abad

duh duh duh!!! I miss you Sergio, and I'm so proud of you. It breaks my heart to know that you're gone but I find peace knowing that your life ended doing something that you loved. You changed so much when you went into the Army and in such a good way. I am always amazed at all your accomplishments especially coming from a past like yours. You will always be remembered and loved. I can't wait until your party. I'll make sure you have a drink for you. Sorry that we never got a chance to go back to Cheeseburger in Paradise for that drink. I love you a lot and miss you tons. xoxoxo


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David W Textor

You are deeply missed

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Jonathan Rojas

God-speed HERO

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David W Textor

You will always be Superman. God bless!

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Patrick F Kutschbach


Love you brother. The team misses you man!


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Joseph M Lancour


PFC Cleary



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Jason M Bogar

Your photographs are beautiful! The world is less beautiful without you!

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Adam D Quinn

you were an amazing cousin. I'll never forget the times we had. I'll always love and miss you. your birthday just passed and the family misses you now more then ever. we're all a mess but keeping it together. Can't wait to see you again some day.

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Reynold Armand

My deepest condolences to the family of this brave man and his wonderful family. He will be remembered and honored. And his death will not be in vain.

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Jason M Bogar

Jason, I got you as a young e-nothing and broke you accordingly. You were my high speed low drag and made us the best squad twice. Fromunda cheese to chasing tail, dam you son of a *****, I am proud of you just like the day you came into my squad.

God is telling you to drive on blade runner, keep up the fire.

SSG Olson

allen.j.olson@boeing .com

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John D Aragon

Shh !! Don't say a word. don't even whisper. It must remain unheard. Like a story without no beginning must remain untold. Like an object without a price cannot be sold. Keep it at a distance, it cannot be shown. It has to be kept secret, must remain unknown. For if no one finds out not even one, then maybe there's a chance GOD can undo what has already been done.--So I sit here and grieve alone, for there might be some hope if it remains unkown.

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John D Aragon

I still remember the day you died. Like a memory that never goes away. My heart is still broken John, I just wished you could have stayed.--Remember all the fun times we had and all the good times together. But now it just makes me feel so sad to think you are now gone forever.--I keep recalling your dying day, the time when we all just cried. We were never so sad as the day that you died.--A friend like you, I can't belive I found. My time with you was so special, our lives will be forever bound.--They say it was supposed to happen; that it was GOD'S wish. I just want to see you once more John, and give you a final hug and kiss.--You are a memory in my mind, and a love in my heart ! You're a memory that never goes away, and I wish your heart would re-start.--But I know it won't, no matter how much I don't want to believe it. My heart is like a jigsaw puzzle without you and the pieces just won't fit.--I know it's been over a month, nearly two in fact. You're a loving memory in my heart, and it never goes away.-- Love Wendy-- You were truly a wonderful friend.

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John D Aragon

I thought about you tonight and where in Heaven you might be. Is it really a better place it's too far for me to see.--Are you flying with the Angels ? Do you glide amongst the stars ? Can you see my prayers at night ? Can you see my hidden scars ?-- I'm walking in the rain, somehow it comforts me. I guess, I feel like crying when life cries next to me.--But no amount of rain could measure up the countless tears I've cried. No amount of happiness could fill the void I feel inside.--Tonight I feel like crying because there's so much I would like to say. But somewhere in my weeping soul I know I'll be okay.

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John D Aragon

I called you today! But I forgot you can't answer your phone anymore. I got you a rose but it died. I wrote you a letter but it flew away. I waited for you at the park but you didn't show. I went to your favorite restaurant but you didn't mkae it. I went to the cememtry and...I layed at your grave for hours hoping you would come back to me.

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John D Aragon

The days are long. The nights even longer. The pain has not erased, instead it's gotten stronger.

Sometimes I am back there again, there at the funeral home on that sad, sad day enduring so much pain. I want to crawl into a hole and hide away. The pain is always there no matter what I do.

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John D Aragon

John, I can't stand this pain. I just want to scream. I wish someone would wake me up from this nightmarish dream. I want to open my eyes and see you standing there. Seeing you laughing and telling all of your wonderful jokes and stories with such loving care It's never going to happen and that makes me really mad. I can't understand why GOD took you. We all and miss you so-we are so sad.

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John D Aragon

The pain is still here. No matter how much time goes by. As each morning approaches, I think of you and cry.--It's hard to think about what could have been. But I can't help but think about it now and then.--I think of you each and every day. I would have you here if I had my way.--But I can't change things no matter how many wishes I make. I will have to live life with constant heartache.

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John D Aragon

Inside my head, I hear you say, " you are so very strong, you can do this on your own." But it feels so wrong.~~I never got to say goodbye, that's what hurts the most. It haunts me to this very day, that you were so far away, I couldn't hold you close.~~I know that you are still close to us, I feel you in my heart, though you walk amongst the clouds, we're never far apart.~~Until the day we meet again, my arms will long to be wrapped around your loving form, where finally I'll be free.~~I try to understand why GOD chose me to endure this pain, this awful misery.~~Will I ever understand ? Will I never know why ? I can't think of a reason that you had to die.~~Sometimes these emotions are too hard to feel, but I hope they make me stronger, I hope they help me to heal.

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Jason D Hovater

Thanks for your service, Jason. We'll greatly miss you. I'm praying for your family. Joe Balazsi

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Gunnar W Zwilling

How is it thay you are too young to drink alcohol in your country, but to die for your country, there are no boundries....thanks for your sacrafice for us

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Jonathan R Ayers

Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice and service for each and every American. May your soul rest in peace. May you forever enjoy the vision of Jesus' glory.

May your family find extra strength, peace, comfort and love in the days ahead as they mourn your passing; in Jesus' loving name, I pray.

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Ann Nicole Nelson

Never forgotten.....

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John Paul Bocchi

Never forgotten.....

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Barbara Jean Bobbi Arestegui

Never forgotten.....

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Prokopios Paul Zois

Never forgotten .....

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Candace Lee Williams

As I lay here dying in your arms

For the last time I savour your sweetest of charms

How dare the angels who come to take me away

Assume I`m going to a better place on this day.

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Pruitt A Rainey

We will always miss your smile and laughter. No matter what kind of mood we where in you where always there to cheer us up. Most of the time though you where playing pranks on us. I will miss that. You where loved pruitt and I know you are in a better place. But I'm selfish and I rather have you with us. I love you pruitt and I will see you later.

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Sergio S Abad

I had the honor of knowing Sergio personally and even though we lost contact he was always a true brother through and through. He was always there when you needed a laugh and always there when you needed someone to watch your back no matter what the situation was. I will always remember all the crazy times we had together. The family misses you but knows we will be reunited again one day. For now theres a stooge watchin over myself, manny and the rest of us.

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Jason M Bogar

My Name Is Al Hurlbert. I was a soldier in the Army National Guard and spent time with Jason Bogar during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. He was a kind hearted, generous person who always thought of the needs of others before himself. I really enjoyed his company a managed to spend some time with him after returning back to Seattle. I knew he wanted to go back to the mid east. he told me he did not feel complete, being home while his comrades were fighting in Iraq and Afgahnistan. I do still have some pictures and video we both took in new orleans. And I have some happy memories of us to cherish. JASON, I WILL MISS YOU BRO!!!!!

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Luis E Gutierrez-Rosales

Thank you for making me proud of the soldier I have become. Every minute I wear my uniform is dedicated to you - and now to your family. You are always missed, Drill Sergeant.

As you called me "Heckle & Jeckle" :)

SPC Jennifer Valega, US ARMY

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Matthew M Murchison

As we come up on the anniversary of your death you are still greatly missed. There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of. There is such a huge void in our lives without you. I love and miss you. Love Dad

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Cody C Grater

My heart is broken...I love you!

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Jonathan R Ayers

Jon, thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice for our country. While so many of us are mourning, we can take peace that you are with our Heavenly Father and that he was with you during your last moments on earth. Well done.

You are a true hero and will never be forgotten. I am blessed and honored to have known you. Thank you.

Not only a Snellville, GA HERO, but an AMERICAN HERO.

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Jason D Hovater

we are proud of you!!!

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David W Textor

Dave your memory will be in our hearts and minds forever. You were a true friend and teammate. Never a worry with you watching our backs. We send love and prayers to the Textor family.

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Douglas J Bull

Doug you will be missed deeply, I still can't believe your gone. I am very proud of you and always have been. One day we will see each other again. With all my love your brother Jon.

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David W Textor

So sorry to hear of the loss. His memory will live on and what he has done for his country will always be remembered.

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Sergio S Abad

hey cito i know you are in heaven i remember when you gave your life to God. I know that you are in paradise and reuninted with Pedro. Thank you for your service. You have left an incredible legacy not only your beautiful but your fighting spirit. Your life has encouraged and motivated so many to live better. Thank you Sergio

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Jason M Bogar

You will be deeply missed by all those who had the honor and privilege of knowing you. You are an incredible American worthy of each and every Americans' deep respect and gratitude. You will not be forgotten by any of the many lives you touched in your short life. God bless you and your family.

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Jonathan R Ayers

We have lost a brave soldier who gave his all for his fellow Americans. Johathan you will not be forgotten. May god bless you!!

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John D Aragon

I have cried a thousand times, asked why a million more, your golden heart and bright eyes, won't walk back through that door.--So many things we'll never do, words we will never speak, I've never known such emptiness, or felt so incomplete.--They say your soul flies away to Heaven when you die, I longed to chase you on that sad, sad day, and fade into the sky.--I couldn't feel a single thing, except the urge to hide, peace will never find me now, a part of me has died.--You were my soul, my everything, and now I'm on my own. I don't think I can do this, I hurt down to the bone.

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David W Textor

"Staff Sgt. David W. Textor was killed when he was thrown from the turret of his Humvee during an enemy attack in Mosul, Iraq, according to his relatives."

(More Info)



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Army Spc. Wade Michael Twyman




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Shosei Koda

may you rest in peace

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David W Textor

Your love for our country will always be remembered. We will miss you. You and your family are in our hearts & prayers. "God Bless You"

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John D Aragon

For the first time since you were born we lie here so lonely in our bed. Without you here the swimming and spinning of our emotions and our heads. In the house where you used to lie (sleep) and we would listen to every breath and sigh. Our hearts sink into the depth of darkness at the realization that death did depart us.--What a beautiful baby, loving child and kind man you were.

We will miss you until we get there( with you).

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John D Aragon

Photographs mean everything when people leave. Maybe GOD took them away.--Maybe they were young and wasn't meant to go. Maybe a bike or car accident, or maybe even a war, its just too hard to know.--Or maybe it was his time to go. It came so unexpectedly and no one did know.--There is every kind of reason why our loved ones must leave. Sometimes they go and we so surely grieve and grieve.--But it's a sad fact that all you have left are cherished photographs.

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John D Aragon

I thought I would fall over and die. Maybe it was just a lie. I couldn't believe my ears. Nothing could stop the tears. My best friend gone forever, it was a relationship I did not want to sever. All my fears have come true. Now what do I do ? He left me all alone. This war isn't something one should condone. Terroism wasn't his choice. I wish he could have used his voice. Not one word could he say to me. Why couldn't I only see ? He was my best friend after all. But I just let him fall. Now my heart is filled with sorrow. And today is just yesterday's tomorrows.

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John D Aragon

My friend for many years. Time just disappears. Goodbye has finally came. And life is not a game.

I can't ever do this again ( lose my best friend to death's cold grip). He will forever be in my heart forever. I know, I will remember. But, I'm just sad right now. I guess it was time to go. Why, I don't know ?

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Jason D Hovater

Jason was our friend, our brother, a beautiful and kind young man who always wanted to help someone. He had every reason to be full of himself, yet he had not one arrogant cell in his body or soul. His voice was angelic and anointed by God, his sense of humor was profound. He was never afraid to laugh at himself or do impressions and voices of people.....he was hilarious. We have had so much fun knowing him. We will never go a day without thinking of Jason Dane Hovater. What a hero.

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Jason M Bogar

I know you died doing what you love, it would have been nice to see you on leave when you got back though. All the boys will be there this friday to pay our respects, I love you and I miss you brother. I will always hold a place for you in my heart and will never forget you as long as I live. -Scotty J

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Jonathan P Brostrom

I love you Jon...I miss you...and I will raise our son with to be just as heroic and noble as you. He is so lucky to have someone like you watching over him...and I am lucky that I will always have a piece of you through Jase. I will always love you. Me

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Sandra W. Bradshaw

I can not express the sorrow and shock I felt as I learned my schoolmate from elementary up to high school had died in this manner. I had just seen her at our high school reunion and asked her what her secret was to be able to look prettier and younger than she did at 18? She laughed and thanked me. She was stunning that night and having so much fun posing for pictures with her friends. My mom went to Pleasant Garden school with her parents. I remember when I was younger spending the night in her home once, skating in the garage. She was a kind and beautiful person and my heart still aches when I ride by her parents home down the road from mine. God bless to John (Pete) Pat and the whole family. Now that I am a parent to grown children, I can not imagine the pain you must feel. You will see her again... Sincerely, Kimberly Hales Kime

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Ronald L Coffelt

One year and you are with me still every day. Miss you but know you are here watching. Hero, friend. You're already home/

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Jonathan P Brostrom

I pray that God gives your whole family the strength to deal with this horrible tragedy. I am sorry for your loss.

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Jonathan P Brostrom

To the family of 1LT Jonathan Brostrom,

My deepest condolences for your lose. My brother, 1LT Benjamin J. Hall was KIA on July 31, 2007. He was also with the 2-503RD PIR 173rd ABCT. While its impossible for anyone to understand your personal grief I do understand your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you.

Please know that Jonathan will forever be remembered as a hero and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Katherine Hall

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Matthew B Phillips

American Legion Post 149 of Jasper, Georgia

salutes Matthew B. Phillips for his service to his country.

Dale Burdge - Senior Vice Commander Post 149

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Pruitt A Rainey

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you Pruitt for all you did for this country. You are with God now. May you rest in peace knowing that you will always be remembered. (Megan Brown-Graduate of Campbell University)

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Sergio S Abad

hey serg!! we all love and will we will always remember u!


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Peter Jennings

im i pass 8th grade ?

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Jemal Legesse DeSantis

Jemal - Even though your felt continuously surrounding us in spirit, it sure would be wonderful to have your support and talk with during such a critical time in our family.

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David W Textor

David, you gave your life for our country...We will never forget you, you made the biggest sacrifice, And your memory will be honored and remembered!!!!

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god bless this man and his family. We will always remember his sacrifice.

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John D Aragon

The time comes when those whom we have loved the longest and the best will travel into a place of joy and rest....And we must walk a lonely path through shadows for awhile without a certain kindred voice, a dear, familiar smile--yet each day brings us nearer to horizons yet unknown. And even when the way is dark, we never walk alone, for memories travel with us toward the happy destination where we will join our loved ones in eternal celebration.

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Jeffery S Stevenson

Your sacrifice will remain in our hearts for a lifetime,

with intense gratitude. May God bless you and your family.

Rest Safely and Securely in God's Loving Arms.

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My husband.

I love you baby... they say rest in peace, but i say rest however you want. You never listened anyway. And i neevr got the chance to tell you, but it's a girl. Te amo.


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Israel Garcia

Te extrañaremos y te recordaremos toda la vida mientras dios no deje vivir, fuiste una persona excelente y muy buena con tus Familia y con todos los que te conocieron en vida Tambien fuiste un buen ejemplo para tu Hermano Ramsses. Que dios te tenga en su santa Gloria y que descanses en pas ,Que nosotros todos los que te conocimos en vida nunca te vamos a olvidar Yo te extrañare mucho montando Tu caballo Alazan ''El Dorado''

De parte de tu Amigo y Familia.

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Israel Garcia

Mis mas sentidos pesames van para la Familia Garcia de Long Beach California con tan inrreparable perdida de su Hijo El Sargento Israel Garcia.

De parte de su compadre Francisco Solis de Mount Vernon WA.

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Samson A Mora

I was aboard the transpacific flight carrying Spc.Mora's remains. Upon landing we were asked to remain seated as his casket was offloaded. There were nearly 300 people on that plane, representing a wide vaiety of nationalities. You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that was given as a sign of respect. The Captain thanked Spc.Mora for his service. It was touching. My condolences to the family.


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Joel A Taylor

Joel you are in God's hands now. We will meet you again some day. We love you very much.


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Jeffery S Stevenson

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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Jeremy D Vrooman

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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David W Textor

May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family forever.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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