Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Robert T. Lane

Nothing will ever take away the sorrow that we all feel. God Bless all of you.

Judi Gage Lundh, cousin

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Amy Hope Lamonsoff

A beautiful person. An unspeakable loss.

Roger, friend

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Stephen LaMantia

Thinking of you and praying for your wife, children and family. We miss your smiling face. God bless you, Stephen.

Karen M. Del Piano, neighbor

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Christopher Randall Larrabee

I met you in Tucson the year you and my son graduated from the University of Arizona. It pains me to think of a young life gone so quickly. My heart goes out to your family, and I remember them in my prayers daily. May you rest in peace.

Yolanda Valdes, acquaintance

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Ingeborg Astrid Desiree Lariby

You are deeply missed. You were a wonderful, kind intelligent person. You helped me out during my first few months in New York and made me feel that I had something to aspire to and that things are always better than they first appear. All your friends enjoyed the evenings you would organize with people from different countries, etc. Great get-togethers. Great fun. I am greatful to have known you and miss you.

Zara Bethell, friend

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Ingeborg Astrid Desiree Lariby

I only knew Ingeborg for a short period of time. She was a wonderful person and will be missed terribly.

Angela King, coworker

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Ruth Sheila Lapin

Ruth began working in my AT&T organization on Sept. 11, 2000. Ruth was always such a joy to be around, so humerous, so warm and so caring. While decorating my Christmas tree this year, I said a prayer for Ruth as I hung the Christmas ornament that she made for me last year. Ruth was a very kind person, not only did Ruth make an ornament for me but for our entire group. May God Bless Ruth's family and sustain them with His love.

Esther O'Brien, co-worker

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Mary Lou Langley

Mary Lou Langley was my best friend for over 30 years. She was not famous and she did not accomplish great things with one exception: Mary Lou gave love every day of her life. She made the world -- and the lives she touched -- happier and easier. Her laughter was infectious and she displayed her generosity quietly to everyone around her. She asked little of life, yet gave back the most important thing she had to give -- her heart. I will miss you, old friend.

Elizabeth Ruch, best friend

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Venessa Langer

Hope you're in a good place, Venessa. May God be with you.

Richard Maffei, co-worker

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Robert T. Lane

Nothing will ever take away the sorrow that we all feel. God Bless all of you.

Judi Gage Lundh, cousin

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Amy Hope Lamonsoff

We miss and mourn you, but take comfort in our memories and the continued presence of your spirit.

M. Celenza, friend

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Amy Hope Lamonsoff

A beautiful person. An unspeakable loss.

Roger, friend

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Stephen LaMantia

You fought the good fight, you have finished your work. The White Cross of Sigma Chi has gained new luster by your life. In Hoc, Brother LaMantia.

Mike Giurato, fraternity brother

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Stephen LaMantia

Thinking of you and praying for your wife, children and family. We miss your smiling face. God bless you, Stephen.

Karen M. Del Piano, neighbor

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Thomas Kuveikis

Tommy, you truly will be missed. You were a great brother, son and father. My heart goes out to the family of Tommy because they were all very close. He surely has left a void in their lives. We will all miss you.

Darlene & Joe Gajewski, cousins

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Lt. Michael Scott Lamana

If the old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" is true, then you must be someone special. I know your dad through my sister and he is one of the kindest, funniest and genuinely nice people that I have ever met. God Bless you and your family--God must have needed an army of angels for him to have called so many home at once.

Lisa Fontenot, acquaintance of father

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Lt. Michael Scott Lamana

Michael (everyone else called him Scott)was a fun individual. He lived life to enjoy it not let him pass him by. I recall walking in the rain with him and laughing as we jumped into the puddles. Each day was a fresh experience, one to treasure and remember. Although his life was shortened by terrorism, his impressions will be remembered. I salute you Michael Scott and all that you stood for!

Ryki Carlson, friend

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Lt. Michael Scott Lamana

I knew LT Lamana as Midshipman Lamana during his time in the Naval ROTC program at LSU. I don't remember him as a great athlete or an exceptional student, but he was memorable to me because of his loyal dedication to the Navy. He was part of the intangible spirit that ran through Battalion. He was a good friend to his shipmates and would always greet you with a smile and most likely a funny story. He made it a point to go out of his way to do good deeds. He once delivered flowers to my wife on Valentines day. Mr. Lamana exemplified the phrase "officer and a gentleman".

Whether they are aware or not, this country will miss LT Lamana and the many others like him who dedicated their lives to service and paid the debt of our national defense with their lives.

CDR R. S. Gregory, Former Naval Science Professor

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Frederick Kuo Jr.

A devastating loss to all of us. He was a generous man who made growing up on our street a wonderful experience. All of us will miss him, no matter where we are. Love, the Brennans and the rest of the Locust Street crew.

Justin Brennan, neighbor for many, many years

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Vincent A. Laieta

Words cannot describe the feelings that your family and friends are experiencing. We miss you so much. Mike and I can remember the many family gatherings, especially our wedding. I can remember how close our families were. But now there is an emptiness. May you find peace in your special place.
Lynn and Michael Hunter, family friends

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Vincent A. Laieta

I worked with Vinny at Reliance. He was a sweet, kind and gentle person. The type of guy that was always smiling. He invited me to his home for a cook out. I went and of course Vinny was the cook. Vinny was happy with his life and family. God bless you, you will never be forgotten.

Araceli Marti-Cruz, co-worker

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Danielle Kousoulis

Danielle was a bright and vibrant young woman who had a wonderful future. She's now a bright and shining star in the heavens, watching over all of us.

Val, acquaintance

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Vanessa Lynn Kolpak

Vanessa is one of the brightest, kind-hearted and a super all around kind of gal. My heart is filled with sadness when I think of my life without her. I think about her voice and smile everyday.

Dorothy Kolpak, aunt

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Ryan Kohart

Hey man, keep smiling. We all loved you.

Sean McGuirk, friend

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Michael Patrick LaForte

We were Marines together in the early '80s, serving overseas together in '85. I have not seen you or your family since after the Gulf War and wanted you to know that you are thought of with fond memories, not only as a Marine Officer but as good friend and dedicated husband. The last thing you said to me was that you missed your Marines. Mike, you are not forgotten! Semper fi.

Steve Manning, friend

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Andrew Knox

My deepest sympathy to all those who knew and loved Andrew. I didn't, but I feel the need to let his loved ones know that this tragedy has affected us all. I have felt the pain of losing somebody close through tragic circumstances, and remember the kind words which I received. I know it doesn't help, but I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that Andrew will never be forgotten, because nobody will ever forgot these events. May he rest in peace.

Fiona Kyriacou

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James P. Ladley

I played baseball with Jimmy when we were teens (Staten Island, NY). He was a great team mate, nice person, and a very good ballplayer. You are missed and will always be remembered. God bless your family and friends.

Jim McKillop (Atlanta, GA), Babe Ruth baseball teammate

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James P. Ladley

I was in his wedding party 5 years ago; he was my best man 3 years ago. Our wives have become best friends; his children are a beautiful reflection of himself and his lovely wife Sheri. A few months ago over dinner, my wife Natalie, and I asked Jimmy and Sheri to be the godparents of our child a little girl. I think that's the highest compliment you can give to friends. Well Jimbo, you accomplished a lot of things in life; you strived to be the best at so many things. To me personally the one thing I know you got 100% right was being my best friend. I will never forget your smile your laugh, your patience with me, your passions for life. Jimbo, thanks for being the best friend a guy could ever have.

Michael McAvoy, best friend over 36 years

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James P. Ladley

He wanted you to feel part of his success, his home was your home, and his generosity was endless. He shared so much of his life with my family and friends, always making people feel comfortable wherever he went...I was given a lot of respect based solely on the fact that I was Jim Ladley's friend. I felt a tremendous amount of pride in that. Jimmy stood for all the right things in life, family, friendship and the love of his country. He loved his family, and always placed them first...When I needed advice, whether it was about my family, my relationships, or business career, I could count on Jimmy to give me his honest, straightforward, no-strings-attached opinion. Sometimes it wasn't what I wanted to hear, but always what I needed.

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James P. Ladley

He had a passion for life. He never took the easy way out. He was a dedicated athlete from childhood, as a young baseball player, he was a Little League Allstar. He had the toughest position, catcher. In high school at Moore Catholic, he was the best defensive forward. His responsibility was the other team's best offensive player, usually bigger and better skilled, but Jimmy's heart and desire evened the score...

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James P. Ladley

One of the many enjoyable stories of our friendship is how we met... We met in the hallway outside Sister Margarites 1st grade class. We both were thrown out for misbehaving. Right there we developed a bond that never broke...

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James P. Ladley

I was lucky enough to know James Patrick Ladley, Jimbo, as I called him, for 36 years. Our paths crossed many roads, hill, valleys, peaks, right and wrong turns. Through all of it, we remained the closest of friends...

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Alan D. Kleinberg

A wonderful husband, father, son, brother and grandson. We miss you Alan, and we have this huge void in our lives that will always be there.

Vicki Shoemaker, mother

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Angela R. Kyte

Hoping that her friends and family are pulling together in this time of sorrow.

Ted Kyte, possible distant relative

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Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum

To a wonderful, kind, and funny man who will truly be missed by all.

Jennifer Lohse Paccione, friend

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Thomas Kuveikis

Tommy, you truly will be missed. You were a great brother, son and father. My heart goes out to the family of Tommy because they were all very close. He surely has left a void in their lives. We will all miss you.

Darlene & Joe Gajewski, cousins

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Chris Michael Kirby

Goodbye Chris, you'll be sadly missed.

Damian Sloane, friend

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Patricia Kuras

Pat was a wonderful person, someone who was very courteous, thoughtful of others. It was a pleasure to know her.

Pat Kuras, colleague from Barclays Bank

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Patricia Kuras

he tragic event of September 11 has taken away a great friend. We have been friends for 25 years and although we did not see each other all the time, it was always good to know that at any time either one of us could pick up the phone and call each other and get together. Your memorial service was beautiful. Your brother Thomas did a great job and your mother looked so pretty. The day of your Memorial Service was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. Your friendship always meant a great deal to me. I know the holidays will be tough for everyone this year, but I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers always. You are one of my only friends that ALWAYS remembered to send a birthday card so you know without a doubt I will be thinking of you every year on my birthday. Miss you.


Barbara Purdy, friend

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Frederick Kuo Jr.

A devastating loss to all of us. He was a generous man who made growing up on our street a wonderful experience. All of us will miss him, no matter where we are. Love, the Brennans and the rest of the Locust Street crew.

Justin Brennan, neighbor for many, many years

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William Krukowski

I regret so many things that I did and didn't do. I always thought there would be time. I pray that you forgive me. I'm very sorry that I didn't make time for you.

Diane, friend

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Danielle Kousoulis

Danielle was a bright and vibrant young woman who had a wonderful future. She's now a bright and shining star in the heavens, watching over all of us.

Val, acquaintance

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Abdoulaye Kone

So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May God be with you.


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Vanessa Lynn Kolpak

Vanessa is one of the brightest, kind-hearted and a super all around kind of gal. My heart is filled with sadness when I think of my life without her. I think about her voice and smile everyday.

Dorothy Kolpak, aunt

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Ryan Kohart

Hey man, keep smiling. We all loved you.

Sean McGuirk, friend

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Andrew Knox

My deepest sympathy to all those who knew and loved Andrew. I didn't, but I feel the need to let his loved ones know that this tragedy has affected us all. I have felt the pain of losing somebody close through tragic circumstances, and remember the kind words which I received. I know it doesn't help, but I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that Andrew will never be forgotten, because nobody will ever forgot these events. May he rest in peace.

Fiona Kyriacou

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Ronald Philip Kloepfer

Ronnie, your legacy will live on forever. You and everyone that was prematurely taken from this screwed up world will never ever be forgotten. Slowly but surely, somehow, we will all get thru this horrible time in our short lives. Be well.

Jamie Szenher, classmate

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Alan D. Kleinberg

Alan's smile and laugh stay with me. The love he had for his three children -- Jacob, Lauren and Sam -- was forever. Alan never made it to 40. How happy he would have been at his special birthday surpise planned by his wife -- a trip to Las Vegas with three of his closest friends. He is deeply missed by his wife and children, by his parents and in-laws, by his sisters and friends and relatives.

Ellen Botwin, cousin

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Alan D. Kleinberg

A wonderful husband, father, son, brother and grandson. We miss you Alan, and we have this huge void in our lives that will always be there.

Vicki Shoemaker, mother

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Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

To my friend and brother, Thank you for your continuing impact on my life. Thank you for setting the standard high enough to stretch me, but also for making it seem accessible enough that even someone like me could reach it. I miss you.

Richard Lee, friend and brother

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Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum

I will always remember you. You were a good friend of the Gettinger family.

Lori Gettinger Stock, friend

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Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum

To a wonderful, kind, and funny man who will truly be missed by all.

Jennifer Lohse Paccione, friend

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Chris Michael Kirby

Goodbye Chris, you'll be sadly missed.

Damian Sloane, friend

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Douglas D. Ketcham

Doug was one of the finest nephews I have ever had. He was so kind and precious. We will miss him terribly.

Bobbi Wills, aunt

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Ralph Francis Kershaw

My father was my hero. The man that I went to when I needed to share a

story, solve a problem or just to get one of his big bear hugs. He was the

kind of man that would do anything for his family and friends, whether it

was building skateboard ramps and playhouses or doing survey work on a

friends boat for free. He was a man that commanded respect and he was loved

beyond words. We will never forget you Dad.

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John Keohane

I miss you lots, John. I always looked forward to seeing your name on my caller ID or e-mail, just to say "hi" or actually ask me to do some work for you. I truly enjoyed every minute of working with you. I'm keeping the picture of you with your perpetual smile from this site posted by my desk. And thanks for the pralines!

Mary Minton, co-worker

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Joseph A. Kelly

I saw Joe at the Commack High School South golf outing on August 20th, three weeks before September 11th. I had seen Joe just three times since we graduated in 1978. Once at the 10-year reunion in 1988, again at the 20-year reunion in 1998, and last at the golf outing. Each time, we spent time talking, laughing and catching up. One thing you have to give Joe -- success did not change him. He was the same loud, wise-cracking, good-natured guy he always was. He comes from a great family. God, please bless Joe and his family.

Gregg Koutouvidis, friend

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Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

My wife knew Andy Kim in college. I had the chance to get to know something of him at his memorial service in October. Andy Kim was loved by many, for he loved God. His passion for the Lord was evident to all who knew him and allowed him to love his neighbor as himself. Others recognized this, and loved him for it. Those who knew him grieve at his passing, but perhaps we should rejoice for him for he now sees the Lord in all His glory. I know that must be so cool to Andy.

John Okulski, husband of a friend

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Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim

To my friend and brother, Thank you for your continuing impact on my life. Thank you for setting the standard high enough to stretch me, but also for making it seem accessible enough that even someone like me could reach it. I miss you.

Richard Lee, friend and brother

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Rajesh Khandelwal

A dear, dear friend of mine whose smile was the most contagious of all! I will sorely miss you forever, Rajesh!

Jaisimha Saranathan, colleague

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Leo Russell Keene III

On September 11, I lost a friend and brother-in-law, his wife lost a husband and his kids a father, and the world lost a special person. My heart goes out to all of those who also lost someone on that terrible day.

Michael A. Ott, brother-in-law

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Boris Khalif

Our deepest condolences to the family. We are sorry about your loss.

Medovnik family, friends

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Ruth E. Ketler

I think of you so often - we only knew each other in passing as most neighbors do. But you were always so kind and friendly to my dog Remington. I do remember you in my prayers and I hope that you were not scared and I know that you are in a much better place now. May God keep you near Him.

Brigid M. Rumpf, neighbor

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Douglas D. Ketcham

I did not know him personally, but worked very closely with his cousin Jason. We are a very close-knit office, and his loss is ours too. We have been deeply affected by the attack on September 11 and will forever keep God's newest angels in our thoughts and prayers.

Cynthia R., cousin's co-worker

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Douglas D. Ketcham

Doug was one of the finest nephews I have ever had. He was so kind and precious. We will miss him terribly.

Bobbi Wills, aunt

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Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin

Ron and I attended basic emergency medical technician training in the 1987- 1988 time frame.

We were both members of the Levittown Fire Department.

I remember Ron as an outgoing, caring person.

I knew he was going to do well in his career as a firefighter, it seemed to be in his blood.

He achieved great success in the fire service as a lieutenant for the New York Fire Department and as a chief in the Levittown Fire Department.

I feel we use the term hero too loosely but what people like Ron did was truely heroic and deserving of such accolades.

I wish his loved ones (he) left behind well and want them to know that Ron has impacted my life.

God rest his soul and all the victims of 11 September, 2001.

Lloyd "Tweed" Cafran, friend

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Karol Ann Keasler

Karol -- As each day passes since that horrible day in September, your passing becomes more real. I miss you, girlfriend. It's hard for me to accept that I will only be able to talk to you in my mind and heart now -- and only imagine your response. I know you will help me with this. You have a lot of people who will need your help to get through this -- who love and miss you terribly ... Your Mom, your Dad, Susan and David and Michael ... and many other family and friends. You have your work cut out for you as "guardian angel of many". I know you will do a great job, as you have in all of your work on Earth. Karol, I have made a commitment to myself on your behalf to become more knowledgeable about what is going on in this world. I never paid enough attention to the politics and religions of other peoples and countries. 9/11 and the loss of my friend of 30 years has opened my Pollyanna eyes. I will become more educated -- because of you. This will be my tribute to you -- seems very fitting as you were always one who thirsted for knowledge and learning. I love you and will always have you in my thoughts. This will be a struggle between smiles and tears. Eventually, I know the smiles will win out; we had too many fun and fantastic journeys together! Love you, girlfriend -- see you again some day, Lori Ann.

Lori Jackson, close friend

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Ralph Francis Kershaw

In loving memory,

Kristin Kershaw, daughter

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Ralph Francis Kershaw

My father was my hero. The man that I went to when I needed to share a

story, solve a problem or just to get one of his big bear hugs. He was the

kind of man that would do anything for his family and friends, whether it

was building skateboard ramps and playhouses or doing survey work on a

friends boat for free. He was a man that commanded respect and he was loved

beyond words. We will never forget you Dad.

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John Keohane

I miss you lots, John. I always looked forward to seeing your name on my caller ID or e-mail, just to say "hi" or actually ask me to do some work for you. I truly enjoyed every minute of working with you. I'm keeping the picture of you with your perpetual smile from this site posted by my desk. And thanks for the pralines!

Mary Minton, co-worker

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Joseph A. Kelly

I saw Joe at the Commack High School South golf outing on August 20th, three weeks before September 11th. I had seen Joe just three times since we graduated in 1978. Once at the 10-year reunion in 1988, again at the 20-year reunion in 1998, and last at the golf outing. Each time, we spent time talking, laughing and catching up. One thing you have to give Joe -- success did not change him. He was the same loud, wise-cracking, good-natured guy he always was. He comes from a great family. God, please bless Joe and his family.

Gregg Koutouvidis, friend

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Joseph J. Keller

In the small amount of time we spent together, we had some good laughs. You will be missed.

Mark D'Alessio, neigbor

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Joseph J. Keller

I recall riding our bikes as young boys, and I remember the enthusiasm Joe would exhibit. How he would take his time to try and help me learn all the tricks he could do on his bike. I never learned them, and he never grew tired of trying to teach them. I was glad we ran into each other ten years later, spending train rides home catching up. I'll miss never getting another chance to learn those tricks. Goodbye Joe, I'll miss you.

Lon Kidds, friend

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Chandler R. Keller

I never knew you, but we went to the same high school, even though we were seven

years apart. Your death brought this tragedy even closer to home. I keep your

wife and family in my prayers every day. May you enjoy God's eternal love and

peace. Go Knights!

Monica, BMHS alumna

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Leo Russell Keene III

On September 11, I lost a friend and brother-in-law, his wife lost a husband and his kids a father, and the world lost a special person. My heart goes out to all of those who also lost someone on that terrible day.

Michael A. Ott, brother-in-law

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Paul H. Keating

Paul is one of the nicest guys I know.

He loved life.

He loved to laugh and have fun.

He loved his family, his job as a firefighter, and his friends.

I am privileged to have been his friend these past years, and I will never forget him.

A true hero, who will truly be missed.

Mary Marzano, friend

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Karl Henri Joseph

These firefighters were heroes. They will live on in our hearts forever. Be proud of them.

Daniel Peck

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Richard M. Keane

The quintessential good-natured guy. Always upbeat. Always ready, willing and able to make anybody laugh. I can hear his Irish hello: "Michael, me lad!" It makes me smile just to think about it. Dick is my role model for what a great husband, father, coach and friend ought to be. Although life didn't always give him roses, he was a great gardener in more ways than one. Along with my Dad, he is one of my heroes. God bless you and hold you in His hand, Dick Keane.

Mike Murphy, Keane's cousin's husband

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Don Jerome Kauth Jr.

If only I could change the things that have happened, but I can't. Don Kauth was such a gentle, thoughtful, caring person. I pray for everyone else who knew him. I've known his son for years within the sport of hockey and that's how I was able to meet Don. I just want to let all of Don Kauth's family know that I share the greatest sympathy with you.


Joe Zeitler, friend

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Charles L. Kasper

We went to high school together. We were not close or buddies. But his loss is felt and I am saddened by it.

Charles Kaminski, classmate

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The Rev. Mychal Judge

He is giving last rites and he is taken to the promised land. The first funeral of many in the land -- a pastor, a fireman, a friend to all of man.

Linda Stonebraker

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Douglas G. Karpiloff

Doug was an intelligent and a great guy. He was highly spirited and dedicated and one of the best in my Hofstra engineering circle of friends. I will never forget the memories Doug gave us all at Hofstra. We will miss him.

Alan Josefsek, college friend

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Charles Karczewski

Charles Henry Karczewski, Chuck as we knew him, was a loving husband, son, brother, godfather and honored friend. He was my dearest friend, a brother in my heart, a unique and genuine person. He wanted only for others to enjoy life with him. His character was that of a mature thoughtfulness with just enough innocence. His desire to learn and try new things was indeed infectious. Chuck possessed this wonderful quality of making all who met him feel comfortable in his presence. There was no pretense. He commanded a rare and wise soul. An emotional wound was opened that will be difficult to heal in the absence of this kind and noble gentleman. We will miss him, but we will never forget him.

James Wiggins, friend

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Alvin Peter Kappelmann Jr.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Al's family.

Kathleen (Puckhaber) Taylor-Marvilla, childhood friend

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Alvin Peter Kappelmann Jr.

Al was kind enough to allow me to set up my office in his area when he was with Liberty. I was able to enjoy his time and laughs, which I still miss. My prayers and thoughts are still with all of you.

Charles Guterl, co-worker

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Alvin Peter Kappelmann Jr.

I knew Al from my first year in New York, 1983, fresh off the boat from Bermuda. We then both worked at the Home Insurance Company, and I always enjoyed Al's company. He had a terrific smile and sense of style. To Al's wife and two daughters, I'm so sorry for your loss and ours.

Greg McMillan, friend

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Alvin Peter Kappelmann Jr.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Al's family and the families of all of the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Kathleen (Puckhaber) Taylor-Marvilla, childhood friend

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Robin Kaplan

Robin was a very special person and we were lucky to know her. Her family and friends love her and will not forget her.

Patty Welsh, friend

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Sheldon R. Kanter

You were so often there to support Adam, Evan and the rest of the JPS Hawks at our bowling matches. I appreciate your support and express my sincerest condolences to your sons and family on this loss.

Josh Lemerman, family friend

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Jennifer Lynn Kane

My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Matt DiFiore, former classmate

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Stephen Joseph

Almost like family you were to me and my brother (Ricky), Steve. I keep a copy of this picture by my desk at work and I look at it every single day. I still don't or can't imagine that you're gone. My prayers are with your wife, dad and other family members. You will always be with me in Spirit! Love! Rest in Eternal Peace!!!

Xiomara Hansen-Guillette, friend

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Prem N. Jerath

You will always be loved, missed, rembembered, and never forgotten. You have blessed all of our lives and for that we are thankful. Words cannot begin to express how much we miss you.

Poonam and Dev Gupta, niece and great nephew

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Robert J. Hymel

You are a true American hero who served your country proudly and heroically. I promise to tell your grandchildren all about you and how their "pop-pop" Hymel was truly a great man. Thanks for the memories. R.J.H. -- gone but not forgotten.

Kelly Conners, family

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Brian L. Jones

I knew Brian when He worked at UBS in Midtown. Brian was a great technician and good worker. He will be missed.

Peter Lonstrup, work friend

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Donald W. Jones

Don was one of the friendliest people I ever met. Our prayers go out to him and his family.

Bob S., friend

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The Rev. Mychal Judge

He looked like such a warm, caring man. I wish i knew him when he was alive. Whenever I see his face on TV, I cry.

Amy Wohl

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The Rev. Mychal Judge

He is giving last rites and he is taken to the promised land. The first funeral of many in the land -- a pastor, a fireman, a friend to all of man.

Linda Stonebraker

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Angel Luis Juarbe Jr.

Light, and eternity, and love, and all are mine at last. And now they are Angel's.

Valeri A. Sullivan

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Angel Luis Juarbe Jr.

My son and I watched "Murder in Small Town X." We didn't get to watch the very last episode until three weeks after September 11 and realized the person we had wanted to win because of his kindness was lost in the terrible attack. Our hearts go out to you and your family. May you watch over them from above.

Sheryl & Matthew Rutherford

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Angel Luis Juarbe Jr.

Angel was the best you could be on the TV show as he proved to the world that he was smartest and won the game. We'll miss you Angel! R.I.P

Phil, Television Fan

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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