Liberty unites

liberty unites us
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Jean P Medlin

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Medlin family. May God keep you in His Guiding Light.

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David W Behrle

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Behrle family. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

David has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Joseph A Gilmore

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Travis F Haslip

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

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Alexander R Varela

May God give the Varela family the strength to carry on through this difficult time. Alexander served his country proudly now he serves with angel's wings. May God keep him in his Loving Arms now and forever Amen.

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Jason A Schumann

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Schumann family. May God give you the strength to carry on. Jason bravely served his country, now he serves with angel's wings

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Julian M Woodall

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Woodwall family. May God give you the strength and guidance to carry on.

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Mark Zangrilli

May your life not be lost in vain! You are now in the arms of the Lord!

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Ryan D Collins

A hero forever!!

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Benjamin D Desilets

May you rest in the arms of GOD!!

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Katie M Soenksen

Katie, We all love and miss you! You will never be forgotten!!

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Johnathan E Kirk

Johnathan was the sweetest guy that I have ever known. He will be greatly missed. He loved like no other man could and he was loved like no other man was.

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Stephen D Hiller

I am lighting this candle for my brother. He is gone but he will never be forgotten. He is truly missed and loved dearly. His children will always know what kind of honorable man he was. Dusty I will always love you and miss you. love always your sister ashleigh

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Joshua R Whitaker

My condolences to the Family of this Brave Soldier! May they know he was a Brave Man!!!

Faith Ritchie

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Ahmed A Cason

gone but not forgotten

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James D Connell Jr

I lived in Ft Benning Ga when I met James Connell and his wife and children. I will never forget during a power outage going over to his house and he gave me a camping lantern and a flashlight to use, my husband was in Kuwait at the time and I will never forget that. He was a great father and loved his kids very much. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Melissa Saint

Ft Polk, La

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Joshua R Whitaker

Thank you for your service and for believeing in a better world. This world will not be the same without someone with such a brave heart in it. As a muslim and an American I thank you for all the Good you have brought to this earth.


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Daniel W Courneya

I am a Michigan resident of Middle Eastern decent and a Muslim. I would like to thank the heroic soldiers who are fighting against some of the most barbaric extremists in the region who hide behind a belief that Islam does teach nor support. May God bless your soul for being such a brave brave man and fighting for a cause you most certainly believed in. My heart and prayers go out to your family in the time of grief. God Bless and Thank you Daniel Courneya for believing in a better world.


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Christopher N Gonzalez

thank you for everything you did....i love you and miss you, your forever in my heart!!

~your anuty

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John T Self

I worked with him in Korea. I was brand new and we stood post together many times as well as off-duty activities. I was also stationed at the 314th SF and we had a great service for him yesterday.

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Michael D Thomas

My dearest bubbers! i miss you so much, but i know you are still watchin over all of us, you were an angel then and you are still one now but just up in heaven now! we all miss you and love you, and you will forever be in our hearts!!

p.s. I LOVE YOU!!!


I love you whole infinity, whole heart and nothing more than that, and MRE spoon!! xoxox's

your lil sis


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Christopher N Gonzalez

U are a Angel and true Hero

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Jeffrey D Walker


We are so proud of you!! We will love you, and will miss you!!!!

Love - Rikki

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Joshua R Whitaker

thank you for your service. hope god shows you how much everyone down here loves and misses you.

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Nicholas S Hartge

Thank you Nick. You are my hero.

From: Isabel Alicea (7 years old) Kendallville, IN

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Matthew Koch

Thank you

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Kyle A Little

Thanks Kyle - I don't light candles but I will say a prayer - True Americans DO undersand your sacrafice - again - Thanks

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Jeffrey D Walker

Jeffrey will not be forgotten. He will always be in our hearts and minds. Who could forget a good son, brother, father, friend,and MOST OF ALL OUR HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he will be with Conner all the days of his life.

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Joshua R Whitaker

Thank you for your service, you have earned your place in heaven, may your memory continue to make all who had the honor of knowing you proud.

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Wilberto Sabalu Jr

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Sameer AM Rateb

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Robert J Dixon

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Virgil C Martinez

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Col James W Harrison Jr

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Astor A SunsinPineda

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Ryan P Jones

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Timothy P Padgett

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Dan H Nguyen

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Anthony J Saust

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Michael K Frank

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Allen J Dunckley

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Thomas G Wright

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Jason R Harkins

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Blake C Stephens

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Kyle A Little

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms. Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on. He has proudly served his country. Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Jason R Harkins

to hell kids and babies killers

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Jason R Harkins

to hell kids and babies killers

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Kyle A Little

God Bless you and your family! Our prayers and thoughts are with your family through this trying time. Thank you for your service to our country, You have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

With our deepest sympathy,

Jay, Julie, Jay Jr and Hannah Knapp

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Jeffrey D Walker

He will be of the last good men that was left.he was a good friend.

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Blake C Stephens

Thank you and bless your family. May you and kyle rest in peace. thank you

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Christopher N Gonzalez


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Kyle A Little

my grandson made the ultimate sacrifice for our country so we can feel safe from terriorists. I honor his memory and the time I had with him on earth. I am a proud grandfather and look forward to the day I will see him someday in the hereafter.

Paul A. Little USCG Ret

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John T Self

Thank you for your courage and strength. Thank you for defending our country. May God bless your family. You will not be forgotten.

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John Self

Thank you for your courage and strength. Thank you for defending our country. May God bless your family. You will not be forgotten.

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Kyle A Little

you will be missed by all. my thoughts and prayers are with the family.

love, charlene

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John T Self

You gave the ultimate sacrifice...your life and for that we will forever be grateful. Thank you for defending this great nation. You will not be forgotten. You're safe and free now.

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John T Self

You were a great friend and I will miss you always.

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Kyle A Little

Kyle, thanks for the ultimate sacrifice, it's greatly appreciated.

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Joshua A Schmit

My Most Sincere condolences to Jessica and the Schmit family.

From One Army Family To Another:

Amanda (Pierskalla) Behm

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Kyle A Little

God Bless and thank you KYLE for making us free. You are a true hero.

a family friend

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Cornell W Gilmore I

am very sorry that you lost your life

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Christopher N Gonzalez

We'll not forget the sacrfice for us!

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William A Farrar Jr

Hi my name is Annia and I am lighting this candle to bless William and all other soldiers who have died for us. God bless you Melissa and your whole family to give you strength in time of need. You are always in our thoughts and hearts!

We Love You!

The Contreras Family

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The Family of SSgt Self

I did not know SSgt Self personally, but my husband was involved in his memorial service held at Camp Victory, Iraq a few days ago. It touched my husband in a way that I've never seen before, and because of that I know that SSgt Self must have been a great guy. Thank you, for sharing him with our small Air Force community!

SSgt Terrika Hendricks

United States Air Force

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Larry I Guyton

May you be at peace with god. Our prayers are with your family.

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Steven Tudor

I don't understand why you had to leave this world so soon. I miss you so much. I fought for you so much and then you were taken away so fast. You were my big baby and always will be. I love you.


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William A Farrar Jr

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Andrew J Bacevich

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Bacevich family. May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

Andrew has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Anthony J Sausto

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to the Sausto family.

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James D Connell Jr

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones.

May God give you peace in your heart and strength to carry on.

He has proudly served his country.

Now, he proudly serves with angel's wings.

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Daniel W Courneya

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

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Christopher E Murphy

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on Your departed veteran who gave his life in the service of his country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of Your Son he may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever.

I ask this through Christ our Lord

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Rhys W Klasno

Dear Lord, please bless the soul of this brave soldier and hold him in Your loving Arms.

Please keep Your Shining Light over his family and loved ones

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Nicholas S Hartge

Dear Lord hear my prayer.

Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.

Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.


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Douglas A Zembiec

America has lost a hero and we have lost a leader. Semper Fi Major

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John T Self

I knew you for just a short while but you were a great guy... The TDY to Japan was a blast... Rest in peace man...

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John T Self

My prayers go to the family at their time of sadness. Not just the family of John T. Self but all the families who have lost a loved in Iraq. Thank you for serving our country.

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William A Farrar Jr

My name is Debbie Davidson. My bestfriend is his Aunt Melissa. My family and I send our condolences. We send out our thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. Thank you Tony for gighting for our country. Forever a hero. My candle is burning for you!

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Jason W Vaughn

You are so very missed Jason! You were one of the greatest people I have ever known..thank you for giving me the chance to know you. You are in my heart and prayers.

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Walter K O’Haire

wally you will all ways be our hero and we are all going to miss and love you all ways

love you auntie mary

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John T Self

My condolences and deepest sympaties are with the Self family. I worked with John while we were both assigned at FE Warren AFB in Wyoming. He was a good-hearted and easy-going person. He will be missed by the Air Force community.

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Adam C. Conboy

I love you and I will miss you forever. I will never forget all the time we spent together. Love always---bt

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William A Farrar Jr


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Jason W Vaughn




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William A Farrar Jr

Rest in Peace, Tony! I love you and will miss you deeply! I light a candle in your memory! Aunt Melissa

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Jason W Vaughn

Will miss you deeply Jason ....i SALUTE you....

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Douglas A Zembiec

There are a few men in each generation who are born to be leaders. You, Sir, were one. Our nation was gifted by your service. It would be my greatest honor and privilege, in some far away field to shake your hand and say, "Thank You."

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William A Farrar Jr

My daughter is very good friends and goes to school with William's younger sisters. My heart and prayers go out to them and their parents during their tremendous loss. I am personally grateful and thankful for William's ultimate sacrifice and to fight in this war and defend our country so selflessly. May God bless William's friends and family and give you all comfort and peace in your faith in Him.

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Christopher S Kiernan

You have been layed to rest but never forgotten. God bless your soul.

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Douglas A Zembiec

The Lion of Fallujah life accomplishments will live forever in our minds. The loss of his life stands as a perpetual reminder of the valor and ultimate sacrafice we cherish in our hearts for conducting the noble efforts of protecting this great nation our United States.

Our hearts and prayers are with his Family.

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Nimo W Tauala

I love you my dear cousin. May you rest in peace in Heaven where nothing can ever harm you again.

We all miss you & will always love you.

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Charles O Palmer II

I will miss you as someone I never met but I will miss you because you have saved me and others from no freedom.

~Mary age 10~

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Roy L Jones III

A friend of mine was in the same unit as Roy and I just want to say you are all in my prayers as I know how it is to lose a loved one to this war. My bestfriend Christian was killed four yrs ago April 2, 2003. And you just have to keep your head up and stay strong for Roy.

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Bradly D Conner

I worked with Conner in the 90s at Ft Carson and recently at Ft Lewis. He is a true american and I will never forget him. My condolences to his family he left behind. My heart aches.

-A Fellow Brother of Arms

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eddie t

angela tamez

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Katie M Soenksen

Peace be with you. May the Lord confort your love ones

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Matthew L Alexander

I am truly sorry we lost my BUDDY!!!!


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eddie tamez

cousin Eddie i will always and forever miss you heck you are an American soldier you can't be forgotten. Just wish we could of said our goodbye's in person well guess it will have to wait till we meet again. Love ya Angela Tamez

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Roy L Jones III

This is my friend. This is my friend who died for a country who wouldn't let him serve openly. He died and I have no idea why. I'll never get to dance with him again. I don't know why.

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 For Philip A. Murphy-Sweet   For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez  
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