Hey Chato, its Jordan. Man, i just cant believe you are gone bro. I think about you every day man. Like earlier, i went to go get gas and i went inside and got somethin to drink while my truck filled up. when i came out, there was a gray car next to my truck and the guy was turned around, it looked just like you. i almost yelled to you but it hit me. im not taking this very well man, why did it have to be you man, why? i guess god had his reasons, but its not fair. if you could, come to me and let me know whats goin on up there, i want to know. keep me posted devil! love ya bro
We love you and miss you so much. Kelsey continues to pray for all the soldiers each night. I have heard her talking to you when she thinks no one is around to hear her. I know your watching over the little ones now. We will keep you in our daily lives, we miss you so much Bubba.
July 22, 2007You are the light of my life. I know you are gone from this earth and heaven is your home now, but I sill you so deeply and always will. I think of you so many times in the day, you are my inspiration t keep going. It's been almost 7 months since you have been gone, but 7 months closer to when I will see you again in heaven. I love you, Mom
July 22, 2007You are the light of my life. I know you are gone from this earth and heaven is your home now, but I sill you so deeply and always will. I think of you so many times in the day, you are my inspiration t keep going. It's been almost 7 months since you have been gone, but 7 months closer to when I will see you again in heaven. I love you, Mom
I do hope Shawn's family will read this. We live locally and attended Shawn's funeral. At the end of the school year my 5th grade, 11 year old, son brought home art projects completed throughout the school year. One of these projects is a paper mache soldier standing at attention and saluting. At the base of this sculpture is written: "In memory of Shawn Falter". I asked my son if each classmate made a project honoring Shawn and he said no, that it was his idea. This sculpture is proudly displayed in our livingroom. I am blessed that my son recognizes Shawn's sacrifice. And, I am blessed to know that courageous, honorable, men and women, like Shawn, protect us, and those who cannot protect themselves.
RIP Gene, We'll never forget you. You were so funny, just hearing you talk would crack me up! I'm sorry you didn't get more time with your little boy~you will be missed!
El Senor Jesus los bendiga y fortalesca, Dios es bueno todo el tiempo el es perfecto en todos sus caminos el tiene la llave de la muerte y el tiempo de la vida, Gracias Agradescamos a Dios nos permitio tener a Robertito en esta vida y demosle gloria honrra y honor a su santo nombre con todo carino sus hermanos en cristo Macedonio y Gloria Rodriguez desde indiana nos unimos a su dolor.
Hermanos Roberto y Rocio Causor desde Austin Texas les enviamos nuestras condolencias y pedimos a Dios porque los fortalesca los amamos en Cristo jesus Juan y Alma Torres y fam.
May God hold you in the palm of his hand and give you peace. My condolences to the family and they are , as are all the families of our fallen, in my prayers
Jason, our true hero. The "protector"; we were always so proud of you, but it wasn't until you became proud of yourself, that you could see this. Our hearts are filled with great sorrow as we will miss you everyday of our lives, but your legacy will live in our hearts forever. I know you will be watching over us forever and I have never been more proud. Rest assured that Logan and your Mom will always be taken care of, I give you my word. ALL MY LOVE FOREVER, LOVE AUNTIE
Jason I cry for you and ALL your fallen brothers. You were a good youngman We are all proud of our Moscow boy who so bravely went to war for all of us,you shant be forgotten"OUR HERO". I want to Thank You. You can look down on us and be proud and see just how much you are LOVED and missed.Cause there most certainly many people that are Proud of you accross the country .So sad :( :( Thank -You Jason Diane
You gave all you had to give. Not for God nor Country, not mom's apple pie. You life you scaraficed, most will never know why. Those who knew you, ask God daily. Why him God, oh why. If I could only share wth them, what only we warriors know. Their chests would swell, their heads would be held high. Knowing that their son had given his life so that his buddy, his friend, his brother, would not have to make this sacrafice. Mom trust this total stranger, who writes to you now. There's only a few things that scare a Soldier more then his own demise. First on the list is having to say I'm sorry to his buddy's mom as they stand watching him being lowered down to sleep forever, tears flowing from both their eyes..
Rest well my brother. I will always remember you for who you were, what you stood for and how well you led your soldiers. We will not forget you, we will not allow others to forget...you will always be in our hearts.SSG Jason M. EllisC Co. 1-8 CavIraq '04-'05"Reapers"
I served with Chris and he was a great medic.This is SGT Troy Hunter who was part of the Quick Reaction Force for Chris.He was a great medic for the Gators of Alpha Battery.--God Bless this man--
Le Ron you are greatly missed. The world will never be the same for many without you. I want to thank you for your courage and bravery in standing up for what you believe in. May you soul rest in peace.
Although i never knew you...i want to say thank you! There was 2 people who have died for us,Jesus Christ who died for our souls and the American soldier who died for our FREEDOM! Airborne! PFC Wilke,Rebecca
Although i never knew you...i want to say thank you! There was 2 people who have died for us,Jesus Christ who died for our souls and the American soldier who died for our FREEDOM! PFC Wilke,Rebecca
Although i never knew you...i want to say thank you! There was 2 people who have died for us,Jesus Christ who died for our souls and the American soldier who died for our FREEDOM! PFC Wilke,Rebecca
Gene my little brother, gonna miss you and I know that your standing tall waiting for us at your new post. I really cant believe that this happened. you were so damn funny, cool and you always had something to tell us Georgia style. Your little ones should know that you were a great American Soldier and were loved by all of us. I am proud of you from the day you arrived to the Cobras of 1-8, God Bless and I will see you again someday. Elysse and Victor Gutierrez "Cobra White 4"
Please accept our deepest condolences. We lost our nephew, Lt. Keith Heidtman on Memorial in Iraq. I am truly saddened by your loss. It is just so hard to lose these wonderful men. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers as is Jason.Sincerely, Jane O'Brien
Though I never had the honor nor privilege to meet Starcevich in person, I am married to a man who was his fellow comrade and buddy. It hurt me to see my husband hurt finding out that one of "his" soldiers had been KIA. With only words to express his courageousness, humor, and his attribute of being the true definition of a soldier, I feel that I learned a lot about him through my husband.I wish many peaceful nights for his family who must persevere with only his angel to guide. He obviously meant a tremendous amount of love to so many and I wish that he be in the hearts of everyone forever. He will NEVER be forgotten.He will forever be in my heart forever. Rest in Peace Brave Soldier. YOU are why we are free.
I thank my husband for everything he gave for his country. I will miss him dearly and will never forget that he was a soldier and gave his life for everyone in our country.
Beto y Maria, mi mas sincero pasame para ustedes y toda su familia. Yo se que no hay nada que les pueda decir que los haga sentir mejor o alivianar su dolor. Perder un hijo es el pesar mas grande que el ser humano puede sufrir.Araceli Barragan
We won't know why God takes our loved ones in the timing he does until we see him ourselves but we have to trust that God loved Roberto so much that he needed him closer to him in heaven than he was on earth. My heart and prayers go out to this family. I can't imagine the heartache you are feeling but hope and pray for God's Grace to fill you during this difficult time.
I look at your picture everyday in my office. I think about old times, i know you're keeping an eye on all of us still here. We all miss your wit. Your family misses you awful and Shawn Falter is now a household name as your hometowns Hero. Thank you for protecting us.
Thank you SPC Hartge for your love of country. you are an inspiration to us all. We will miss that awesome smile of yours. You will live on in our hearts forever.
Die Sonne soll nicht mehr dein Licht sein am Tage,und der Glanz des Mondes soll dir nicht mehr leuchten,
sondern der Herr wird dein ewiges Licht und dein Gott wird dein Glanz sein.Nicht mehr untergehen wird deine Sonne,
noch wird dein Mond abnehmen;denn der Herr wird dir zum ewigen Licht sein.
Und die Tage deiner Trauer werden ein Ende haben.The sun will not be your light by day,
and the moon will no longer be bright for you by night:
but the Lord will be to you an eternal light,
and your God your gloryYour sun will never again go down,
or your moon keep back her light:
for the Lord will be your eternal light,
and the days of your sorrow will be ended.Isaiah 60, 19/20******************** ******************Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt,kann man nicht durch den Tod verlieren.What is deep in your heart,
you can not loose through death.Joh. Wolfgang v. Goethe******************* *******************Das einzig Wichtige im Leben sind die Spuren von Liebe, die wir hinterlassen, wenn wir weggehen.Diese Spuren hast du hinterlassen...
Aber da du im Gedächtnis deiner Lieben lebst, bist Du nicht tot, sondern nur fern; tot ist nur, wer vergessen wird.Für mich warst du leider auch vorher oft fern, daher ist es schwer den unterschied zu verstehen.Ich bete für deine Familie und Deinen Sohn!
Dear Bruce:AKA(Junior) Since u were a little boy u were always one of the sweetest kids in the neighborhood. I will miss u dearly as will others. I will always remember ur laugh and that big smile. Rest in Peace u are now with our lord.
To Roberto's family,I can't know your pain, but Roberto's loss just breaks my heart. It is everything I have feared for my own son, begging him not to enlist, not to become a police officer. The danger. in both cases, to our sons' minds and bodies, is more than I can handle. If anything happened to him, I think I would want to die. I've lost loved ones in my life, but I can't even comprehend losing my son.. it makes me cry just to think of it... so I can only imagine how you must be feeling, losing your son.Bless you all and take special care of yourselves and each other.
thank you kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!we all miss you and we thank you for being our hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!y ou will always be in our hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r.i .p. to one of the finest young men to ever come out of philipsburg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will never forget you pfc kyle bohrnsen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! thanks for being in our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Jason's Family:My son Spc. Trevor Hogue was Jason's friend. Trevor, being from California, loved Jason's accent and the fact that he called arms "clam diggers". Our hearts break for your loss. May you find peace and comfort in the arms of your family and friends.
Rodney I miss you so much! Dustin just told me what happened. I hadn't heard from you in so long so I figured you were busy... I feel so bad. I love you n miss you like crazy! You were always my light when it was dark!
Jon was a personal friend of mine. I wish the family of Jon to find some comfort in his passing. Jonboy was very loved by all of his friends and he will be missed for many years to come.